Monday, October 28, 2013

HOME The chic elegance and sophistication of marigolds, beloved of the Virgin,their eclat, their unrestrained colors, their militant aspirations, their bitter altercations, their

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Author’s program note. I noticed them right away, of course. I would. There they were, a startling and astonishing range of oranges, from burnt to bright, from brilliant to bombastic, each alluring.
There was nothing shy or hesitant about their presentation. They stood in pristine glory before the world with adamant certainty, sure that they would be noticed, scrutinized, and inevitably complimented, extolled and desired, found wanting in absolutely nothing.
These were the marigolds, lordly flowers indeed, perfection in any bed or border even when, as here on Waterhouse Street, they had too little space in which to arrange themselves to their strict, precise standards, impeccable, daunting for others, so seemingly effortless for them.
At last.
So, the Christian Science church’s caretaker had at last taken my advice and bought a box of these confident flowers… like so many aristocratic ladies in bespoke perfection posing for the world, sure in every manicured leaf that they were worth your sustained glance and admiration. That caretaker should have taken my advice earlier, for these extremely self-assured marigolds were certainly to the manner born. I stepped closer, bowing low to get a better look.
The flower bed was instantly on the qui vivre, for what I meant as nothing more than curiosity, well-bred courtesy, an act of exquisite politesse and gentility, was at once misinterpreted by the recipients as expected deference and complete adherence, a partisan… but to whom? About what?
For now there was pronounced agitation as what had first appeared to be uniform gave way to unmistakable faction, turmoil and agitation; what had just a moment ago been serene and calm was now anything but.
Petal pandemonium.
The bed writhed with purposeful activity, as every loyal flower marched to its assigned station, this moment anticipated, planned for, rehearsed, now executed. It was a scene of breathtaking awe… and terrible purpose. The brigades of Tagetes Patula massed for their high and dire business. Every heart beat fast… the marigolds were surging now, their colors all unfurled, each row in perfect cadence and array.
There were tears, of course, how could there not be as kith, kin, friends and neighbors would be uprooted, perishing along the way, desiccated, withered, radiant no longer, the more honored, precious withal; jolting evidence of what success entails … but above all there was pride, pulsating, uplifting, the flower of the flower of the Virgin.
And so the French marigolds, showy, thrilling, sublime, riveting every eye, marched forward, forward, forward… nothing more perfect and precise ever seen… nothing more perfect and precise ever desired, the notes of their eerie chant de guerre “Marigold” (released by Nirvana in 1993 and found in every search engine) floating in the crisp air of perfect autumn…
“He’s scared ’cause I warned/ He’s there in case I want it all/ He’s scared ’cause I won.”
Then the celebrated “Six color pictures all in a row/ Of a marigold”, pictures sung about but never shown to or seen by the unworthy and unregenerate.
Written in 1992 by American rock musician Dave Grohl, it was the only song released by Nirvana not to include any contribution from frontman Kurt Cobain (1967-1994). He had demons enough of his own already, and they were already savoring the fast-evolving catastrophe; “He’s there in case I wandered off”. He would need marigolds and the Virgin’s comforting touch… but not yet.
Quo vadis?
And so the ranks of awe-inspiring marigolds, this time of the French variety, impressed, dazzled, and caused every life of whatever kind to stop, watch, and be glad that such a host of puissant warriors was not on this day marching towards them… determined to achieve this mission, as they have achieved every such mission down the ages (or so they say, believe and propagate), no matter the foe, its size, or their numberless ranks.
The marigolds, you see, are not what you once thought and often said upon seeing them in the verdant park of some great chateau, “Oh, the little darlings!”; thereby insulting them and exposing your own expansive ignorance They were neither little nor darlings… thus making yours a mind and opinion they meant irrevocably to change this very day, in a shower of their flashy panache.
Thus they annexed terra firma, inch by inch, until the wide world awoke to their astonishing presence and what might happen by overlooking Nature’s “little darlings”‘ and misunderstanding them so.
And so the marigolds, tireless, determined, resolute, recognizing no obstacle as even remotely powerful or sufficient to delay their adamant purpose marched on and on, their chant de guerre known to all and everywhere… for the marigolds carried nirvana in their stylish kits, never a petal or a stem out of place, certain of who they were, where they were going, what they must do and the ineluctable victory and supreme achievement which must be theirs and for all to praise and forever remember.
“Welcome to Calendula.”
Then there it was… a giant billboard with this adamant declaration, “Welcome to Calendula, home of the REAL Marigold. Accept NO substitutions” and a picture of the Virgin holding a sprig of Calendula Arvensis, the field marigold; a flower that looked like a daisy, not at all like the brilliant, ostentatious French marigolds, their elegant uniforms a la mode designed on the Rue de la Paix.
These swaggering flowers were now arrayed in their thousands before the great fields where Calendula Officinalis held sway; the rich flower from which a staggering number of renowned herbal and cosmetic products named “calendula” (from the Latin, meaning “little calendar”) inevitably derive, each balm to a troubled world; a world which cannot get enough of this plant, its soothing properties, its gift for uplifting, refreshing and reviving.
This is what the world needs; this is what they give the world, all welcome, no one ever turned away, an unequalled place of empathy, of kindness, of unstinting care, of tranqulity and unconditional love… except for Tagetes Patula. Tagetes! Their unqualified Nemesis! Tagetes! Usurper of the very word marigold!
Tagetes! Insolent! Condescending! A by-word for arrogance! Hubris! Unceasing disdain! Their greatest and most tenacious foe… their own cousin, close related, their very similarity augmenting, fermenting their abiding contempt for each other.
“Hear this, O World. I am the REAL marigold, the one true marigold!”
Thus did two great and unreconcilable hosts stand before each other on the plains of destiny, malice on their minds, mayhem at the ready. “Attention!,” said the resplendent Tagetes officer, his golden epaulettes shining. “Eyes forward!”, shouted his Calendula counterpart. Then both together, “March! Forward march! Engage! Engage!”
So in their thousands and their tens of thousands did the magnificent marigolds move against each other, no parley, no compromise, no moderation possible, risking absolutely everything for just one word.
The morning after.
“Father, father. Look what I have found! I found them at the top of the hill, all uprooted, their stems cut, leaves covered with dirt. I didn’t steal them, I promise. They are so beautiful.”
The father knew where they had come from and why they were there. “I know you didn’t, son. We shall take these flowers with us to Ganga Ma, Mother Ganges for each must be cleansed in the perpetual waters beyond time, for even flowers, things of sacred life and destiny, must have their sins washed away and go pristine into the great forever.”
Thus as the sun rose, they chanted together “Ganga Mata Ki Jai!” –”Victory to Mother Ganges!” — whilst they threw the marigolds into the timeless waters and watched their unmatched splendor drift away in the muddy eddies, enriched by the ashes of the faithful and chips of their bones, their undimmed radiance accompanying the dead on their final journey, amrita, nectar of immortality. Dedication.
For Earth maven Patrice Porter, a woman of great heart and tenacious spirit. Here is your inspiration… build your burgeoning empire upon it, helping all. >From your friend, the author.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen print books, several ebooks, and over one thousand online articles. Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell <a href=””></a>. Check out Niche Flipper ->

Do you know how to produce content that gets people worldwide to respond — FAST? Read this and you will! The Master reveals his secrets!

