Tuesday, June 28, 2011

‘More!’ The exclusive story of Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy. When having everything is not enough.

June 28, 2011 | Author: Jeffrey Lant | Posted in Dr. Jeffrey Lant’s Article Archive
Tiger Woods
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Today Tiger Woods, golf legend, gazillionaire, the man of the million watt smile, from whose talents an entire industry grew and flourished, sits alone, wondering, pondering, reviewing every incident and detail.
The emperor of golf has not won a title since November 2008. In his palatial mansion, filled with the tokens of esteem and triumph which, once, seemed his to command and augment at will, a DVD player runs endless renditions of the glory days of his life… The tapes run…. but he hardly glances at them. Instead just one question runs in his brain, over and over: why?
Now thanks to this exclusive article featuring Oberon and Titania, taking time out from their long-running “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” world tour, we finally know the answer.
Frolics and hijinks of the forest elves, fairies, wizards, gnomes, et al.
The forest folk, whose antics were captured so well by Shakespeare in his play of 1590, have a problem that we humans do not share. Having eternal time at their disposal allows these immortals to do whatever they wish; problem is, there is always too much time, never enough to do…. and so, to fill the endless vistas of their limitless days, they turn to the mischievous, which they have crafted into an art form and sport.
Tiger Woods is one of their most successful creations, showing just what they can do, for good and ill, when they put their minds to it.
Titania found her 1975 Christmas presents from Oberon insufficiently magnificent and entirely unsatisfactory. Being the Queen she let him know in ways petty, irksome, and irritating that she was unhappy. The smallest traces of the herb tauri were sufficient for embarrassing oral purgings, always at the least convenient moments. He got the message and offered her whatever she wanted… She told him she wanted a human child to shape, coddle, adore. And she had just the one in mind she wanted. Burping, Oberon agreed…
Titania thereupon scheduled a great party, to take place December 30, 1975, the birth day of Eldrick Tont Woods.
Every forest dweller ever presented to Their Majesties was invited to appear, wearing full regalia, all orders, ribands, decorations and, should you be fortunate to have them, the red heeled shoes that arrested every eye and made those without writhe. Titania wished this to be her finest festival yet… and so it was; not least because each guest had been commanded to bring a gift, an attribute or skill they would bestow on the newborn child.
Much consideration went into these gifts; each wanted his to be unique, memorable, something that might catch the eye of Titania and result, it could happen, in the instant bestowal of red heels and the universal envy they occasioned.
Titania, resplendent in gossamer spun by bees at the exact moment of sunrise, a crown of iris flowers set with diamonds in her hair, greeted her guests at the top of a staircase lined with dragonflies in full iridescence, Oberon at her side… the Court Chamberlain, a Monarch Butterfly full of years and honors, announced each guest’s arrival — and gift. The cricket orchestra unveiled a new grand march….
“You will win the U.S. Amateur title 3 times.”
“You will win 4 green jackets and the excitement of the world.”
“You will drive 350 yards at will to the mortification and envy of all your colleagues.”
And so it went as afternoon merged into evening, the line of guests never slackening… each one presenting Titania with their special gift for her ward and favorite, then handing it to a powdered flunkey who artfully arranged it amongst the mound of prior presentations.
“Your balls will always avoid water and sand.”
“Every putt will appear straight as an arrow.”
“You will win more PGA events than legendary Sam Snead.”
But there was more, much more… each following their Queen’s commands to the very letter:
“You will win more majors than Jack Nicklaus.”
“You will be the only golfer to win all 4 majors in a row.”
“You will win each major (Masters, PGA, U.S. Open, British Open) at least 3 times.”
Then these…
“You will become the richest sports figure in history.”
“You will marry one of the world’s most beautiful women.”
“You will be called Tiger and the world will cheer and honor you , glad for your success, never envious.”
Now the long receiving line had dwindled; the guests rather attending to the dainty foods and cups of potent nectar. And the orchestra, weren’t they splendid tonight?
Then, as a black presence emerged, all went silent. It was Nemesis…. slow moving, her wrinkled face but little seen, swathed in black, the essence of discontent, mayhem her specialty. Titania was called, her iris headband askew, she was no friend to Nemesis, and partly feared her. “My invitation must have gone astray,” she said “I have a gift for your Tiger, too,” her voice deceptively calm, caressing. There could be no reason for refusing though Titania wished to refuse, but why spoil such a divine party? Thus Nemesis, with care, placed her gift in the cradle. It said simply: “More… Having everything will never be enough.” She then waved a wand.. and every guest fell to sleep, to awake (as partied creatures so often do) with recollection of nothing.
Year after year, the attributes so bestowed came true, the man beloved of the world, nothing too good for him, nothing begrudged. He was star-kissed, Fortuna in his pocket.
Until one day in November 2009, it all unravelled, in the testimonies of a stream of women delighted to dally with a legend, he more than they careless of his celebrity and position. The revelations were steamy, sordid, specific… the man who had everything now had universal execration and criticism too… and a whopping $750 million dollar divorce settlement to boot.
As his gilded world imploded, he asked himself as the world asked him: why had he imperiled so much for so little? It was beyond reason, beyond rational reckoning. And as he thought, the stories grew more frequent, more lurid, more damaging.
Then flashed the message of Nemesis: “More,” she reminded, the caress still in the voice, “everything will never be enough.” And now in darkened room, focused solely on this, he wondered at the trick of fate that had given everything, so ordered and ordained that it could never be adequate, satisfactory or fulfilling.
At that moment, he hears again on the television, a name he has been hearing a lot lately, Rory McIlroy, the commentator extolling his many skills, many outdoing his own. At this moment Rory is advising Tiger to stay out of competitive play, focusing on recovering his health. The sentiments are, perhaps, well intended, but their calm condescension rankles. It was then that he sees something on the floor; it’s a aide memoire from Nemesis with this message: “Not invited to Titania’s party for Rory. Crash party with usual message. It worked so well with Tiger.”
And so it does. The man with everything still has more than most anyone… but he hankers after the most important thing, whose loss will hurt forever: he no longer inspires hope, admiration, even reverence. Even were he to get everything again, these — as Nemesis conspired — are truly gone forever.
* * * * *
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.  Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell http://HomeProfitCoach.com Check out Traffic Blog Empire   http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com/?rd=nh4VYABW

Monday, June 27, 2011

Internet Businesses are real and here is heartfelt blog about it!

