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As we very quickly approach the 4th quarter of 2013 and one of the biggest periods of home business profits and growth, ask yourself….
Will my business and my finances look any different in November or even January if I don’t make some major changes to how I operate my business right now?
This way you can finish 2013 strong and feel pride about operating a profitable business rather than feeling blame and regret about not playing full out come december.
The Fall is one of the most profitable times of the year for home business owners…. You trust me when I tell you that successful business owners are taking actions right now that will result in “fall momentum” which will lead to an explosive January…. January is THE most profitable time of the year for marketers in our profession. But you can’t wait until January or December or you will miss out on this critical period for business growth.
The time to act is NOW!
If you are truly committed and serious about building a profitable business right now, its time to put on your big boy pants (or big girl pants), make a decision that this is it, and take immediate actionsto back it up.
The following list will give you some ideas about what actions you can take right now to ensure substantial growth in your business so you can rock out the rest of the year and set yourself up for a profitable, and even life altering 2014!
Are you ready?
#1 – Re-Commit to personal development, skill development and fundamentals
Whenever I feel its time to “pick up the pace” in my business I re-commit to the process. I get back to the basics and fundamental that made me successful over the past 5 years. A few of those things are – A commitment to consistent and never ending improvement through personal development and skill development; consistent focus on income producing activities like creating marketing content and communicating with prospects; And tracking activity. (The simple act of tracking your activities on a daily and weekly basis will have a profound affect on your productivity and your results)
Quick Tip – If you are looking for inspiration you can often find it by plugging into new resources like a new personal development audio series or book. A few I recommend are, “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson, “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins and “The Charge” by Brendon Burchard. You can also find abbreviated audio’s of all of these books on sites on a smart phone app called Audible.
For example, “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins is probably the biggest book i’ve ever read. Instead of re-reading it I decided to download a 90 minute audio version of the book on the “Audible” smart phone app so I can get all the main points of the book without spending hours upon hours reading the entire thing again. Make sense? Personal development is non-negotiable if you want to take your results to the next level now!
#2 – Create clear short-term goals and a real plan to accomplish it
“All goal setting must be followed by the immediate development of a plan and with massive and consistent action towards its fulfillment”
This quote came from the abbreviated audible version of the book “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins. If you are making a few hundred dollars a month in your business right now you can turn that into a few thousand per month fairly quickly, but you must be very clear on EXACTLY what the short term goal is. So if the goal is to, “make $3,000 per month from my business by the end of November 2013.” Then immediately follow that up with a plan for making it happen!
#3 – “Switch it up a bit” – Expose yourself to new ideas and information about how to create profits in your business
Sometimes, even if you get great information from your company, team ,or sponsor, it can be very valuable to switch it up a little bit and expose yourself to new ideas about how other people are making it happen with their businesses. You may discover that you notice something about how they operate their business, which can cause a small shift in something that you were already doing that will make a tremendous difference in your results.
If you feel “stuck” or if you are feeling like you’ve plateaued, doing this simple thing can be a total game changer. It can re-engage you and re excite you about working on your home business enterprise. I know from experience dude!
#4 – Identify a few small changes you can make to yourdaily discipline’s and routine.
Actions followed by small incremental adjustments are what compound over time and lead to massive breakthroughs and exponential results. If you have procrastination issues and you lack discipline in your business, try doing little things on a consistent basis. Something as small as making your bed every day or not hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock, or making one new marketing video per week can affect other disciplines in your business and lead to exponential results.
The extremely wise business and thought leader, Jim Rohn said that “Every discipline effects every other discipline”
Which is exactly why doing something small – like making your bed every day as soon as you get up in the morning – can have an extremely positive impact on your business building activities.
#5 – Follow and model new people who are making it happen
Find someone who has the results you want. Someone who you really resonate with, who’s building their business the way you want to rather than the way your company or up-line is telling you to. Stalk them (virtually). Model them. Find ways to be more “like them.” Get into their world a little bit more. Reach out to them. See what you can do to get on their radar.
#6 – Examine your thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back
Write out 5 – 10 limiting beliefs that are holding you back. If you can’t think of any than congratulations!! You have no limiting beliefs and you can easily attract anything you want at all times and your a borderline super-human…
But for those of us regular humans we have to understand that we do have limiting beliefs and its important to recognize what they are.
Maybe its the belief that, “I’m not a technical person,” or “sales people are scum bags,” or “I don’t want to become successful because of what my loved ones might think and say about me.”
These kinds of beliefs are stories that we picked up somewhere along the way, (usually in our childhood) and they STOP us from taking actions that lead to the results that we SAY we want.
Once you’ve made this list identify the top 2 or 3 that are the most present and the most limiting and circle them…. Then ask yourself the following questions.
Is this belief still serving me as an adult?
Who did I learn this belief from and do they have the results that I currently want?
What has holding onto this belief cost me in my life?
Can I let it go now?
Then, on the flip side – write out a list of 5-10 beliefs that empower you and lead you towards positive changes…
Things like, “I am courageous and bold,” “I am generous and caring,” “I am a valuable resource to people in my life.”
Again circle the top 2 or 3 and focus on them. This way whenever limiting thoughts and beliefs creep into your mind you can counter them by verbally stating, reading, or re-writing these beliefs to remind yourself of them.
#7 - Prove your commitment by backing it up with some kind of financial investment into your education and entrepreneurial development
Early on in my business I invested in my education by purchasing training products, books, marketing systems, coaching programs and live events.
Many times when spending money on these things were very uncomfortable and required some “entrepreneurial creativity.” I.E. Selling personal belongings, borrowing money on credit cards and borrowing from other people who had the financial resources that I lacked.
It comes down to this…
Successful people find a way. Unsuccessful people make excuses.
I firmly believe that by investing in my business when I didn’t exactly “have the extra money” to do so – proved my commitment and helped me attract the financial results I was looking for.
Soooooo many home business owners who have amazing potential are struggling, yet at the same time many are totally unwilling to invest in their education as a marketer and entrepreneur. Not investing in your education is often the costliest decision you can make when you take on any new venture or attempt to acquire any new skills.
The way I see it you have 2 options.
Option #1 - Invest early. Invest often. Invest when its uncomfortable. Don’t buy into your BS excuses about not having the money otherwise you probably never will.
Option #2 - Don’t invest in your education and keep jumping from system to system, and opportunity to opportunity until you find that “magic bullet” that makes you rich overnight.
If you’ve made it this far into this post you already know which option is the way to go right?
I’m sure there were people who started reading this post that immediately clicked off of it as soon as they realized that everything in my list requires a real commitment and real work. They are already off on some other website thats promising them “easy money” and “push button wealth.”
But that’s not you is it?
You are ready to start taking new actions towards a prosperous tomorrow and thats why, I’m offering you a series of bonuses guaranteed to help you increase profits in your business and finish 2013 strong including private one on one coaching with me so we can work together to make it happen for you.
I’m calling it…
“The Committed Entrepreneurs Guide to Maximizing Profits in the Last Leg of 2013 – Bonus Series Extravaganza”
Of course, getting these bonuses will require you to invest in your business.
Click Here Now to check out the bonuses and get the all the details!
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Which one, out of the list of 7, did you find the most helpful?
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Thanks for reading!
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