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by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.
Author’s program note. I’m going to do something quite different in this article; something unique, unprecedented, unheard of until now. I’m going to share — for the first time ever — my trade secrets about how I produce the best and most responsive content anywhere; the content that gets people like you to stop in your tracks, whatever you’re doing, no matter how important, read what you’ve written… and respond to it.
Once you learn how to do it, you’ll use this invaluable skill over and over again… becoming more and more proficient each time, until you become a master too, a brand name, a recognized authority, someone people want to know about, pay attention to; quite simply the consummate master of your craft, constant deference, increasing rewards, recognition and admiration your part, and rightly so. Of course, we’ll need a little magic to make this happen; such magic is useful at any time. Now repeat after me…
” Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo/ Put ‘em together and what have you got/ bibbidi-bobbidi-boo”.
These are of course the words of my colleague Fairy Godmother, from the 1950 Disney production. She was, you’ll recall, the kind-hearted, sympathetic darling who, in record time, organized everything necessary to rush a radiant Cinderella to the ball… and her prince.
You’ll find the song in any search engine. Play it to yourself two or three times… sing it out loud. But don’t share it with anyone just yet. After all, they may be a certified scoffer, gruff, dismissive, unhelpful… and that will never do. Bibbidi-bobbidi- boo. “It’ll do magic believe it or not.” Believe… it’s the first and crucial step to achieve.
Pick your subject.
Creating content that gets maximum response starts with your subject, what you’re writing about. Here are some suggestions: It should be timely, of interest and importance to the kinds of people you want to respond (future customers!), and most of all be a subject you either know something about already or one you are prepared to research, to add depth, resonance and layers of meaning.
The last article I wrote just yesterday (one of over 1000 I’ve penned in the last three years or so; all available at was on… marigolds. Does this seem to you to be an unlikely topic to knock out of the park? Dubious? Then think again! There are millions of people worldwide who grow marigolds, use health and beauty products derived from marigolds, and honor them in their obsequies and solemn rites of passage into eternity, particularly along the great river Ganges,1569 miles long, its muddy waters flecked by the bright brilliance of golden marigolds, beloved of the Virgin, the gift of countless pilgrims along the way.
Outline your content.
To write superior content, content that motivates response, you must create a superior outline. Here’s how to do that. Brainstorm just what you want in your content; then do a preliminary outline. Don’t worry too much now about whether the points you want to make are in the right order. Worry instead that you have written them down. Never, ever trust to imperfect memory. . Once you have all the points you wish to include, arrange them in the right order, the order that builds your case. To see what I mean, go to and peruse several articles there. As you do, think on this. This teeming site, content capital of the world, now gets over 1,000,000 hits a month and should be a “must” destination for anyone who understands the importance of content and wishes to master its every nuance, profiting accordingly. That would be you, right? Bibbidi- Bobbidi-Boo.
The joy and necessity of careful research.
I am a trained researcher with a Ph.D. from Harvard University. It took me seven meticulous and arduous years to achieve. I had to identify, travel to, work in and rely upon the arcane resources of dozens of private and public document depositories in several countries. My life was a demanding and insistent process composed of passports, tickets, incomprehensible pre-Euro currencies, strange accommodations with lumpy mattresses (and too often voracious bedbugs). As for food… I can even now remember, and luridly recite if you like… the various collywobbles to which I gave way en route to being elevated into the peerage of learning.
That was then; this is now.
These days my continuous researches are vast, detailed, up-to-date, best of all the work of minutes, with nary a plane to (wait for) and catch… or odoriferous train, the malfunctioning toilet making its noisome problem known to all and always over shadowed by one frightening question, “Have you seen my typewriter and my notes!” “I thought you had them when we changed trains.”
In our wired age research is easy, universal, distinguished by its celerity, thoroughness… and a researcher who now never looks like he slept in his clothes in the Iruna station, assaulted by fantastic mosquitoes and suspicious border guards, the jack booted minions of Generalissimo Franco, a man whose sole idea about intellectual endeavors of every kind (and the research on which they were based) was to crush, curb and curtail them.
The Internet has changed all that forever… and I, for one, am profoundly glad.
Now it’s time to write.
My mother, bless her soul, had a million pet sayings, each one a little gem of pithy insight. As for writing, she’d say, for she was a scribbler, too, “Having written is better.” What she meant, of course, was that the business of writing was often hard, frustrating, exasperating, not infrequently infuriating, and always something demanding full heart, soul and brain. In short, writing is never a piece of cake you can do half asleep and hung over from the night before.
Such writers, who take the demons of people like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Jack Kerouak as their inspiration and models, talk a good game about writing… but are more notable for their volubility on the subject than their productive output. You need another point of view, more practical, utilitarian, productive not to mention profitable.
Write every day, every single day… without fail or “reason” why you didn’t.
People who understand the power and potency of content are people who do the necessary every single day to create it. That would be — me… and is why in the past three years I have, remember, written and published over 1,000 articles, available for you and the world to see and use at How did these articles get written? Easy.
Yes, I wrote on days when it was blistering hot. I wrote on days when my nimble fingers froze, sticking to my computer’s chilly keys. I wrote on days of national triumph… and on the many days of national confusion. In short, I wrote, no excuses, no special pleadings, no reasons why I couldn’t, shouldn’t and mustn’t.
In short, I wrote on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays… on all the days. Thus with near military efficiency as I wrote words, so I wrote the superior content that got better and better still, the more I wrote… silky, smooth, sleek, the champaign of money-making language.
Will you do as much? You certainly won’t with the poor habits you now evince in the high and important business of creating content that sells… for what you produce is directly related to the habits you have and yours are nothing to write home about.
“What me worry?”
Years ago “Mad Magazine” featured on its cover a lout named Alfred E. Newman. Everything about him was obnoxious, irritating, an affront to good parents everywhere and their goody goody rug rats. To these good people Alfred E. posed the question of the centuries, “What me worry?” It was impertinent, insolent, and wildly popular with other louts. (It also made the copy writer who coined this golden phrase a millionaire many times over.)
However YOU are not a lout… and you do worry and rightly so. Fortunately you have not only a useful friend in me but you have a direct line now to Fairy Godmother, who’s no mean shakes in the content department, just ask those mice transformed into the most magnificent of coach horses. She has magic for you and to spare. I think I see her pointing her magic wand at…… you… Oh, yes, she is. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen business books, several ebooks about online marketing, and over one thousand online articles on a variety of topics. Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell <a href=””></a>. Check out Niche Flipper ->

Son of a gun. The murderous bullets of Sparks. Monday, October 21, 2013.The ineradicable shame of a great nation, knowing what must be done, unableto do it. And Mozart. who turns our tears and rage into the majesty of Redemption.A tale.