By Michael Beirens
The start To best understand the team MLM or network marketing we have to go back to between the Thirteenth to the seventeenth century both in England and in Europe.  The people who lived in the villages at that time all did some form of work, and this was known as the Cottage industry.  People who raised sheep would sell the wool to someone who would spin it into tread that could be used to make cloth.  They made the cloth and then usually on Friday’s and Saturday’s all the villagers in a given area would hold a market and there they would buy or sell or barter merchandise.
As we have stated this was called the cottage industry. Between the eighteenth and nineteenth, centuries along came the Industrial revolution and people with money would build factories and offer jobs to the village people who would then work in one large building. We have all heard about the workshops of Charles Dickens era. Child labor and very poor working conditions.
We have now moved forward to the early and middle twentieth century. Your father or grand father worked for say Ford or Kodak or some other large conglomerate. We have now come full circle with the large corporations. They have now either closed or moved off shore.
Full Circle
We, that is the working families of the world, are in a dilemma.  The vast majority of the working families in the world, can either work for a minimum wage, and usually have the husband and wife working or find an alternative, on how to bring money into the household.  It is this quest for the alternative that I have tried to bring together the information that can help all of the people whether employed, underemployed or unemployed.  It is a very simple and easily answer question…
We must now must go back to the cottage industries or as we know it today MLM or working in the home.  The most infamous MLM Company is off course “Amway.”  People who shun this company may not realize, but they paved the way for many other MLM companies/businesses to find the light of day in our society. It should be stated here that Amway has produced more Millionaires than any other company on the face of the earth.  We have now moved even further with the home industry and the computer has made the home worker the wave of the future.
The Wave of the Future
The stigma of MLM is not only misunderstood but it must be grasped by the general populous if we are to lift our heads above the water again. If you talk to a Tax consultant he would advise that every person should have a home based business. When you have time take a look at this site, it’s all about the tax advantages of having a home  business. http://www.homebusinesstaxsavings.com  The Power of network marketing must be explored and then understood if we are to alleviate the unemployment and poverty not only here in America but also in great many other countries of the world.   The economic climate that is prevalent in the world right now can only be lifted if people go back to the cottage industries.  It is too late for a wait and see what the government can do, it must be understood that they don’t care!  Whether you are a democrat or republican or a whatever, the politicians cannot alleviate the economic conditions that are prevalent throughout America and the world. It should be understood here that it is the corporations that really rule the roost.
The Corporate Structure
Let’s take a perfect example and you who are reading this blog should answer the question that I will pose to yourselves.  The question?  Who is one of the largest corporations in the world and the largest employer in the world?  The answer of course is Wal-Mart!  Let’s first state that the purpose of any corporation is to make a profit, it cannot exist in the world without that.
Let’s now look at the structure of Wal-Mart.  The vast majority of workers are paid the minimum wage in whatever state the store is situated.  You get a fixed income to do a job, you are told to do this job because it makes money for the company.  They, the company, also will pay you as little as possible to make sure they generate the most profits possible. Did you know that there are actually companies hired by huge corporations whose sole purpose is to decide how little they can pay people and still retain them as employees!  Remember that the minimum wage is set by law. Yes!! Our representatives who we vote in to either our state legislator or to Washington DC. They help set this wage limit. Maybe you didn’t know that, but it’s a given truth!
So at this point, in time let’s take a look at the Walton’s family. I would state here that I do not begrudge Sam Walton from making a profit, because Wal-Mart as with all companies are there to make a profit, they cannot exist without it.  But we the worker bees are paid a minimum, and yet the Walton families are the riches family in the world.  I believe that it stands at over $120 billion. I am not writing this blog to advocate any particular policy, I am just pointing out why we the people must go back to the cottage industry if we are to keep our heads above water.
You and I, The worker Bee
Maybe here I should mention one great misunderstood point, and that is that general populous does not understand the power that lies within their hands.  People are of the understanding that the companies, Wal-Mart, Safeway, Coca Cola and heaven knows how many others set the price of the commode’s that you and I buy in the market place.  WRONG!!!!  The prices that are set in the market place are set by the consumer. If a dozen eggs cost say $4 a dozen and no one buys, then the store will bring down the price, it has no choice. If it doesn’t sell a certain commodity they can either throw it away or bring down the price.
So, let’s get one thing straight, we the consumers control the price of 90% of products that are sold today.  But we have been brainwashed for want of a better team to accept what price is put before us.  We are told by the store we have no choice.  If we were to say fine, we are not going to pay that price it would come down.  Remember the expression “United we stand, Divided we fall.”   When people are divided they can be controlled and sold a bill of goods, on that I will say no more.
Do not like being sold
Let us now get back to network marketing, how many people reading my blog have been approached or e-mailed about some internet business. We, that is all of humanity hate to be sold anything. Let’s look at an example if we see two people approaching our door, we know straight away that someone is going to try to sell us something, whether they are Mormons, or JW’s or insurance or whatever, so we run and hide if we have time.
The Internet Age
There are millions of homes which now have computers, so we might think that things are worse, because we can be inundated by e-mails. The one great thing about e-mails is we don’t have to refuse anyone in person we just erase the email and move on.  But the other side to the coin, is we also might miss a great business opportunity. When you surf the internet there are so many great opportunities shown that you can get overwhelmed.  You have to be on your toes, as there are a great many scams out there.
Is the Internet a Scam?
When the word scam is brought up, you might automatically think they the business is not legitimate, but that is not entirely true, it could mean that the people who call themselves Guru are scamming you out of money. They usually ask for $47, then when you click away it drops to $27, then if you click away again it goes down to $17 either they sell you the e-book or whatever and they only show you the minimum so if you want more knowledge it cost you yet again.
Don’t pay for something you don’t understand!
The first thing you should ask is does this cost me money, if so how much.  Have you ever noticed how popular the following prices are $17, $27, $47 or even $97  where this guys get the prices from are mentioned in the former paragraph. People will pay because they are reading a well written advertisement, usually written by a company that majors in phycology. They know what the magic words are. Don’t Be Foolish, and don’t give those people your money!
Why is This article in My blog
The main reason I’m writing this small e-book is to advise you that you do not have to pay a great deal of money for any good internet program.  There are many very good internet programs out there and they are free to you to sign up.  My advice is don’t spend money, when you don’t know anything about Network marketing, what you are being sold is as they say a bill of goods. It looks good and they usually have people with strong testimonials, but the majority of the people giving these testimonials have been working the internet for a couple of years.  The ads sometimes go like this.
Would you like to be ** Your Own Boss **, — Work from Home — and achieve **$$ Financial Freedom $$? Would you like to spend more valuable time with Your Family?
Discover the Best Home Based Businesses and Extra Income Ideas.
Start your own Home Based Business now and you can achieve Financial Freedom.
Interested? Click the Link now and set yourself FREE today!
The Realization of Your Dreams!
It should mentioned here, that never in the history of the work place have so many business been available than can make the ordinary Joe, like you and me into multi-millionaires. The digital age is upon us and it is changing the economy right in front of our eyes. These internet programs would have been impossible even five years ago, but with all the changes in ecommerce and the hundreds of millions of people online the impossible has become possible. The world is really our Oster. If you tried with being a worker bee for someone else then an internet business holds your future. You must understand that 97% of the internet programs work but you have to understand all about the different parts that make up the whole.  There are four or five major obstacles that will confront you. But I’m only going to mention a couple.
Understanding MLM!
Let’s take a look at the Amway Founders Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel, they will tell you the story of Amway and if you are really interested in that story I believe there is a number of good books out there.  But basically they will tell you they approached about 1,000 people 900 wouldn’t give then time of day 100 signed up 90 dropped out and the other 10; 5 did nothing and 5 made Amway a billion dollar company.  The second story is just as interesting. You and I know it as KFC.  But did you know that Hartland Sanders started KFC when he was 66 years old,  He took his chicken recipe door to door or actually restaurant to restaurant.  He came out of the 1065 restaurant door, very discouraged, I’m not sure what his mind was saying but I would imagine it was lets go home, no one wants my chicken recipe. But he stopped one more time and the rest as they say is history.  One other person who I find very interesting is Bill Britt, one of Amway’s most successful distributors. His story is the same as the Amway founders, he showed the plan to about 1200 people, 900 said thanks but no thanks, a couple of hundred signed up, and about a dozen made Bill a multi-millionaire.

