Dear Fellow Online Marketer,

I ...hate ...writing articles!... to me, it's the least leveragable system to drive traffic online. I barely spend any time on it, and instead focus on other traffic methods (like PPC)...

But then one morning a few months ago it hit me like a ton of bricks...

What if I started using in a similar way to my other writing styles?...

"In fact," I thought "If I could do this, it would shave hours off of my writing time...and with the right experimentation, I could dominate article writing...because no one is doing it this way...

So I got to work...and after a few days of testing, I was shocked at the results..

"My Articles Were Producing
30% to 70% Clickthru Rates!

But that wasn't enough for me...I had to figure out how to dominate the SEARCH ENGINES by using Ezinearticles very own interlinking structure...

And finally I have done it...

Watch this video to find out more... in it, I reveal The 7 Secrets And How 1 Of Them Actually Works!