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online.Call (757-962-2482) 24/7 Or Skype me homeprofitcoach NOW! Profit
today!” Your success guaranteed. I’m waiting for your call RIGHT NOW!
sign up for the free EBook on list building prior to contacting me!.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

Author’s program note.
This is the story I didn’t want to write about. Didn’t want tohear
about… didn’t want to think about… didn’t want to deal with in any
way… but all to no avail. This is a story that demands the telling…
insists upon our honest rendering… and calls upon us for anger!
Outrage! Enmity! Fury! Impatience! Indignation! Ire! Resentment! Gall!
And above all for action, swift, thorough,complete, grossly overdue.It is
a tale that demands to be told with the unmitigated clarity of Mozartand
the masterpiece that carried him from the light of the life he loved unto
theunimaginable darkness of darkest death which all approach with awe,
resignation,and hope.For this universal situation which touches us all,
we need the genius of Mozart who took this great fear called death, the
great fact of life, and gave us, alwayswith God’s love, absolution; the
thing we all desire but only God may give…Thus for this article of
sharp, sickening pain and terrible loss, the more terrible because
unnecessary I give you the necessary antidote, the Requiem Mass in D
minor (K. 626), written in Vienna by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1791
butunfinished at his death in December of that year. Find it in any
search engine. Turn up the volume and be glad this work of genius,
empathy and compassioneases the universal way into the eternity into
which we all progress and forever abide.
Amen!The city of promise.The people of Sparks, Nevada, numbering 90,264
in the 2010 U.S. Census Bureaucount are the very essence of America. They
believe in God… the Great Republic…family… and their right and
responsibility to seize the imperfect present and create the always
better future. They are proud of the good life they have fashioned for
themselves since the city’s founding in 1905, transforming the previously
searing and inhospitable land called “snow clad” (“nevada”) by the
Spanish hidalgos whowere the first Europeans to tread its immensity.
Their civic motto is “It’s Happening Here!”… and so it is … for good
and now with bitterness and rue for ill.For the sad fact is an
overwhelming majority of these people of the sierras adheres,and
adamantly too, to their right to keep and bear arms and to use these
arms, therebypaying the terrible price, now regarded as the “cost of
doing business”.
In such circumstances what does it matter if a few children and their
teachers are gunned down, dying in their own blood, in their once amiable
classrooms? Yes, it’s just thecost of doing business after all; a mere
bagatelle.The facts.Before the opening bell on Monday, October 21, a
student at a Sparks, Nevada middleschool opened fire with a semi-
automatic handgun, wounding two 12-year-old boys and killing a math
teacher who was trying to protect children from their dangerous
anddetermined classmate.The still unidentified shooter then killed
himself with the gun after a rampage in frontof 20 to 30 students who had
just returned to school from a weeklong fall break. As news of the
shooting got out 150 to 200 police officers responded, including some
from as far away as 60 miles. The two wounded students were taken to
hospitalfor treatment and are now listed in stable condition. One was
shot in the shoulder,and the other was hit in the abdomen. Students from
the middle school and neighboring elementary school were evacuated to the
nearby high school, and classes were cancelled.The middle school will
remain closed for the week so that the scene of grim carnagemay be
scrubbed clean and be pristine again… as if that were even possible…
or desirable. For we do not need to forget. Instead we need to remember,
that is the thing of utmost necessity, for only memory can help us solve
this problem, now seen by many as inevitable and unsolvable, no longer a
conundrum to be unraveled but an immutable factof life in our murderous
age where there is nothing odd or even noteworthy about a 12-year-old
blowing his former friends and beloved teacher to Kingdom Come. But of
coursethis is not merely odd but a chilling abomination and profound
moral outrage.To accept evil as inevitable when it can be eradicated is
evil itself, not a fact of life, but a fact of death, mayhem, and our
descent from grace. Michael Landsberry not only knewthis, not only lived
by this but died by this. Thus he woke up Monday a math teacher…
butended both day and life an American hero, the victim not just of the
child who pulled the trigger but the larger society which enabled him to
do so, failing to act to prevent such predictable and periodic
slaughter.”Mr. Landsberry”.Just 45, a man in his prime, Michael
Landsberry was a contented man, a manrespected by his peers and grateful
community for his actions in war and peace;loved by an affectionate
spouse and even by his two step-children, a success not given to every
step parent; admired and looked up to by his eighth grade mathematics
students and by the young people he coached in soccer and basketball with
strict guidelines and an unyielding belief that while winning the game
was important, playingit with enthusiasm, integrity, heart, and honor was
the real objective. This is the trueSemper Fi and Michael Landsberry,
once a Marine, always a Marine, was its unwaveringexample and proud
ideal.Michael Landsberry, the man who survived war, only to be cut down
in the peace that is no peace.This modest and unassuming man was a
dedicated and caring leader, his gruff demeanor fooling absolutely no
one. He did his bit… more than his bit, including twotours in
Afghanistan. Thus when the pint-sized angel of death entered Landsberry’s
classroom intent on inflicting maximum pain with a gun he had so easily
taken from hisparents’ house, the good teacher did what he taught others
to do… doing the right thing, the valorous thing, the most perilous and
sublime thing; interposing his own body between gunman and his adolescent
targets. In this way did Michael Lansberry die in the most righteous
fashion of all. Thus washis bald head, which students loved to touch for
luck before a big game, dappledwith the blood of a hero. Thus did the man
who posted on his drole website his “one classroom rule and it is very
simple: ‘Thou Shall Not Annoy Mr. L’ ” expire, the most honorable of men,
the noblest of deaths and the most unnecessary for we all know what needs
to be done, don’t we, though we seem, from the very White House itself
unable to change courses, to move a single inch towards necessary
solution…Thus more children, achingly young, must die tragically…
more families must sufferand grieve their loss through the long days and
longer nights… innocence no shield… the most worthy of professions
and the most important of work affording no protection what so ever. So
much pain is sure to come, the unarguable result of accepting “businessas
usual”, convinced by nay sayers that what is is what must be, despite the
little we havedone to solve a problem which was not so very long ago
unthinkable, a challenge for the Great Republic to be sure, but surely
not too great for our collective mind and capability.Or have we indeed
sunk so low that we not only tolerate such a matter but accept it as
given, understandable, unfortunate to be sure, certain, tolerable,
tolerated, an occasion for a president… a governor… a mayor to send a
formulaic message and prattle futile generalities about “an isolated
incident”, then disengage from the matter as soon as possible, while
everyday people leave teddy bears and home made signs about love and loss
at the death scene, nothing accomplished, absolutely nothing; no progress
made, or even a beneficial discussion about what must be done, at once,
with commitments, not platitudes. Thus are we condemned to repeat this
maddening process over and over again, less consideration given to this
outrage than to the one before; less consideration given tothe next
outrage than to this one, whilst people, good people, die, along with our
high ideals once sacred guidelines for our purposeful endeavors, now
flagrant ironies mocking who we were, who we are, and the widening chasm
between these glaring, irreconcilable realities.”I fear I am writing a
requiem for myself.” Mozart, 1791.
In such an unsatisfactory, worrisome situation we need hope, we need to
believethat things can be better, that we can make them better. We need
Mozart who on the very threshold of death wrote a stirring tribute to the
glory of life and the possibilities which exist to its very last moment
before eternal repose. “I fear I am writing a requiem for myself,” he
wrote as he worked day and night on his last great labor… and so he
was… for himself, for you, for me, and for the victims of Sparks,
especially a hero named Michael Landsberry whose work at its unexpected
conclusion was as tragically incomplete as Mozart’s requiem… left for
us, the living, to finish, a matter of the utmost necessity for us and
what we owe our honored dead whose ranks are sure and unnecessarily to
grow apace if we fail to act as we have failed to act for so long.
About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit,
Inc. at, providing a wide range of online
services for small and-home based businesses.To see Dr. Lant’s blog go to Dr. Lant is happy to give all readers
50,000 free guaranteedvisitors for attending his live webcast today.
Visit Worldprofitfor details. Your response to this article is requested.
What do you think?