Reasons to Quit before you start
The first and most disheartens enemy then is Rejection, you must be ready to accept this, remember they are not rejecting you they are rejecting an idea that they have no understanding off.  Unfortunately the Amway stigma still hangs about that word, ‘MLM.’  Please understand that people do not know what they are rejecting.  Remember too that there first question if they are listening at all is “How much do you make,”   Then when you say “well I’m just starting out, just like Henry Ford; I’m trying to make my first car.  There answer is “Come back when you made a million bucks.”  You can at this point be sarcastic and say when I’ve made my first million I won’t be living around here then.so you better get in now.”
The second enemy that you have to face is deception, People will say that they will come to your house or where ever the presentation is and off course they won’t turn up. The great difference today is, you don’t have to hold meetings, you just leave them with a video and tell them you’ll watch it with them or you’ll come back tomorrow and pick it up.
To Start a Journey
How many people reading this little blog like to grow stuff  in their garden. Well let’s look at the analogy.
You find a plot of land, you dig the plot, weed out the grass and weeds, hoe the ground and plant you seeds. You pull the weeds and water your garden, and at the end of the growing season, you harvest your crop. If you would take that much care of a garden, why will you not take such care of your mind and life?
The stage is set for you to take hold of your life, there is a saying
“Don’t just take a breath to live, BUT!!! Take a breath to live, grow and learn.”
Another saying that I wrote a few years back.
“It doesn’t take courage to be a dreamer! BUT!!! It does take courage to turn dreams into reality.”
Let’s assume that you have listened to someone about an internet business, at this point let’s not both with a name. The journey that you are about to embark on can be a great adventure, if you want to look at it that way.  There is a saying “To change your life, all you have to do is change your mind,” You will, whether you realize it or not, you are going to have to move out of your comfort zone.  You may ask why I have so many little saying, the reason is that they are positive affirmations and when I feel a negative wave, I try to remember a little saying. You ask does it work, sometimes but, regardless I’m glad I can say them to myself.
Why Have I covered so much area
If you are reading this blog and you may be asking a great many questions. I mean I have taken you from the dark ages up to this internet age.  My purpose in taking you along this road is having you build within yourself, the realization that all of us go through hardships. The hardships of choice, we can either stay a worker bee or we can take life by the horns and give yourselves and your spouse and your children a better life.  I have said it before in this blog and I’ll repeat, never in the history of the world have there been so many opportunities to better ourselves than now.
Conditioned from School age
It’s unfortunate, but whether you realize it or not, we have been conditioned since our school days to fail, some people might say that’s not so, well Government surveys prove this statement, it is a fact that at retirement 67% of the people cannot provide for their own needs, and only 1 or 2 % are independently wealthy.
A Dream in Your heart
Everyone has a vision of themselves in their head, and for most people that vision is identical to their current reality.  They don’t see themselves as anything bigger than what they already are and therefore opportunity doesn’t register as anything of intrinsic value.  They may work in a convenience store and in their head they are a convenience store worker.  Most of what is sold to good people these days is a bunch of bad advice and general information.
If you read this far it means that you are searching for something.   You want to be more that a worker bee.  So a little exercise, sit and close your eyes.  Visualize what it is you want with all your heart, mind and soul. Build the dream in your mind. If you don’t dream, how do you think your dreams will come true?  But! It should be emphasized that your success is directly related to how hard you work, as it is in any business.
Helping others along the road to success
But with an Internet Business one other element should be added and that is your success is hinged a great deal on how much you help others. As you build your business do not look on others as dollar bills. Remember they are people who also have dreams.  Numbers never lie, pick your goal and then go into overdrive and massive action. If you talk to enough people you will succeed.  Bill Britt made a tape years ago, remember he’s a millionaire from Amway.  The tape is called “Would you search a year for someone like me.”
Why both writing this article
The main reason for writing this blog is to help you make logical and wise decisions, I have been burned so many times when I started out, that I am determent to stop as many people as I can from being burned and lead astray. There is no need to scam people but the so called gurus want to give enough that you will buy but keep enough from you that you are never a threat to their market place.
What not to look for in an Internet Business
We are now ready to look at a number of Internet businesses; the first item on the agenda is minimum cost, like $1 up to say $25 no more than that.  We don’t want to be hit by the so called guru’s; you know we have mentioned the $47 gang. You would not believe how many people rush through things, sign up to every new program in pre-launch and expect thousands by the morning.  I am going to put this bluntly…  The fact is you are being programmed to buy, Buy, and BUY, over and over again, without asking any serious questions about WHAT it is you actually need to succeed. You are being kept in the dark in regards to the ONLY things you actually have to learn to achieve success online.
Don’t Ever Give up
What I mean by that is you are being programmed to seek and purchase only the “HOPE” of achieving your goals, not the actual knowledge and education needed to help you DO IT!
This is not your fault, but is the natural direction the mind moves into when it reaches a point of saturation and information overload.
This is not some vast conspiracy mind you; it is just how marketing works. The problem is you need to learn HOW it works or it will work you over pretty bad, and you will continue to suspend your logic and reason without even realizing it is happening.
You need to be working for YOU, not some Internet or MLM “guru” who is grooming you to be their retirement fund.
Can I get Rich Quick
There are NO free rides to a successful business.
The truth is this…You CAN get rich quick! Don’t let anyone tell you it is not possible, because it is. You just have to KNOW what to do and what to expect, and that is where my marketing team comes in.
