Tuesday, July 5, 2011

You disagree with this?

So Mark Hoverson’s pre-training
videos are dropping nuclear bombs
on how to actually create time-freedom
& ca$h-flow in this industry.
Common Assumption = You become
a sponsoring machine + create your
own products + get really good at
marketing…and you are golden.
Mark’s training = nope.
His video about the epidemic of the
“lone ranger” syndrome pretty much smashes
those assumptions. He claims that
the secret to quantum wealth, and
actually “doubling your happiness”
is something almost everyone misses.
Watch it here:
This is fun,
Your name
ps…okay let’s do one more myth-buster
Mark is striking at…
Common assumption = until you make a decent
amount of money inside this industry you
have no business creating “caffeine” products
in the $197 range.
Mark’s training = nay. nay. nay.
His “caffiene ca$h” video walks you through
why peeps who have made little or no money
in this industry are poised to make products
with E-X-T-R-A value compared to the gurus.
Hint: This is the kind of “reverse-logic” that
allowed him to walk away from the mobile
home & food stamps lifestyle…into being
invited to meet Donald Trump privately
(Tip: he didn’t take the invite because
he didn’t really care. Why? Well, you will
learn more about that later).
For now, if it is at all humanely possible,
chisel out as much time as it takes you to
comb through EVERY pre-training video he
has inside his “Blueprint” page.
Let’s be honest: who wants to spend another
minute being stuck trying methods that don’t
work…and will never work…no matter how
hard you try…why not hack into the blueprints
of someone who has generated 8-figures instead?
Rumor has it (ok it’s not a rumor because it
actually happened) that while multi-million dollar
producer Ann Sieg was studying Mark’s “Irresistible
Webinar” pretraining video, she sent an immediate
bulletin to her team saying, “We are adding these
blueprint for our webinars starting NOW!” If the
matriarch of attraction-marketing Ann Sieg is taking
notes, do you think you might glean a secret or two as well?
Watch the same video here:
Mail Friday, July 8th
Subject: why people buy fast, or don’t buy <–new vid
Wouldn't it be nice to f-i-n-a-l-l-y
figure out exactly why people (as in
massive amounts of people) either buy,
or don't buy your products?
Once you know the blueprint (not many
people know it btw), the science of
raking in constant ca$h-flow becomes
so easy.
Sounds too simplistic? It's not.
Hoverson's new video is a living "case
study" in showing you how the blueprint
actually works. (Warning: if you don't
implement this blueprint, people really
just don't buy). However, if you know
how to implement the blueprint, people
really do buy. It's that simple.
So, in a blazing fast 16-min video, you
are going to see a little trick Mark
uses over and over that causes the ca$h
register to go ching! ching! ching! constantly.
Here are a couple tips to keep in mind
while you go through this amazing video:
#1- When people buy something, they pay
with money. Duh.
#2- Thus, even though you've heard that
people buy stuff based on "emotion" or
whatever…at the end of the day, they
actually pay with money. (Just try going
to your bank and depositing other people's
emotions…it doesn't go over very well).
#3- Therefore, whatever you are selling,
you have to provide a compelling "over the top"
reason for them to part with their money
for your product.
What you are about to see is an example
of how Mark guides people through the
"value grid" so they go, "aha! of course
I'll pay for that…I'd be crazy not to."
He uses his "Irresistible Info-Marketing
Blueprint" product as a sizzling demonstration
of how you can do this too.
So, watch Video 2 "Quantum Wealth" to see
this blueprint in pristine action. And then
you will know how to do it too. These are
the keys to unlocking ca$h-flow. Enjoy:
Watch "Quantum Wealth" now:
Let's rock,
Howard Martell
ps…actually "crunch" these numbers as you
watch the blueprint so you can see how you
can actually "triple your income":

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