Ooh, I bet you’re wonderin’ how I knew.’ The president, his health care catastrophe, Mrs. Merkel, the honor of la belle France. ‘A man ain’t supposed to cry/ But these tears I can’t hold inside.’

“FREE consultation ($150 value). Expert shows you how to make money
online.Call (757-962-2482) 24/7 Or Skype me homeprofitcoach NOW! Profit
today!” Your success guaranteed. I’m waiting for your call RIGHT NOW!
sign up for the free EBook on list building prior to contacting me!.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

Author’s program note. Friends and neighbors, are you perplexed, confused,baffled, and irked by the avalanche of bad news emanating from the capital of these United States? Well, join the club. We all need help sorting out this plethora of information that ranges from the usual garden variety nonsense to whole new ways to upset us and rend the body politic.In all seriousness we need a friend like “That Was the Week That Was”,a satirical television comedy program-me on BBC Television in 1962 and 1963.
It was devised, produced and directed by Ned Sherrin and presented by (Sir) David Frost, whose usual impeccable timing for delicious scandal,gossip and tittle-tattle deserted him this time.Sadly, he died just the other day (August 31), thereby missing these imperial pratfalls and hi-jinx which he loved so well and which no one knew better how to present for maximum impact than he did. How he would have savored the bumper crop of idiocies of just the last few days and the melt-down of the Right Honorable Barrack, who has descended from the heady heights of”We Have Overcome” to taking cue and counsel from Marvin Gaye’s grapevinewhere “a man ain’t supposed to cry”.TWTWTW (whose American counterpart ran on NBC from 1964 to 1965 and also featured Frost) had sharp-eyed, tone perfect fun with the best and the brightest,people we are supposed to venerate and admire but whose constant goofs and cosmic errors are just too good to pass by, no more so than in the last week, where the mistakes were hilarious, astonishing, truly awesome, slap your knee and LOL;that is until you stopped and considered who would have to pick up the pieces and carry on…. that would be you and me, the guys from the morning after the hysterical night before. With such an embarrass de richesse, where to start… there is so muchto choose from, relish, and enjoy.Scapegoats wanted.
Please apply to B. Obama, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for details.Unless you’ve been living in a cave (and maybe even then) you know that ourerst while president has nailed his tattered colors to the mast that is universal health care. It was supposed to cover millions hitherto without insurance, with benefits (if you pay close attention) ranging from astonishing to miraculous,not least being the remedy needed to resuscitate and resurrect the careers of lame duck presidents, one in particular. Problem is, even if you want this coverage(and millions do), you can’t get it at any price because the computer program that’s supposed to handle the matter is screwed up to the max. See for yourself at”Computers are so literal.
“This is my mother’s take on computers and pretty well summarizes the Lant family’s approach to the matter. You tell these often infuriating machines what to do…and they do just that… and nothing more. Apparently Barrack’s mother didn’t tell him this and so with his complete disinterest in the annoying and boring details of everything, including his marquee program, he now finds himself in a mess that absolutely 100% of fifth graders assigned to solve the matter could handle withelegance, speed and total accuracy, without sweat or muddle. Big problems right from the start. Richard Nixon, of all people, told newly elected president Bill Clinton not to tryto reform America’s health care system (one seventh of the GNP) all at one go;instead to phase it in. Clinton, of course, being Clinton didn’t listen and did exactly what the more experienced Nixon advised against. The result was a Republican landslide in the next congressional elections and plenty of egg on his excellency’s fleshy jowls, not an edifying sight.Obama learned absolutely nothing from this disaster, more reminiscent of the suicidal charge of the Light Brigade (1854),”C’est magnifique mais c’est pas laguerre” than practical (read do-able, win-able) politics. Thus, instead of creating a model program in a medium sized state (think West Virginia, Indiana or Oregon) hewent for the whole hog, a huge mistake that is plaguing him right now.Except for arrogance and bragging rights, there was never a need to do all theuninsured in every state all at once. But there was (and still is) the need to createa system that’s simple and easy to use, which is most assuredly not what we’vegot now, a Rube Goldberg machine that promises everything and delivers nothing but chaos, confusion and embarrassment. For make no mistake about it, thepresident and his disgraceful computer system has show cased America all right;as a nation of bumblers, inept, unprepared, a brigade of “can don’t” nerds and programming “skills” no better than a joke. And this, mind, in the nation’s strongsuit, state-of-the-art technology. No wonder Obama’s poll numbers are now infree fall. Hail to the Chief.
What should he have done instead? Well, for openers, like any good business person he should have tried (and regularly, too) to order his own product, thereby helping to test and perfect the system on which he had staked so much.Of course, we now know he didn’t do that or anything like it. And so he got onopening day October 1 not kudos but confusion, outrage and fully justified attacks on his competence which have only gotten worse as the problem has exacerbated. It was a bad day for ObamaCare and the people who so need it; another black eyefor the Great Republic.What’s more, when he was told that his system wasn’t ready for an October 1 opening, he should have been sensible and postponed until he could get the desired results, KISS. Sure, there would have been gibes but they would have been as nothing when compared to what’s being said right now about him, his presidency, and his health care “system”, and not just by Tea Party nutters either.It ain’t pretty… and it is accurate.
As if this weren’t enough…As if his woes were not abundant enough October 23 the German government announced that it had received confidential information that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone was under surveillance by US intelligence services and thatshe had phoned President Obama to deliver the strongest possible disapproval.She also cited the great and long-lasting friendship between our nations, makingit clear friends don’t spy on friends. Barrack might give lip service to this pointof view, but he’s an information freak and cannot be trusted.Thus as expected he soothingly said no surveillance had been authorized or occurred but Mrs. Merkel, who knows him well was apparently neither persuaded nor placated,an indignant wet hen closely approximating her mood and demeanor. This was not surprising given the fact that her brush with the president’s global party-line closelyfollowed another jarring story in the Le Monde newspaper. It reported that US intelligence had collected data on 70 million communications by ordinary French people in a 30-day period late last year and into January. I suspect our spooks wanted to know what every Frenchie gave and got for Christmas. French PresidentFrancois Hollande expressed his “extreme reprobation” and marched down theChamp Elysees waving the Tricolour and listening to a recorded version of Marvin Gaye’s greatest hit, “I heard it through the grapevine” (1968) on his cellphone,and this telling line, “You could have told me yourself.” Indeed. And that was the week that was. TTFN.
About the AuthorHarvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. at, providing a wide range of online services forsmall and-home based businesses.To see Dr. Lant’s blog go to http://www.jeffreylantarticles.comDr. Lant is happy to give all readers 50,000 free guaranteedvisitors for attending his live webcast today. Visit Worldprofitfor details. Your response to this article is requ

Review: Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, presented LIVE Oct 25, 2013.