You have to start out with a realistic expectation of what “Quick” means first, or you will get burned time and time again online.
If you can completely replace your current income and then some in 12 months, that is quick! If you do not think that is quick then I know of a few slick marketers that have a product or two to sell you at around $97 a pop…or just go to Clickbank and take your pick!
Let’s Get Real Here…
You are reading this blog because you have already come to the realization that you don’t need to work for someone else your entire life to be financially stable and successful. We all know how that kind of plan works (or doesn’t work).
Remember not to speed read through this blog or skim over it. If you read slowly and let it soak in you won’t be confused afterwards or have to read it over and over again. This is YOUR future we are talking about here so do yourself a favor and Pay Attention!
What type of Business  is a Good Business
The type of business that you should look for and I’m going to mention a few, but the choice of which or any that you join is off course your final decision. I cannot and will not make that decision for you. Please understand that. The reason that I do not make those kinds of decisions is because I don’t know how you think and what you present circumstances are.
I give you an internet business address and you must read and think about what you need and what you see. But as I have stated any internet business that you visit from my referrals will not cost a great deal of money. Also they are very easy to understand and if you sign up for a business there are no hidden cost that you will be asked to pay for, so that you can obtain more information.
Always remember the choices that you make will determine the course of your future. No more no less!  To finish this blog, I want you remember this; success always comes down to one thing. “Am I willing to pay the price for my personal financial freedom”?
A life full of Stress
Before I mention a number of Internet Businesses, let’s look at what Forbes Magazine has stated that over the next 3 to 5 years 79 million people will be exactly where you are now looking for a home based business.  There is nothing worse than having to decide which bills to pay and
which ones you can get away with not paying until next month. Just like you, millions of people will have become tired of just getting by and of being forced to live in “fight/flight-survival mode” each and every day.  Let that go for a minute and imagine this…
Finally Life without Stress
Imagine having the time to do exactly what you want to do when you want to do it…Imagine you don’t have to selectively choose to pay your mortgage over your power bill this month…Imagine not having to make a quick payment to your credit card just to keep it from going over the limit!  Then answer me this question…How would your life change if 12 months from now, you could have replaced your entire income online through your own business, AND positioned yourself to be able to make as much money as you  want to, whenever you want to, from that point on?
Types of Internet Businesses
I now going to mention a number of businesses and give there internet address.  If you sign up for one of them or all of them you will find that I am your direct sponsor or up line. How they are listed is in no way telling you which the best is or the worst. As I have stated and will repeat I am not advising on which to join if any, because I believe that is your choice. I will certainly give you guidance and advice but that’s all.   So here is a list and brief description of each internet business.
This internet business is run by a great guy Howard Martell, if you wish to know more about this guy please read about him on his sites. His internet business address is http://blog.homeprofitcoach.com/?p=1136 and after reading a little on this site go to the bottom of the page and you will see two other address  http://HomeProfitCoach.com and http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com/?rd=hi76Cl4e You may contact him for further information and help via skype at homeprofitcoach.   You will find that when you become involved with good people on the internet they tent to help as much as they can. They will not do the work for you but will help point you in the right direction.  You will see on the right hand side a number of other internet businesses, please check these out for your own interest.
This next business is actually an extension of the former business run by Howard Martell. The name of this internet business is Worldprofit Inc., the internet address for this business is http://www.worldprofit.com/default.cfm?id=5235375 this is my web site but feel free to read and investigate this business. Another address to visit is  http://worldprofithome.wordpress.com/   Sign up for a Free Associate Member account now! You’ll see that Worldprofit is a very different kind of company.  If after reading and studying about the company, you wish to sign up for a silver membership, the cost may be a little prohibitive, but, after you study it and maybe talk to my upline Howard Martell you’ll understand what is included, the price to join is very low, when you compare what you are being given, and the help that is available to you after you become you are a member.  The business was founded in 1994 by Dr. Jeffrey Lant, George Kosch and Sandi Hunter as a home business on a kitchen table in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Today Worldprofit Inc. is the number one choice for people who want to learn how to build a successful home business. Worldprofit is one of the largest website hosting providers in Western Canada, providing design, software, training, software, support, marketing, education and e-business tools for small and home based customers around the globe.  Worldprofit Inc offers home business owners a complete system for growing a successful online business – ANY online business.
The next internet business is run by a great guy Stefan Berg and his wife. Their business address is   http://globalnpn.com/freereport/   my advice here is read and reread don’t just look at the words but understand what he is telling you. His information is very clear and very, very important for you and others that you may sponsor as you grow in the knowledge. The other address is http://theleadmagnet.com/refmail.php?userid=coollimey&id=10083 as I stated this business states at $10.75 and there are no hidden costs, as you will see as you read.
About the Author: Michael Beirens
I am  from England originally but I am very Patriotic and love America and wrote this to wake up  the America’s  and  give the power to the people! They have the power to change there future.
Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell MCEC
http://HomeProfitCoach.com. Check out Fast Fan Pages ->  http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com/?rd=ij7eb90h

I am America

By Michael Beirens
To get you in the right mindset google I am American on any search engine.
I am America
As a nation, known as America, I'm not very old really.  I was born July 4, 1776.  I am a nation of great diversity, in people and in landscape.  From the beautiful islands of the Pacific to the majestic majesty of the mountains and lands of Alaska.  From the Pacific coast lands to the Rocky Mountains to the plains of the great Midwest, to the beauty of New England and the Atlantic coast, to the quiet beauty of the South and to the beauty and broad expanse of the great South West.
I am a free America, I am made up of people of all walks of life. They came to me from many countries of the world in search of freedom and equality.  I was founded on an experiment in government.  "Government of the people, by the people and for the people."  No government body or any law should be able to take from my land and my people this God given right of freedom.
The Constitution states that all men are equal and endowed by God with certain inalienable rights,  “One of which is freedom.”
John Quincy Adams said  “Posterity you may never know how much it cost my Generation to preserve your freedom, I hope you make good use of it.”
The Bill of Rights addresses laws and matters that effect, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."  The Right of Free Speech; The Right to Bear Arms; The Freedom of the Press;  Freedom of Conscience and Worship;  The Right of Peaceful Assembly;  The Right to Petition Government; The Right of Due Process of Law; and The Right to Gain and Hold Property.  Further moral laws set the bounds by which all my people may live in my land.  These laws are not there to restrict people, but to guide them, and to help them develop their God given attributes.  I require all that live within my shores to obey the law.
If you the people of my land allow government to be your caretakers, you will move towards government being your master not your servant.  Never in the history of America, have you my people been lulled into such a sense of false security.  The cry from government is, "All is Well."  This is not so!  At this time in my history, no greater responsibility rests upon each and every citizen of this great republic, regardless of color, race or creed, than to awake from their sleep and if called, fight to protect the freedoms vouchsafed by the Constitution of the United States of America.
We are the only nation under God that organized government on the basis of universal liberty.  When God inspired the Founding Fathers to write the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, freedom meant all.  It means much now and it must continue, to be a beacon of light and guidance, not only for ourselves, but for all nations of the world.  It is the most important element in the conception of what America should be.  The elements of freedom are instilled into the mind's and heart's of all humankind.  Freedom is boundless and stretches throughout all human experiences; it courses through your veins.  It cross all human barriers and knows no color, race or creed.
The principles of Liberty, Justice and Equality are what makes this nation great.  If you the people of my nation do not march onward, and awake from your slumber, then the God given gift of freedom will be lost.  Taking this God given gift for granted is the most dangerous moral peril and failing to maintain a sense of vigilance that is yours, is suicide.  You must awake and be counted.
Many of my sons and daughters in the past fought for this freedom that has been passed down to you.  You may have to fight again.  Were the sacrifices of the Founding Fathers  in establishing this great nation for naught?  I hope not.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of this great gift of freedom in his "I have a Dream," speech:
"When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day, when all God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestant and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last!  Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.”'
The many battles that have been fought over the years within the bounds of these shores, were fought to give you my people, freedom!  Many have forgotten that this freedom was bought with the blood of past generations of my sons and daughters.  They were not afraid to die for freedom!  Why is it that you, my present generation, seem afraid to live for it.
The great words spoken by such great men as "Adams,  Dr .King; Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln are for naught, if you do not use the power that has been given to you at such great cost. What is this great power, that you hold within your hands?   It is the greatest gift that freedom can bestow upon any people.  This power, is the greatest of voices, and if used correctly will make politicians tremble.  This power is the people's voice.  It is the power of the vote!   Remember that only you, the people of my nation have the power to move government onto the correct path.  When you do this through the power of the vote, then, you will remind all, that you the people are the true master of the Government and of this great land.  For you who do not vote,  a word of warning.  “Evil will triumph, when good people do nothing.”
Thomas Jefferson said. “ My God!  How little do my countrymen know what precious blessing they are in possession of, and which no other people on the earth enjoy.”
Patrick Henry said.  “The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active and the brave.”
Andrew Jackson said.  “No free government can stand without virtue in the people, and a lofty spirit of patriotism.  I thank God that my life has been spent in this land of Liberty.”
Abraham Lincoln said it best:
"We the people are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert this great document."
"To sin by silence when they should protest, makes cowards of men."
If we are to survive as a nation, there must be a stirring and an awakening in my Land.  You, the people, cannot and must not relapse into the negative condition of the undisturbed status quo.  Freedom must continue as a beacon of light for the whole world.  It must be a positive invigorating force that spurs humankind onto wider fields of endeavor.
May God grant to you, my people and to my future generations, strength of purpose and the wisdom not only to seek for freedom and justice.  But to hold fast to these inalienable rights granted to every citizen of my great republic by God and the Founding Fathers.
About the Author: Michael Beirens
I am  from England originally but I am very Patriotic and love America and wrote this to wake up  the America's  and  give the power to the people! They have the power to change there future.
Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell  Certified E commerce Consultant http://HomeProfitCoach.com Check out Fast Fan Pages ->  http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com/?rd=ij7eb90h

Liberation rolls on as New York — the great Empire State — legalizes same-sex marriage.