“FREE consultation ($150 value). Expert shows you how to make money online.Call
(757-962-2482) 24/7 Or Skype me homeprofitcoach NOW! Profit today!” Your success guaranteed.

Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, LIVE on Oct 25, 2013.
George Kosch welcomed participants to the LIVE training session.
George kicked off the training by stating that a number of Members aren’t following the training and aren’t doing ANY promotion. This is shocking, because it doesn’t matter what program you are in, if you aren’t promoting you aren’t making sales.
George was frank in today’s remarks saying, I must be doing something wrong in my teaching. Every week I talk about promotion. I tell you what you must DO to make sales. I explain the importance of building a list. I show you where the best places are to advertise to get results. We provide you with ad examples, landing pages, banners, ad trackers and bonus builders for offers. It’s just not sinking in, so for the next 30 minutes, I am going to try a different angle to drill in the basics of what you need to do, to promote so you can make sales.”
99% of your effort should be in getting people into your “shop”. What’s your shop? The various landing pages for the various products and services. Why do you want to do this? The LIFE of your business is the number of leads you generate. Leads are what generate sales. Too may people focus on the wrong things when they first start their business by focusing on tasks that are not directly related to promotion and sales. Your first priority is knowing how to generate leads. Understand the basics of promotion, lead generation and list building and you can apply these skills to building ANY ONLINE business. If you don’t understand the basics you will FAIL in any and all businesses you do.
Here’s what you should do now to get on track.
1. Watch the two TRAINING videos for Beginners. Progress through the other lessons with careful study not speed. Take notes as you listen.
2. Start doing your promotions using the landing pages (ad examples) and trusted advertising sources provided in your member area.
3. Attend the LIVE bootcamp training sessions every week, OR, watch the recorded version if that is more convenient for you.
4. Commit to learning the basics, and learning new concepts every day, and doing your promotions consistently, every day if possible.
Become a NUMBERS Junkie!
1. Use the Ad Tracker to keep track of the number of clicks to your ads.
2. Keep track of the number of LEADS you generate each day.
3. Keep track of how many Associates you sign up each day.
4. Keep track of how many subscribers you have on your internal list, and your external lists.
5. Keep track of your sales numbers, per day, per week, per month.
Focus ONLY on tasks that will INCREASE your numbers above. Increasing your numbers increases your sales probabilities. People new to online marketing often don’t understand how much CONSISTENT promotion it takes to generate sales.
Demonstration Segment
As an example of promotion and list building, George spent some time demonstrating how to use Aweber.
What’s coming
Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder
With ONE CLICK you can INSTANTLY create Landing Pages for ANY and ALL your online programs!
1. Pick your landing page from the Gallery of choices (Video, Text, or Google Hangout)
2. Select a directory name
3. Customize your settings, heading, video URL etc. Integrate your lists, example Aweber/Get Response etc to build your internal or external email marketing lists.
4. Click SAVE and within MINUTES your landing page is completed and ready for use.
You can build your own unique landing pages for ANY business you are involved with.
Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder software will be released at NO COST to all Silver and Platinum VIP members within 14 days.
George relayed that our goal at Worldprofit, is to develop and support unique trusted tools and resources for our Members that can be used to build any online business.
A few comments from participants:
Brenda: We should all be very appreciative of the huge amount of time and effort you put into these features for us. Thank you
Garry: The value received here at Worldprofit in our membership just keeps increasing
Vasco: Hi George Kosch, and the team!!!
Dave: Can I use this new Worldprofit software to Re-create a landing page that I am paying monthly for? Rosalie: Thank you George I did not even know how to copy and paste I wrote out everything
James: George, I am excited about this program but I am not having the results that I am expecting. I think I am following your lead however my ads are not giving the return I want. What do you suggest?
Tania: Thanks George … I am forever grateful for all you do.
Minta: Thanks George
William: Keep posting every day and you will get results…. I have
Rosalie: Thank you Great teaching as always
Vasco: thanks George… I just join this boot camp for the first time will check out the recordings…
Concluding Remarks
Thank you to each of you for attending Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training. The recording of George Kosch’s bootcamp training will be posted within 24 hours within your Worldprofit Member area.
Next LIVE training session is Friday Nov 1, 2013 at 8 AM CT.
If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are benefiting! Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell <a href=””></a>. Check out Niche Flipper ->

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Mailer, New Script, Awesome Results!

“FREE consultation ($150 value). Expert shows you how to make money online.Call (757-962-2482) 24/7 Or Skype me homeprofitcoach NOW! Profit today!” Your success guaranteed. I’m waiting for your call RIGHT NOW! sign up for the free EBook on list building prior to contacting me!.
I wanted to share with all my readers a great place to get affordable traffic to your site. I have been using ListZap since discovered last week. Sign up for free and enjoy the traffic!!!
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Warm Regards,

Build Your Social Media Marketing Expertise With These Important Pointers

“F R E E consultation ($150 value). Expert shows you how to make money online.Call (757-962-2482) 24/7 Skype me homeprofitcoach NOW! Profit today!”free EBook on list building prior to contacting me!.