June 27, 2011 | Author: Jeffrey Lant | Posted in Dr. Jeffrey Lant’s Article Archive
General John Burgoyne
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author’s program note. For this story, so long in the making, many tunes would have been good… Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop” (recorded in 1977) is not merely good; it’s note and word perfect. It’s a tune that means the human machine is moving again. That we’re marching ahead! Moving, despite all inhibitions and blocks, towards the Promised Land. You’ll find this number in any search engine. Listen to it a time or two before digging into this article. And be sure to save the link; you’ll want to be reminded that humanity doesn’t move inexorably ahead; it does so by fits and starts… even so, we move!
Saratoga all over again.
Back in late 1777, the fortunes of George Washington, his troops, and the entire Revolution were at rock bottom. All that was needed was one more British victory and the British would have the honor of catching Traitor George and his nefarious crew… then indeed would the revolutionaries who had not succeeded in hanging together would hang separately. Victory was close… temptingly close. It all hinged on a man called General “Gentleman Johnny” Burgoyne (1722-1792) an officer who loved the pomp and circumstance of war… and knew his comfort and fortune, his place in history, were secure if he won that victory. Unfortunately Burgoyne was better at striking martial poses (Sir Joshua Reynolds painted him grandiloquently in one) than winning victories…
At Saratoga, in New York, Burgoyne, so very arrogant, so very confident of crushing victory, lost the battle. And while there were difficult days ahead for the revolutionaries when Gentleman Johnny surrendered, thereby bringing the French and Spanish support to their cause, the momentum shifted once and for all; the fate of British North America was glaringly apparent. All because of one event in New York, October, 1777.
And now New York has determined the fate of another revolution… same-sex marriage. There’s no stopping it now.
The man who did it… and turned himself into a likely future president.
I have long thought that the problem with the same-sex marriage matter (which is not the most important problem on the nation’s agenda), was that its advocates were flat-footed amateurs at the great American game of using our history, culture and values to get something you want, something others may not want to yield. Such situations scream for a fresh look… and a fresh, keen, credible leader… a person who knows the game and plays it joyously con brio, with the verve and style displayed in Reynolds’ great masterpiece.
Andrew Cuomo is that person and every one of the approximately 45,000 same-sex couples in New York should be required by love (if not by law) to toast this consummate political animal at their weddings, which can begin to take place July 24, 2011.
The 56th governor of New York, a sure-fire Democratic heavyweight.
The way Andrew Cuomo, who only assumed his high office January 1, 2011, handled the bug-a-boo of same-sex marriage displays political wisdom and skill of the first magnitude, because gay marriage is and always has been a political problem; a political matter masquerading as morality… when it was always about who gets what, just the way most American moral matters are.
Let’s set the stage…
Two years ago, the New York legislature defeated same-sex marriage. One major reason for this humiliating set-back was the lack of leadership. Gay advocates were mostly gay people whose special pleading often sounded whiney with non-existent organizational skills and no “go -to” leader in sight. It all made for an inevitable result: defeat. Gay leaders got a pie in the face and learned a harsh lesson about politics the New York way… a brand-new approach was called for.
Andrew Cuomo’s election at governor in November, 2010, to the office once held by his father, started the ball rolling. He told gay leaders he was the go-to guy… and that he’d call the shots and give them victory. (He glossed over all the goodies he’d accrue… including the lifetime right to dip into the huge financial resources of gay Americans in pursuit of La Casa Blanca.)
I don’t know precisely what was in Cuomo’s mind at that point but I can guess. He knew — or had to know — that same-sex marriage opponents had no case; or, rather that their case was based on denying their fellow citizens the very right they themselves had: the right to select the person you want to marry and spend your life with. The entire opposition stood for everything we abhor: getting told by others what we can and cannot do, what is right and what is wrong, and being grateful for an inherently unequal second-class citizenship.
Oh yes, don’t forget to bow your head , tug your forelock and say “merci, m. le marquis”, while eating his dust while he throws you a couple of doubloons for which you are supposed to be eternally grateful. Can anyone say “Bastille”?
Cuomo, smart, smart, smart, cast the debate in terms of personal freedom, the “Don’t treat on me” message of the revolutionary flag. Having forged the message, Cuomo — audace, audace, toujours l’audace — shopped it, to broaden support for the measure. The people he approached were not the people you’d think; they were the people he needed to secure his argument and get the votes… and they were called… Republicans. Yeah, the supposed enemy.
He convened a meeting with Republicans who were squeamish about the discriminatory position the Roman Catholic hierarchy and other unenlightened folk were forcing on them, the policy of “I’ve got my main squeeze, I’ll make sure you can’t have yours”. This wasn’t a case; it was adolescent one-upsmanship pure and simple… and it made some influential GOP types squirm with dismay and embarrassment. Cuomo made them a offer…
Admit it, he said. You feel uncomfortable supporting people who want to deny some of their fellow countrymen the very rights they have themselves. The guests admitted that was so; they felt like heels. Cuomo says, exactly. So, here’s what we can do: you support same-sex marriage in the legislature, cough up some bucks to finance the effort, and I’ll cover you back in your districts. A straight political deal of the kind practiced by their excellencies the governors of New York since Johnny Burgoyne handed them, on his silver platter, the state house… that famous launching pad for so many to the White House.
Just who was at that pivotal meeting and later discussions is not entirely known (the name of billionaire Paul Singer is mentioned and he has an openly gay son)… nor does it matter much. The point is Cuomo had a goal; Cuomo had a message; Cumo had a strategy…and in due course, a triumphant Governor Andrew Cuomo had a victory. The New York state senate, 33-29 joined its House of Representatives to pass the bill that will get, in a suitably grand and significant ceremony, the governor’s John Hancock. Signed, sealed and delivered, as promised.
New York’s action is critical; it gives the cause major momentum, unstoppable now. And so is Cuomo. The most significant aspect of this victory may not be the thousands of couples it will benefit. It may be an oath that begins, ” I, Andrew Cuomo, do solemnly swear….” He’s humming “Don’t Stop” under his breath right now; it’s his favorite tune.
* * * * *
About the Author:
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,  providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell http://HomeProfitCoach.com. Check out Traffic Blog Empire ->  http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com/?rd=nh4VYABW

Sunday, June 26, 2011

‘I’m gonna be like you, dad. You know I’m gonna be like you.’ U.S. Father’s Day, June, 2011.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author’s note. To get into the mood of this special Father’s Day article, go to any search engine and find “Cat’s in the Cradle” sung by Harry Chapin in 1974. Its refrain is haunting, and every boy-turned-father understands the bite in the words, often painfully so…
“A child arrived just the other day”, February 16, 1947.
It was my birth day but, as I couldn’t possibly have known, it was the end of their honeymoon and that special tea-for-two idyll that comes only once. My parents married February 16,1946; I teased them for years about the importance of that last digit.
Like all babies, I expected, demanded and maneuvered to be the center of their lives. It’s what babies do.
But I can imagine now what was going on in the weeks prior to that mad-dash to the hospital that transformed my beautiful young mother from a wife with a constituency of one… into a multi-tasking mother.
I was the first born child, first child, first son, first grandson on both sides; every one of these designations pushed omniscient women forward and my father back. The process, you see, in those post-War years was not made for fathers, no matter how caring. And, upon arrival, I monopolized my mother. I’ve told you, it’s what babies do… and even then I was masterful at my craft.
There must have been times, though no one to this day has ever said so, when he missed the bright, laughing eyed girl he’d married. She was the essence of the “fun on a date” ‘forties girl who had the gift of joy with lots to spare.
She gave me a clue years later, telling me she didn’t like children, didn’t mean to have any, and thought they looked like frogs. (Queen Victoria thought so, too). But, she quickly added and always emphasized that all that changed when the nurse handed me over for my first visit, textbook perfect infantile innocence.
I’d “come into the world in the usual way”. And I was determined to keep the full and undivided attention of the woman who didn’t yet know how her own instincts would conduce to my constant benefit; literally born yesterday I didn’t need Dr. Spock to tell me that.
Into this new, unstudied situation my father had to move and move delicately for now words like “shhhhhh, he’s sleeping” meant sacrifice, limitations, and even unwonted loneliness. It was a sea-change from the happy “you-for-me-and-me-for-you” days of such recent memory.
“He learned to walk while I was away.”
Like most children I don’t know what I actually remember or what I have, from pictures and family stories, been taught to remember. But there is hardly a memory either way that is not more her than him. He worked hard, long hours, lucky to have a job in the recession that promptly came with our unqualified war victory. She was the center of my universe. And, like Chapin, my first steps were probably taken when he was being a “good provider”. But there is a story that sums up the situation.
One hot, humid Illinois summer day (are there any other?) when I was about three, my mother and I screamed for ice cream. But there was not a dollar to be had… except for a dollar bill my father had circulated amongst his Navy buddies, to be autographed by each. Such a token was not to be surrendered lightly, but it was surrendered nonetheless, for the delicacy of an instant and later, poignant regrets. He must have loved us very much to do such a thing… it says volumes about the man.
“My son turned ten just the other day. He said, “Thanks for the ball, dad, come on let’s play.”
In the suburbs of Chicago in the early Eisenhower years, you needed to be good at handling the balls of several sports… or so bright that you could afford to ignore sports because you were destined for greater things. My brother filled the first category; I filled the second. I knew my brother was easier to handle; he fit in, particularly the year he made the state Little League team, and we all trooped down to Freeport to watch him, resplendent in a uniform that said “Moose”; this was lifetime certification that he was a boy’s boy…
I was different, always with my nose in a book, the one who when asked at age 10 or so what he wanted to be when he grew up, without dropping a beat, said “Harvard graduate; millionaire; writer of many books.” II wasn’t what prairie parents were accustomed to hearing… What’s more, it all came true in due course…
Another celebrated incident took place about this time. My parents and I went to some local swimming hole for a day of the kind of innocent amusements I couldn’t wait to escape from. At the end of the day, it was, I think, my mother who said the inevitable line about their guests, “Cute couple. Great relationship.” That sort of thing. What did I think? Without missing a beat I said I thought they had problems… and seer-like, foretold splitsvillle. Of course, I was told I was wrong, but just weeks later they separated. My stock soared… and my father pressed me less to fire a gun, build superb back yard igloos, throw a ball, you get the picture. He had to wonder about this creature sui generis.. and what his role as father might mean or entail.
I was not an easy child, although I say it myself, an interesting one. He must have seen I was moving beyond his sphere into uncharted waters. I could hardly wait until it happened and my joy at crossing another day off the calendar, the sooner to commence my Great Journey, must have been palpable, even affronting. I did not want what his life epitomized and I was too green, unknowing how to say this without insult… and uncaring about the effect.
There was, in those years, more coexistence than empathy., not least because he tried hard to get me to understand and adopt verities he saw as fundamental and essential… about which I had quite different ideas. I severely embarrassed him the day I refused to answer the pastor’s call for Communion, being unable to subscribe to the tenets. (I have never taken Communion sincen.)
There was, too, his desire that I should understand the farmer’s life practised by all my cousins and should, as part, learn how to harvest oats and drive a tractor. The first scratched; the second bored. Neither oats nor tractor have played any role in my development.
“Well, he came from college just the other day…”
My launching pad to the vision I had long been shaping for my life came with a college acceptance letter. ….. and thereafter, too long, communications were as rushed and superficial as Harry Chapin sings.
“I’ve long since retired and my son’s moved away…”
And so it might have stayed, both of us stubborn, obstinate, headstrong — proud men, unyielding. But, you see, the love that caused a prized war memento to be sacrificed had always been present, waiting for auspicious times. He told me the other day, cast down now and again by the tremors and afflictions of the way we age now, that he was ready to go whenever the good Lord wants him. And neither he nor I fear that… for we have, at last, found each other and gladly so.
“And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me, He’d grown up just like me. My boy was just like me.”
* * * * *
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell http://HomeProfitCoach.com. Check out Killer Content -> http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com/?rd=hh3oNjiJ

U.S. Marine Sergeant William Woitowicz. Dead too soon at 23 in ‘the place where the winds arise’. June 7, 2011.