Business owners across the world have been discovering how social media marketing can help them increase the number of customers they serve. If you are ready to join them, read this article for some tips to help you understand this exciting form of marketing. You will be pleased with the results.
If you have included Twitter in your social media plan, make sure your tweets are valuable, relevant and vary in content. Send tweets that contain suggestions and informative tips that are relevant to your business. Your subscribers are more likely to maintain interest in your content when you mix these tweets in conjunction with ones that you use to promote your products and services.
If you are using social media then you will want to market by inviting all the people you know to those pages. What if they’re not going to purchase from your business? That’s fine. You won’t have to worry about that. As long as they’re inside of your network, your business will be advertised on their network. So you will receive views by simply having them around.
Be sure to link all of your social media sites to one another for the best results. Include links if you have a blog where your consumers can see you on Twitter, YouTube and also if they want to like you at Facebook. Add your blog address and Facebook link to your Twitter account. Linking all of your social media profiles together maximizes your revenue-generating potential by converting new customers.
To make sure your social marketing campaign is reaching your customers, find out where they congregate. Are many of them on Facebook or do they prefer Twitter? Depending on your niche, you might be better off looking at LinkedIn or even YouTube. Poll your customers and find out where they spend their internet hours. Pitch your tent there.
Social media is a great tool to build trust and relationships with your customers. When marketing your business on social media, you have to be honest and always communicate with your customers. Listen to what they are saying and learn from it. You are not giving up control of your business to them, but you can learn from what they are saying and adjust your business to be more consumer friendly.
You can get your followers’ attention by posting something in a format that makes reading easier. For instance, try coming with a list of top 10 tips or writing questions and answers. The visual aspect of your article will make it more appealing and your readers will be more likely to share it.
You should find different ways to interact with customers on a personal, as well as professional, level. For example, respond to other users’ notes, statuses, images and updates. Be sure to keep any conversations that you do have professional and pertaining to your business.
Things move very fast in social media, and your company will have to adapt quickly to the changes as they come. Just, a few years ago, tablet computers and smart phones did not exist in a mass-produced and publicly available form. Keep an eye on the new technology so that you are better prepared for the changes to your marketing.
If you are going to use a microblogging service, try getting as many followers as possible. Interacting with people and responding to comments on a microblogging service is much harder when compared to using social networking websites, mostly due to the number of updates that microblogging users get in their feeds. Post updates regularly and always look for new followers.
Now that you have gained a better understanding of social media marketing, you can begin to implement it into your business plans. These suggestions are certain to aid you in developing the next step as you diagram your marketing needs. Treat yourself and your customers to the fabulous world of social media.
Howard Martell is the Owner of <a href=””></a>. Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out Niche Flipper ->

Confused About Marketing On Facebook Try This Advice Today

F R E E consultation ($150 value). Expert shows you how to make money online.Call (757-962-2482) 24/7 Skype me homeprofitcoach NOW! Profit today!”free EBook on list building prior to contacting me!.
Have you been told that Facebook marketing is a must for your business to survive? If you’re a bit confused here, no worries. This article will break down all there is to know about Facebook marketing.
Facilitate regular interaction with your followers so you understand their needs and interests. Make sure you notice when people make posts on your page. Many businessmen that are successful have received great marketing ideas that work from the general public. When someone posts on your page, make sure to respond to them.
Coming up with a giveaway is a wonderful idea to help your Facebook marketing campaign. Encourage new subscribers by offering free products. Let people know who won by announcing it on your profile, and use this strategy again if you wish to get additional subscribers later on.
Create a custom tab for your Facebook page. You can use custom tabs as a welcome locale for all of your new Facebook visitors. It’s a great place to promote your current offerings, products, and services. Plus, it’ll give a little personality to your Facebook page which is always a plus.
Make a group rather than a page. A group allows everyone to interact and feel like they know one another. You could also use a group and a page to get maximum benefits from Facebook marketing.
Create a contest on your Facebook page that only fans of your page can participate in. This will make them excited to come to your page. They may even tell family, friends, or co-workers, meaning you will have more visitors coming to your page. Of course, more visitors means more business!
When you utilize Facebook Offers, you are able to promote freebies and contests you’re running on your site. Set up your offer and switch it to Promoted Post via your Wall. If the offer is extra special, you can promote it to people that aren’t fans as well.
Offer something in exchange for signing up on your Facebook page. Having visitors register on your page lets you engage them in ongoing dialogue about your business. Offering them something, such as an entry in a sweepstakes, makes them more likely to register on your page and provide your business with valuable leads.
Creating content for Facebook can be tedious and frustrating. If you have a Facebook business page, you need to post new content every single day to engage your audience. Can you afford this type of time commitment? If not, use targeted ads instead to bring your message to your target audience.
Try using Facebook ads. Paid ads via Facebook can help your business because they let you target your audience in various ways. You are able to specify the gender, age group, location, and more of your audience. You can be as narrow or broad as you like when specifying their needs. Set campaign budgets and bid prices to test as many headlines, images, and ad copy as you like. If your campaign doesn’t work, you can stop it right away so that you don’t overspend on it.
Use photos in every Facebook update that you do. People love looking at photos on Facebook. The more visual a post is, the better chance it has of actually becoming a bit viral. So don’t let any opportunity to get visual pass you by, even if your trying to get a post out quickly. Take the time to make it visually great.
With all of these tips, you now are ready to tackle some Facebook marketing. Go to your Facebook account now and begin using the valuable tips you have learned. The sooner you use Facebook, the sooner you can attract customers. So, get started right now!
Howard Martell is the Owner of <a href=””></a>. Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out Niche Flipper ->

Hey, Internet marketing chump. Looks like you’ve been fooled again. You must like it!