U.S. Marine Sergeant William Woitowicz. Dead too soon at 23 in ‘the place where the winds arise’. June 7, 2011.


U.S. Marine Sergeant William Woitowicz. Dead too soon at 23 in ‘the place where the winds arise’. June 7, 2011.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author’s note. This is a sombre article on a sombre subject. I have chosen the deeply moving music “Swing low, sweet chariot” to set the mood. There are many fine versions of this well-known tune written by Wallis Willis in 1862.
I have chosen the one by Kevin Maynor. You will find it in any search engine. Listen to it without interruption of any kind. This powerful song deserves nothing less.
Mellifluous language.
The Persian language is a language of poetry and culture. It is fluid, nuanced, and often extraordinarily beautiful. So evocative are its words that once bestowed on a person, place or thing, these matters, hum-drum anywhere else, are turned as if by magic, into words of lyric beauty.
Such a fortunate place is Badghis, a province in the northwest of the nation of Afghanistan. It is a place of winds, many bruising and destructive. Other places, like Chicago, the “windy city,” have been blunt about its disposition. Badjhis prefers a softer touch that makes the point, but does so without a candor that can be abrasive.
And so this place came to be called the land “where the winds arise” and it is where U.S. Marine Sergeant William J. Woitowicz fell never to rise again, cut down by small-arms fire and so released so early from the thrall of life.
Where he fell, how he fell, just what happened when,are the pedestrian details of an incident soon to be forgotten and without any significance to anyone but William J. Woitowicz. He expired in the full bloom of youth on an ordinary day, where the quotidian was mundane, banal, commonplace to a degree, and where absolutely nothing done that day was unusual or important… except this particular sergeant. For him that day was everything…
From a place far, far away.
Ever been to Groton, Massachusetts or its near neighbor Westford? If not, make plans to visit. The fall is best, since those autumnal days of colored leaves and crisp, clear skies showcase these typical New England towns best. These are places so scenic, your finger automatically takes the pictures you will share with friends along with your decided opinion on how nice these previously unknown places really are.
No one was more of these serene bedroom communities than William Woitowicz. He knew them down to his fingertips, and they knew the brawny athlete with the killer smile and winning ways. People just plain liked him… and he, without much wondering why, liked them in return. It was a formula for many of life’s happynesses. Make a note that when your next child or grandchild is born to ask the fairies to give unstintingly of charm and an inquisitive mind. Woitowicz was gifted with both and showed just how far they could take a likely laddie.
For such a boy, the world was his oyster; everything possible, the very best that could be had in the great Republic.
That is why his decision to join the Marines directly following high school graduation in 2007 came as a shock. It was not the career path of choice parents like Kevin and Rosemary Woitowicz could understand, approve or recommend.
But their son (remember that killer smile) soon showed his “devastated” parents why his decision made sense — for him. And, of course, in this situation, as so many others, parents, even strongly disapproving parents, could in the end only concur and offer heartfelt wishes. And so they did for Billy Woitowicz. He was now en route to his strange destiny.
He now had the kind of lifestyle that exults Marines and causes lesser folk, needing their comforts, to cringe. But Woitowicz, having made his choice, was determined to turn himself not merely into a superb Marine, but the most cheerful Marine ever; it was an unusual combination… and it did not go unnoticed. Billy, in the Marines as at Groton-Dunstable Regional High School, was noticed; people kept their eyes on the man, he could be counted on. That means everything to Marines, for whom the word “buddy” constitutes a religion.
They needed him and all the other meritorious Marines everywhere there was America’s business to transact. But it could only send this particular Marine to one high priority place… and the place they needed him yesterday was Afghanistan, the basket case of nations, where people like Billy were gold, not least because the locals soon understood his smile was for them, too.
And, by the way, he volunteered for Afghanistan; he knew the “basket case” needed what he had in excess, and to spare: humanity.
June 7, 2011, a day like any day.
June 7 had “routine” written all over it. And so it started… Billy was deployed as part of the Second Marine Special Operations Battalion of the Marine Special Operations Regiment, based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
No one expected anything to go wrong; everyone was prepared in case it did. And then, in an instant, it went terribly, terribly wrong for Billy Woitowicz; the gym-tailored body he had been so anxious to perfect, lay face down in the dust of one of the most miserable countries on earth his hair dappled with blood and blasted expectations.
No one, despite their sense and exhaustive training, could quite take it in: Billly Woitowicz had gone before… “Swing low, sweet chariot…” and he had his orders from the highest source:
“Well if you get there before I do, Coming for to carry me home. Tell all my friends I’m a coming too, Coming for to carry me home.”
Carried home.
The people of Groton and Westford did Bilie proud. Never in their long history of service, patriotism and support had these communities poured out their pride and gratitude, their grief and pain for any citizen as they did for this citizen.
The Marine Corps, more than a career, his vocation, advanced him to the rank of sergeant and the Purple Heart. From the Corps he loved and served unto death this meant everything.
The flags at half mast, the bunting, the remnants of the heartfelt ceremonies civil and religious are all apparent, And on another day of “war as usual” Billie abides in peace in the town he knew so well, amongst the citizens who liked and loved him. Here, in tranquility he graces the ages with his all-embraciing killer smile taken too soon from us in the land where the wind arises.
* * * * *
?About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author’s permission by Howard Martell http://HomeProfitCoach.com. Check out Cash Renegade -> http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com/?rd=to0kJkVU

What are the services that Worldprofit Offers to our members Posted on June 21, 2011 by Howard Martell

What are the services that Worldprofit Offers to our members