“FREE consultation ($150 value). Expert shows you how to make money online.Call (757-962-2482) 24/7 Or Skype me
homeprofitcoach NOW! Profit today!” Your success guaranteed. I’m waiting for your call RIGHT NOW! sign up for the free
EBook on list building prior to contacting me!.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.
Author’s program note. I can’t stand it another minute, Poopsie. I just cannot stand by and let you fail for even one more minute. Because today, like yesterday, and all the days before, you are going to fail; you are not going to make a single penny from that joke you call your online “business”.
Instead by day’s end when you’ve racked up another day of chump change, you’ll be worse off… a day wasted, a precious day you could have used to get ahead, now in the cosmic trash can… clueless on how to get out and make the money you say you want. Look at yourself closely in the mirror right now… that’s one poor puppy staring back at you…. pale, wan, hapless, helpless, pathetic, disgusting. And this is the guy you expect to lead the victory parade? LOL! LOL! LOL!
It’s time for your Internet marketing make-over… It’s time to own up to and grasp what you are doing (the stuff that doesn’t work) and what you must do (if you expect to have any chance of online success at all).
Let’s get started with a cool tune that pretty well summarizes the mess you’re in, the mess you’ll stay in if you don’t follow sensible advice and make a radical change.
“”Fooled Again (I Don’t Like It”)
Go to any search engine now. Find the tune and set it on the highest decibels, for you’re about to fly. Put up your collar… find those ultra cool shades you sheepishly wore just once… wear them like the symbol of insolence and impertinence they were meant to be … now move that arthritic body… for babeeeeee, you are about to astonish the world; Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers — plus one extra guy looking remarkably like… me — are about to help you out of the sad situation you just can’t seem to shake . The song is “Fooled Again (I Don’t Like It”). Recorded in (1971, it was what rock was all about… attitude… edge… in your face… don’t tread on me, maggot… stand back world and prepare to be astonished, I’ve got the ticket to ride.
Now belt out the lyrics that pretty much summarize your entire Internet experience…
“Looks like I’ve been fooled again/ Looks like I’m the fool again/ I don’t like it, I don’t like it.”
Now hear this… you’re not just singing a tune… you’re announcing the advent of the new regime… the regime where you’re a successful online marketer, not just some luckless schlepper, kick-me sign always on your back side, the guy it’s oh-so-easy to ridicule, disdain, and dismiss. You can always feel sorry for these toads, but you can never, ever respect them. And that’s why you don’t just need to scream “I don’t like it”. You’ve got to do something to turn the fiasco you call Internet marketing around… and at once!
Try these suggestions on for size.
1) STOP doing what you’re doing. It doesn’t work. Can’t work. And the silliest thing is that you ever thought it would work. The great thing about the ‘net is how easily you can test your ideas, thoughts and suppositions to see how well they work, indeed to see whether they work at all. For you see, something that doesn’t work today is not going to work tomorrow. Thus, experimentation is and must always be the order of the day, every day. If you won’t test, you won’t succeed.
2) Get trained. In my role as an Internet success counselor at Worldprofit Inc, have had occasion to train, work with, and nudge thousands of people worldwide over the last 20 years.
Nudge? What that means is not just setting the objective and teaching folks how to achieve it… but to keep each student’s nose to the grindstone, keeping them focused, accepting absolutely no excuses, including absolutely no “special pleading” where the candidate offers “reasons” why she didn’t do what she was pledged to do: following each and every step, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Your nudge is an essential part of your success team, and though I say it myself, I am the best nudge on Earth, the least easy to deceive and hide from, unrelenting, never losing sight of the goal, more determined to see you successful than absolutely anyone except your mother. You’d be exceptionally lucky to work with me, and that’s a fact.
So, I ask you. Who’s helping you set goals, brainstorm means of reaching them, reviewing results to see what worked and what didn’t, and always ensuring you stay on track? Yeah, I thought so. You’re not doing it, no one is helping you do it. You’re not focused on results, no one is helping you get focused. Thus your results are non existent, just the way they have always been. What an embarrassment! Have you got any self-respect?
3) You have no list and are not doing the consistent, strenuous work it takes to grow one. This one’s a real killer.
For the last over 40 years now I’ve been telling my students, beating it into their often amazingly resistant brains that “the list is the business, the business is the list.”
How important is your list? Say there’s a fire in your office. What would you grab first to save? Inventory? No, inventory is easily replaceable. Your computer? No worry here. Easily replaceable again. (You do back up, don’t you?) That picture of your mother-in-law; you know the one that confirms her near perfect resemblance to a rare genus of ancient lizard? (Please try to be serious.)
The correct answer, of course, is your list. It is essential, irreplaceable, unique. It’s loss would be catastrophic, a body blow from which you might never recover. And that is why “the list is the business, the business is the list.” The $64,000 question just this: What did you do today to build your list and turn it into the huge money-making tool you require to make the big bucks you say you want and haven’t got a clue how to get. Self-deception, self-deceit, self-delusion. This is what you’re specializing in and your thread-bare results give ample testament about just how successful you’ve been… and will always be. That better make you happy, because that, lamb chop, is what you’re going to get.
4) How are your copywriting skills? Can you write the words that dance and thrill, the words that make people from Alabama to Beijing jump up and shout, causing even the deadest heart to beat faster, faster, faster still? You’d better be, because otherwise you’re in for a lifetime of significance expense, since top copywriters command top dollars… the dollars that come straight out of your pocket; so sad for you but absolutely necessary if you expect to have ad copy that pulls the more lucrative response.
Of course knowing you, you’ll try to conjure the magic words yourself; anything to save a penny. But that, as you’ll quickly learn, just won’t cut it… words without the wizard’s legerdemain, without the magic, produce dismal results… and that just won’t do unless you like endless outflow and driblets of income, few and far between. This is your certain fate when you turn down demonstrated experts and attempt to do their crucial job yourself. Sucker.
5) Trying to build a money-making business off of “free”? Are you one of the hundreds of millions of would-be entrepreneurs online this very moment who is making — and every single day, too — the critical, fatal error of trying to make money off “free stuff” to be found online? If so, listen up. That is IMPOSSIBLE, can’t be done, and only wastes your time and energy. Did you hear me? The extent to which you want Internet success without reasonable investment is the extent to which you will fail, absolutely, positively, guaranteed.
Now for the real craziness. Day after futile day would-be entrepreneurs and Internet marketers enter the Live Business Center at They are told, clearly, honestly, politely, thoroughly what they need for success… and go right out to do the EXACT reverse, ensuring failure, DOA. The Internet has empowered these sad creatures, each a candidate for spam, rip-off, certain loss and every variety of bamboozlement.
Why does this happen to so many so often with such miserable results? Because the typical ‘net entrepreneur is the very model of sloth, laziness, avarice. They want wealth without effort; magnificent results without knowing how to get them; falling victim over and over again to those who find victimizing these foolish people a piece of cake; integrity, honesty and old fashioned business standards and acumen the first to perish in such a pernicious environment; once gone, gone forever.
Must it be this way? Certainly not. Failure as much as success is a choice. Now it’s time for you to make the right decision at last.
Visit me in the Live Business Center at where we work together in a giant worldwide team so that you have expert assistance 24/7/365 advising, counseling, guiding, reassuring, all accomplished in an environment of professionalism and good fellowship. This is the proven way to substantial financial wealth, a unique place online for people who have not hitherto seen such benefits, much less so fast or certain. It’s good, isn’t it, to “see you think so much of me”? What’s more, unlike Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, you’ll never be fooled again, and you’ll surely like that!

Worldprofit Bootcamp Update: 25 Ways to generate leads, traffic and sales – no matter what you are selling

Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members!
We have packed your Member area with valuable gizmos and gadgets you may not even know about.

What do all of these have in common?

18. Newsletter Marketing
Staying in touch with your prospective buyers is a MUST and a newsletter allows you to do this. You can send out offers, product reviews, contests, notices, or sales information to your newsletter list. If you are in a number of affiliate programs you can promote any and all your programs in your newsletter. All Silver and Platinum VIP Members get a Newsletter System included in their Membership.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 44
19. LIVE Chat
Wouldn’t it be powerful if you could chat LIVE to people when they land on your website or landing page?
Guess what? You CAN chat with people LIVE and come up LIVE on camera when they land on your site or at your landing page!
Worldprofit offers our Members TWO ways to do this! It’s fast and easy to set up – and chatting can lead to sales!
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 45
20. Search Engine Optimization
It is critical that your site have the required elements so you attract search engines and your site gets indexed correctly.
We provide you with these elements as well as little-known but effective ways to increase your search engine ranking.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 46
Plus look under COOL TOOLS on the TOP MENU and use the Search Engine Blaster. You get a free 7 day free trial- submitANY website to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more. PLUS, you earn money when you sell paid memberships of this service.
21. Content Management System
We include a Content Management System so you can add to your site your own affiliate programs, links, pages, graphics etc.
You get complete control to manage your site and edit as often as you want.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 22
22. Prospect Manager
Running a successful online business means being able to effectively organize and manage your leads.
All Silver and Platinum VIP Members get the Prospect Manager Software for easy lead tracking and follow-up. Use our templates OR create your own custom messages to send out for any and all your own products, services, or affiliate programs.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 23
23. Banner Promo Kit
Worldprofit provides all Silver and Platinum VIP Members with a way to easily post banners for promoting the products you can sell to earn commissions.
The Banner Promo Kit makes it easy to post banners on your website or blog. The banners are already loaded into the system for you and located in one place for your convenience.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 20
24. ClickBank Website Plugin
ClickBank is a secure online retail outlet for more than 50,000 digital products and 100,000 active affiliate marketers. ClickBank serves more than 200 countries, and are consistently ranked as one of the most highly-trafficked sites on the web.
Worldprofit has made it easy for you to sell ClickBank products to earn commission by providing a number of easy-to-use promotion tools.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 21

25. FastTrack Visitors

Knowing where and what to advertise can be tough when you are new to doing business online. Building a business is about having a steady supply of leads from a trusted source. Worldprofit has made this easy for you by placing proven ads in reputable advertising sites. To help new Members get started with quality leads from reputable sources, we created the FastTrack Visitors program.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 17.
OH! Here’s one more too! PROMO-BOTS! This service will save you TONS OF TIME when you are doing your promotion.On TOP MENU Select PROMO-BOTS!
All of these tools and services can be located in your Worldprofit Member area.
We teach you how to use these tools to generate traffic and make money in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training Program. The bootcamp training is accessible 24 hours a day in your Member area, learn at your own pace. Currently we have over 70 lessons. Every Friday we also have a LIVE training program with marketing expert, andWorldprofit co-founder, George Kosch. What we teach you about marketing online can be applied to any online business – no matter what you are selling.
There you go, get into your Member area and get busy.
Any questions, let us know, submit a Support form from the left menu. Let us know what you need help with and how we can help you.
Then mark your calendar. Friday at 10 AM CT is LIVE TRAINING with George Kosch. We hope to see you there.

They all are designed to help YOU make money by generating leads, traffic and sales - no matter what you are selling.
Here are just 25 of our many popular tools and services at your finger tips.
The bootcamp lessons can be accessed from the LEFT menu in your Member area under HOME BUSNESS BOOTCAMP, LESSON Summary.

1. SOLO Email Blaster

You want to mass promote your opportunities and affiliates and we give you a free, easy way to do this!
All Silver and Platinum VIP Members get privileged access to the Solo eMail Blaster.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 41

2.How to Make Money with Worldprofit’s System

Members get access to hundreds of ways to generate traffic, leads and make money. We show you exactly how, step-by-step to use them to make money from home.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 33
3. PLR Store/The Vault
Your Member area is filled with valuable Private Label Reseller Products and Ebooks that you can access FREE for your personal use – over 215 titles! We’ve made arrangements with the vendors and hand selected the products we think will best help you build your online business. You get money-making how-to products on Google Traffic, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging and many many more. Platinum VIP Members can also add over 10,000 products to their site, and sell to earn 100% commission.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 9
4. Magic List Builder
The Magic List Builder is one of our most popular tools and is included in both the Silver and Platinum VIP Membership. Successful online marketing requires that you build your own email marketing list – so you can promote any and all your products, services, and affiliate programs. The Magic List Builder is a list builders dream tool – easy to use, and effective!
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 15
5. Promo Code Center
Worldprofit has made arrangements with a number of reputable traffic sites so YOU can get FREE Traffic!
You get access to exclusive promo codes you can use for free advertising!
Use the codes to promote ANYTHING you like, your affiliates, your hot business opportunities, whatever you are selling.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 10

6. Link Cloaking Tool

Worldprofit provides all Silver and Platinum VIP Members with a Link Cloaking Tool for use in masking other vendor’s referral links.
Find out why this is so important.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 19
7. Article Marketing Directory and Article Publisher
Article Marketing is an effective way to generate fresh content, so your site is more often indexed by the major search engines. It can be very difficult to come up with fresh content and articles on a regular basis so we created forWorldprofit Members, the Article Marketing Directory.
We add new articles to the Article Marketing Directory on a regular basis. At the time of writing this lesson, we have over 400 articles in over 20 topic categories available for the exclusive use of our Members.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 25
8. Ad Tracker System
Smart Marketer’s track their advertising. You want to know WHERE you are advertising that is producing the best results. You want to know how many people are clicking on your ads. You want to know where your traffic is coming from.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 12

9. Your Report Card

The Report Card provides you with an individualized report on your progress in our training program.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 29
10. Self-Quiz
We’ve created a quiz to make sure you are on track and doing the critical tasks required to succeed in Worldprofit’s Home Business Program.
Take the quiz to make sure you are doing what is required to get leads, traffic and sales.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 39
11. Worldprofit Monitor Network
Only Worldprofit offers the Monitor network, over 70 people working hard in our Live Business Center to help close your sales.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 48
12. Personal Live Business Center (PLBC)
The PLBC allows Members to host their own personalized Live Business Center. Essentially it’s a landing page with an embedded Live Business Center – your OWN Live Business Center. You are the host, you talk to people, you are in charge.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 30
13. Tips for Advertising so you get the BEST results
Many of you are new to online marketing. Lots of websites pitch to you that they are the best place to advertise. They promise you guaranteed hits, sign ups, visitors, clicks and more. What do these terms mean? How do you know where is a good place to advertise and what is the best kind of advertising to buy when you are on a limited budget. How do you avoid getting ripped off? We reveal exactly what you need to know.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 34
14. ClickBank Promo Kit
CLICKBANK is a multi-million dollar company that offers an Affiliate Marketing program.
You can sign up to sell thousands of ClickBank products and earn a healthy commission for doing so.
You don’t have to purchase the products to sell them. Our Members told us they like ClickBank but found it difficult to know and find the best products to sell and didn’t know how to market them.
To meet this need, we created the CB Promo Kit and made it free for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 14
15. ClickBank Maximizer (Autoresponder)
The CB Maximizer was designed to offer Worldprofit Members an easy automated way to sell ClickBank products and increase your sales.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 13

15. The MoneyMakers Program

We have hand-selected a number of hot-selling in demand products. We test them, if we like them we post them for you to sell and earn 100% commission.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 28
16. The Affiliate Center
Many of our Members are marketing a number of products of their own or are affiliate marketers for a number of companies or vendors.
We’ve made it easy for you to add your Affiliate programs – as many as you like – to your Silver or Platinum VIP website.
The Affiliate Center was created to allow you to easily enter the code from your various programs to your website. Easily Add your own affiliate code to your site, or add any of the 70+ Affiliates we recommend.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 24
17. Video Training Library.
George Kosch has recorded dozens of videos on various topics that are helpful to all online marketers. You can find these on the TOP MENU under the training section, they are also posted at where you can SEARCH by topic or keyword.
About the Author:
Howard Martell has been a proud member of Homeprofitcoach Inc 4 yrs and has worked online a total of 15 plus years.
A free Internet Marketing Guide to making money is available: