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Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dr. Jeffrey Lant An Open Letter to President Obama. We electors have spoken and here's what you must do. Dr. Jeffrey Lant
An open letter to President Obama. We electors of these
United States have spoken. Here's what we said.... and
what you must do.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Dear Mr. President:
The people of the United States have spoken... with
a message that must have been gall and wormwood
for you. Because you see, sir, these elections --
endless, expensive, full of expletives undeleted
and charges of every kind and variety... were all
about just one person... and that person is YOU.
You must feel today as Abraham Lincoln felt
when once handed his lunch by the voters: It hurt too
much to laugh, he said, but he was too big to cry.
(By the way, another Illinois politician named Adlai Stevenson
used this memorable line, when he too got sucker punched
by the voters and was denied the White House,
twice. It seems Prairie politicians should keep
these words handy, to be used when their own
native wit fails.)
Unlike Stevenson, however, you remain in the
Oval Office for at least two more years. And, of
course, you want to stay there beyond that as well.
That's why I'm sending this letter... so you will understand
why you went at your inauguration from a man
revered by millions who thought you could walk on
water, to a man whose head is now barely above
water, dog paddling like crazy to stay afloat. First,
for the good of America, second for your own "legacy"
you must hear and heed what we just said via the
ballot box... and you must seize this moment of
humiliation, embarrassment and profound chagrin
to turn these bitter fruits into fuel for greatness.
Let's review how you got to this place and what you
must do about it.
1) Your presidency has been more Harvard than Chicago.
On the opening day of the Kennedy presidency, revered
New England poet Robert Frost told the new chief executive this
memorable truth: "Be more Irish than Harvard. Poetry and power is
the formula for another Augustan Age. Don't be afraid of power."
Good, shrewd, succinct, New England advice. Take it.
I am writing to you today right across from the
Harvard Law School and its Law Review. You worked
hard to get both... but to save your presidency (and
propitiate an angry nation) you must now be more IIlinois
and Chicago than Cambridge. Cambridge is a
magic place, a civilized place... a place which draws the best
and the brightest from all directions. But Cambridge is a
bad model to govern from because we here produce
elitists... and you need kick boxers and jujitsu masters.
Yes, you can turn a neat phrase... but the moment for neat
phrases is gone. You must, in brief and again, be
more Chicago than Harvard... and this essential
transformation must start at once. Your presidency, sir,
and the improvement of America depends upon it.
2) You tried to do too much, too soon... and ended
up "jack of all trades master of none."
Sir, we all know people who make promises they
can't keep. It all sounds so good when you hear them...
but when you promise, then leave project after project unfinished,
you merely engender the very cynicism about
politicians and government you say you abhor; you become
your own worst enemy.
What the country wanted from you was jobs. Put
Americans to work, sir, with real jobs and we can astonish
the world with our range of skills and a "can-do" attitude that
still defines us. Yes, we need health care. Yes, we
need better schools... and all the rest of those good
ideas we all want. But, first and foremost, we need jobs....
and when you selected other priorities you showed us
all that you just didn't get it; that you were more Harvard
than Chicago. Because, sir, in Illinois (from whence I hail
myself) they get it: jobs, jobs, jobs. You didn't like Richard
J. Daly very much, but he kept his ears open and
knew that a man without a job is a desperate man, a
hurting man, a man without hope.
You should have commandeered the Roosevelt Room
in the White House and turned it into your personal
command post... where the total focus was on jobs,
jobs, jobs. For you see,sir, we are now in a world war
for the protection of our way of life... and that way is
based on putting Americans to work in ways meaningful
and timely.
Americans would have cheered you to the echo if
you established such a command post and had
overseen the execution of a Manhattan Project for
employment. If you stayed with it daily... and let
America see you at this work you would have had the
hopes and prayers... and unconquerable skills
of a great nation at your side, as well as the rightly
earned gratitude and reverence of millions.
Consider this: when the Great Fire of London took place
in 1666, King Charles II was advised to flee the city and
save his royal skin. But Charles Stuart, king for all that, made
a better choice: he went into the heart of burning London
and helped move the water buckets. He was burnt
and singed like his fellow Londoners. In the process
he was raised to a greater dignity... the dignity of a man.
Uunsurprisingly he was the most successful Stuart of
them all... because he engaged with his subjects, including
the mundane, prosaic, and dangerous.
3) Show us what you believe in.
Sir, you are a lawyer, superbly trained as such at that esteemed
institution across the street. But lawyers, with their "have gun, will
travel" approach to life are not a good model for the remainder
of your at-risk presidency. You need core beliefs. Your party
senses and Republicans charge that you are a man who believes
in little beyond your all-consuming drive for yourself. Very well.
You are ambitious and have, in British Prime Minister Benjamin
Disraeli's notable phrase, climbed to the top of the "greasy
pole." That's the beginning of your career, not the end.
Now tell us that you believe, what you believe, and what
you will stake your presidency on. We hope it will be jobs
and the revitalization of America. Diminished, buffeted though
your president is, you can turn it all around by focusing all
on your hurting countrymen. Your great moments are yet
to come if you will commit, focus, live for them... and bring us safely
through this unabated storm.
We have spoken, sir, we electors of these United States. Our
message is not ambiguous. It needs no Harvard academician
to decipher, though they may say otherwise. It needs one man,
supremely placed for good, to use all his powers, all his
considerable gifts to enhance America. Your countrymen have
shown you and dramatically so just how strongly they feel
about the wrongful moves and misdirections of your first two
years. Listen to them for in this cacophony of restive voices lies
the majesty of the people. You have been disengaged from
them. Now reconnect and resurrect your presidency. Do this
and you will come to see the chastisement of today as
the best thing that could have happened to you... and America. Do
this and we will in due course bless you for rising up like the Phoenix
and winning back our trust, love, and admiration. All other courses
you pursue at your peril... and ours.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant's 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
United States have spoken. Here's what we said.... and
what you must do.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Dear Mr. President:
The people of the United States have spoken... with
a message that must have been gall and wormwood
for you. Because you see, sir, these elections --
endless, expensive, full of expletives undeleted
and charges of every kind and variety... were all
about just one person... and that person is YOU.
You must feel today as Abraham Lincoln felt
when once handed his lunch by the voters: It hurt too
much to laugh, he said, but he was too big to cry.
(By the way, another Illinois politician named Adlai Stevenson
used this memorable line, when he too got sucker punched
by the voters and was denied the White House,
twice. It seems Prairie politicians should keep
these words handy, to be used when their own
native wit fails.)
Unlike Stevenson, however, you remain in the
Oval Office for at least two more years. And, of
course, you want to stay there beyond that as well.
That's why I'm sending this letter... so you will understand
why you went at your inauguration from a man
revered by millions who thought you could walk on
water, to a man whose head is now barely above
water, dog paddling like crazy to stay afloat. First,
for the good of America, second for your own "legacy"
you must hear and heed what we just said via the
ballot box... and you must seize this moment of
humiliation, embarrassment and profound chagrin
to turn these bitter fruits into fuel for greatness.
Let's review how you got to this place and what you
must do about it.
1) Your presidency has been more Harvard than Chicago.
On the opening day of the Kennedy presidency, revered
New England poet Robert Frost told the new chief executive this
memorable truth: "Be more Irish than Harvard. Poetry and power is
the formula for another Augustan Age. Don't be afraid of power."
Good, shrewd, succinct, New England advice. Take it.
I am writing to you today right across from the
Harvard Law School and its Law Review. You worked
hard to get both... but to save your presidency (and
propitiate an angry nation) you must now be more IIlinois
and Chicago than Cambridge. Cambridge is a
magic place, a civilized place... a place which draws the best
and the brightest from all directions. But Cambridge is a
bad model to govern from because we here produce
elitists... and you need kick boxers and jujitsu masters.
Yes, you can turn a neat phrase... but the moment for neat
phrases is gone. You must, in brief and again, be
more Chicago than Harvard... and this essential
transformation must start at once. Your presidency, sir,
and the improvement of America depends upon it.
2) You tried to do too much, too soon... and ended
up "jack of all trades master of none."
Sir, we all know people who make promises they
can't keep. It all sounds so good when you hear them...
but when you promise, then leave project after project unfinished,
you merely engender the very cynicism about
politicians and government you say you abhor; you become
your own worst enemy.
What the country wanted from you was jobs. Put
Americans to work, sir, with real jobs and we can astonish
the world with our range of skills and a "can-do" attitude that
still defines us. Yes, we need health care. Yes, we
need better schools... and all the rest of those good
ideas we all want. But, first and foremost, we need jobs....
and when you selected other priorities you showed us
all that you just didn't get it; that you were more Harvard
than Chicago. Because, sir, in Illinois (from whence I hail
myself) they get it: jobs, jobs, jobs. You didn't like Richard
J. Daly very much, but he kept his ears open and
knew that a man without a job is a desperate man, a
hurting man, a man without hope.
You should have commandeered the Roosevelt Room
in the White House and turned it into your personal
command post... where the total focus was on jobs,
jobs, jobs. For you see,sir, we are now in a world war
for the protection of our way of life... and that way is
based on putting Americans to work in ways meaningful
and timely.
Americans would have cheered you to the echo if
you established such a command post and had
overseen the execution of a Manhattan Project for
employment. If you stayed with it daily... and let
America see you at this work you would have had the
hopes and prayers... and unconquerable skills
of a great nation at your side, as well as the rightly
earned gratitude and reverence of millions.
Consider this: when the Great Fire of London took place
in 1666, King Charles II was advised to flee the city and
save his royal skin. But Charles Stuart, king for all that, made
a better choice: he went into the heart of burning London
and helped move the water buckets. He was burnt
and singed like his fellow Londoners. In the process
he was raised to a greater dignity... the dignity of a man.
Uunsurprisingly he was the most successful Stuart of
them all... because he engaged with his subjects, including
the mundane, prosaic, and dangerous.
3) Show us what you believe in.
Sir, you are a lawyer, superbly trained as such at that esteemed
institution across the street. But lawyers, with their "have gun, will
travel" approach to life are not a good model for the remainder
of your at-risk presidency. You need core beliefs. Your party
senses and Republicans charge that you are a man who believes
in little beyond your all-consuming drive for yourself. Very well.
You are ambitious and have, in British Prime Minister Benjamin
Disraeli's notable phrase, climbed to the top of the "greasy
pole." That's the beginning of your career, not the end.
Now tell us that you believe, what you believe, and what
you will stake your presidency on. We hope it will be jobs
and the revitalization of America. Diminished, buffeted though
your president is, you can turn it all around by focusing all
on your hurting countrymen. Your great moments are yet
to come if you will commit, focus, live for them... and bring us safely
through this unabated storm.
We have spoken, sir, we electors of these United States. Our
message is not ambiguous. It needs no Harvard academician
to decipher, though they may say otherwise. It needs one man,
supremely placed for good, to use all his powers, all his
considerable gifts to enhance America. Your countrymen have
shown you and dramatically so just how strongly they feel
about the wrongful moves and misdirections of your first two
years. Listen to them for in this cacophony of restive voices lies
the majesty of the people. You have been disengaged from
them. Now reconnect and resurrect your presidency. Do this
and you will come to see the chastisement of today as
the best thing that could have happened to you... and America. Do
this and we will in due course bless you for rising up like the Phoenix
and winning back our trust, love, and admiration. All other courses
you pursue at your peril... and ours.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant's 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
Saturday, October 16, 2010
This article is a subjective list of the ten most influential Internet marketers. I could have easily included more than ten marketers, but I had to draw the line somewhere. So, if you don't see your favorite Internet marketer on the list, please don't be offended. I purposely excluded individuals whom are known primarily for one particular talent. How to increase your traffic and automate any business
For example: copywriting and SEO. I wanted to sing the praises of those individuals whom are known as great marketers - first and foremost. And while this list is subjective, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to argue against any of the selections included on the list, as they are all proven excellent and have stood the proverbial test of time.
1. Jay Abraham's uncanny ability to increase business income, wealth and success by uncovering hidden assets, overlooked opportunities and undervalued possibilities has captured the attention and respect of CEOs, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs and marketing experts. Jay's clients range from business royalty to small business owners. But they all have one thing in common - virtually all have profited greatly from Jay's expertise. A number of clients each acknowledge that Jay's efforts and ideas have lead to a profit increase of millions of dollars. [See our Testimonial pages]
Jay has identified the patterns that limit and restrict business growth. He' s one of only a very few people who realize that most industries only know and use one particular marketing approach - even though there may be dozens of more effective and profitable strategies and options available to them.
Jay shows his clients how to take different success concepts from different industries and adopt them to their specific business. This gives Jay's clients a powerful advantage over their competition.
Jay has been acknowledged as a unique and distinctive authority in the field of business performance enhancement - and the maximizing and multiplying of business assets. He's been featured twice in Investors Business Daily both on the front page and in the Leaders & Success Section - saying Jay, "Knows how to maximize results with minimum effort". The March 6, 2000 issue of Forbes Magazine listed Jay as one of the top 5 executive coaches in the country saying jay's specialty is, "Turning corporate underperformers into marketing and sales whizzes."
In addition, Jay has been written up in USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, OTC Stock Journal, National Underwriter, Entrepreneur, Success, and Inc. magazine, and many others. [See our Press articles]
He has over 10,000 individual business success stories from around the world. Many of the world's preeminent trainers and consultants have sought out Jay's advice and counsel in growing their organizations.
As a proven business leader with energy and vision, Jay has demonstrated the critical ability to stimulate true breakthrough thinking and execution throughout organizations, in all 4 vital areas of performance enhancement: strategy, innovation, marketing, and management. He understands how to focus on the upside leverage in an organization, while effectively controlling and minimizing the downside risk. He understands the implications, correlations, applications, opportunities and vulnerabilities in a given situation from a "catscan" perspective that is exceedingly rare.
He sees overlooked opportunities, hidden assets (both tangible and intangible), and underperforming areas of a business no one else recognizes. His depth and breadth of empirical experience has facilitated exceptional judgment, communication, and collaboration skills, the vitally essential traits necessary to establish, lead and effectively contribute to any organization. These are the prime abilities required to add new life and strategic vision to a company that is struggling, or one that needs to redefine or better distinguish itself in the marketplace.
His forte, which is the ability to think "way outside the box" and prepare for multiple potential scenarios, has enabled him to find and successfully implement creative, preemptive solutions to very complex problems in order to generate high-performance results. He has successfully established beneficial relationships with key strategic partners and developed strategic business plans for companies that have consistently been met or exceeded. He has been instrumental in raising performance even while working with adverse business environments.
As the founder and CEO of Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, Jay has spent the last 25 years solving problems and significantly increasing the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide. Jay has seen and dealt with every type of business you can imagine. And he's studied and solved every kind of business question, problem, challenge and opportunity
Jay has been extremely successful at what he does for others. He's produced many thousands of success stories and made Billions for others as well as millions himself. He's spawned an entire generation of marketing consultants and experts who credit him as their primary mentor as a result of his past Protégé and Consultant Training programs. Nearly 2,000 websites reference his impressive work on the Internet alone.
2. Mark Joyner is a #1 best-selling author of over a dozen books translated in almost as many languages. He is widely recognized as one of the early pioneers of e-commerce, responsible for inventing, pioneering, and popularizing many of the technologies we take for granted today (including remotely-hosted ad tracking, electronic books, Integration Marketing, and more ...)
- One of his books (MindControlMarketing.com) shot to #1 within 36 hours of its release.
- One of his websites became the 37th most visited website on the planet within 6 weeks of its release.
- His pioneering ebook (Search Engine Tactics) was downloaded over 1,000,000 times years before e-books were common.
- He turned a fledgling one-man operation into a multi-million-dollar International corporation with customers in every internet-connected country on the planet in two years time.
Other Interesting Facts About Mark Joyner
Earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology through independent study while simultaneously serving in the U.S. Army in the Military Intelligence Corp (he speaks Korean fluently graduating at the top of his class at the Defense Language Institute).
Is a cold-war veteran of military intelligence and a former U.S. Army Officer. He held a Top Secret SCI clearance (the highest clearance level in the US) for several years.
Was awarded for his military service by the U.S. Army, the Republic of Korea Army, the Korean Consulate General, and the President of the United States.
3. Dan Kennedy, a Phoenix-based entrepreneur-extraordinaire has won international recognition as a "millionaire-maker," helping people in dozens of different businesses turn their ideas into fortunes
Entrepreneur Magazine says that Dan Kennedy has "at least 101 moneymaking ideas for any business owner."
Dan Kennedy moves with remarkable ease from one very different field to another, working with clients in 62 different businesses, industries and professions, earning as much as $250,000.00 in a single month providing unusual direct-response advertising and direct marketing advice, strategy, copywriting and marketing materials, video production and infomercials, and profit improvement systems.
Kennedy's clients include everything from sole entrepreneurs to huge corporations. Here are just a few examples - there's the husband-and-wife couple who came to Dan with an idea, a mountain of debt, and failing advertising. Less than two years later, they have zero debt and a home-based mail-order business generating over $200,000.00 a month at about a 40% profit margin. Or, there's the now-giant Guthy-Renker Corporation, famous for its celebrity infomercials with Victoria Principal and Vanna White, and its Tony Robbins infomercials. Guthy-Renker is a 200-million dollar+ a year business now, and Dan's been a key member of their brain trust since their very first infomercial (Think And Grow Rich). Or there's U.S. Gold, a company that has twice increased its sales by millions with Dan Kennedy provided marketing breakthroughs. And the list goes on and on and on.
Kennedy is the "hidden genius" behind full-page magazine advertisements you've undoubtedly seen, direct-mail campaigns you've received and TV infomercials you've seen. In addition to all the advertising and direct-mail Dan prepares for his own products, services and businesses, there are hundreds of clients using marketing materials Dan has prepared for them. His full-page ads have appeared and do appear in magazines like Inc., Success, Entrepreneur, Moneymaking Opportunities, Nations Business, the airline magazines, the tabloids, USA TODAY, The Wall Street Journal, and countless trade magazines. One of his client's full-page ads is now in its 10th consecutive month, appearing in over a dozen national magazines. In any given month, clients spend over 1/2-million dollars running ads, much more mailing sales letters, and still more airing infomercials that Dan has developed.
And, Dan is one of the most popular, in-demand speakers on marketing-related topics. Ironically for a marketing guru, Kennedy gets almost all of his clients with no marketing! Some come to him after hearing him speak - in 1995, he addressed over 200,000 people, including audiences of thousands in many cities, in his 5th year on tour with famous motivationalist ZIG ZIGLAR. Others come after getting and reading one of his books available in bookstores, receiving his newsletter or listening to his cassettes. But most are referred to him.
4. Joe Vitale is Founder & President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. He has written books for the American Marketing Association and the American Management Association. He wrote the only business book on P.T. Barnum, in There's A Customer Born Every Minute. He also wrote The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising for the American Marketing Association. His most recent book, co-authored with Jo Han Mok, is The E-Code: 47 Secrets for Making Money Online Almost Instantly. Be on the lookout for his next book: Meet and Grow Rich!
He recently created a software program to help anyone write better sales letters, articles, news releases, speeches and even entire books. It's called Hypnotic Writing Wizard. He also has a brand-new membership program for those who are serious about learning marketing at HypnoticGold.com.
Besides being one of the five top marketing specialists in the world today, and the world's first hypnotic writer, Joe is also a certified hypnotherapist, a certified metaphysical practitioner, a certified Chi Kung healer, and an ordained minister. He also holds a doctorate degree in Metaphysical Science and another doctorate degree in Marketing.
5. Dr. Jeffrey Lant has been a top achiever for a VERY long time. He published his first article at age 5. An afternoon newsboy, he started his own newspaper at age 10, sold stock and, yes, paid dividends! Even then media and communications intrigued him. This has never stopped!
Editor of his high school newspaper, editor of his class book, editor of the literary magazine, he also wrote a weekly column. That continued in college -- and so did the awards accumulated along the way.
Graduated with highest honors from University High School, Los Angeles, he graduated summa cum laude (one of only 11) from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Along the way, he spent his junior year at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, where he won the University Prize in Philosophy and became the first American ever elected to the Students Representative Council.
At UCSB he became the University's first-ever Woodrow Wilson Fellow and was actively recruited by over 60 graduate schools, each offering him full doctoral fellowships. He chose Harvard, where he also became a Harvard Traveling Fellow, Harvard Teaching Fellow, and winner of a Master's Award for special achievement, en route to graduating with both a Master's and Ph.D.
Upon graduation he took a third post-graduate degree, the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Higher Education Administration at Northeastern University, where he became the first student to cite his own published work (by now very extensive) in footnotes to his class papers.
After a stint as Assistant to the President of Radcliffe College, Dr. Lant decided to set off on his own. He set up a consulting practice for non-profit organizations in 1976 and published his third book, Development Today: A Fund Raising Guide For Nonprofit Organizations. (Previous books had dealt with English Court ceremonial in the age of Queen Victoria. Entitled, Insubstantial Pageant: Ceremony and Confusion at Queen Victoria's Court, Dr. Lant became the first American ever granted access to the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle. Another book, Our Harvard, dealt with the memories of eminent Harvard grads, including Dr. Lant himself.)
Development Today launched a busy consultancy, international travel, workshops and direct assistance to hundreds of nonprofit organizations nationwide. It also spawned a series of how-to books that turned Dr. Lant into a millionaire and brought his detailed, hard-hitting, practical advice to people worldwide. (Click here for information about all of Dr. Lant's books.)
Along the way, Dr. Lant developed an internationally syndicated column carried by several hundred publications, a syndicated radio show on the Business Radio Network, and a string of special reports on specialized business- building subjects.
So it might have continued but for the creation of the Internet and a series of eye-opening phone calls from George Kosch and Sandi Hunter, two Edmonton-Alberta- based entrepreneurs who were way ahead of their time. They persuaded Dr. Lant to come to Edmonton and see the future -- the Internet -- for himself.
He did. And the rest, as they say, is history.
What he saw in Edmonton, back in 1993, was that anyone, anywhere in the world with a computer and access to the Internet could transmit unlimited amounts of information to people worldwide. In a moment, the glimmer of an idea took form that is still being developed right now.
This new technology opened the possibility of staying at home and helping people worldwide at little or no expense! As a result of that trip, Worldprofit Inc., a company which has opened the Internet to business people worldwide, people who want to enter and profit from new markets across the universe for their products and services, was born!
These days Dr. Lant, still publishing articles just like he's been doing for over 50 years, helps business people worldwide understand how the Internet can benefit them.
6. Marlon Sanders, CEO of Higher Response Marketing, Inc. is a prolific internet marketer, with a dozen internet marketing products and services to his name. He uses his Master's degree in psychology to great effect by writing great ad copy.
Marlon's products and services include The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy, Push Button Sales Letters, Associate Program Marketing Handbook, Gimme My Money Now, Amazing Ad Copy Secrets Revealed, Create Your Own Products In A Flash, How to Automate Your Web Business, The Web Site Power System, Web Business Operations Manual, Secrets of Speed Publicity, The Cash Like Clockwork System, Daily Stats Software, and The Ultimate Beginner's Guide.
Marlon has spoken at over 120, $3,000 one-day marketing seminars and commands $1000 an hour for consulting. His reseller program for The Amazing Formula is one of the top-ranked systems on the Internet.
7. Corey Rudl (1970-2005) was an American marketing strategist, and founder and President of the Internet Marketing Center. He was also an author, speaker, and software producer.
Rudl started his first online business in 1994, turning it into a multi-million-dollar business based on Internet marketing. In response to the demand for his advice, Corey founded the Internet Marketing Center, where he taught techniques and strategies that stemmed from his own experience. His Internet marketing guide is sometimes described as the "Internet Marketing Bible".
Rudl's articles appeared in publications such as http://Entrepreneur.com, the U.S. Small Business Administration's -SCORE.org, the Direct Marketing Association, MarketingProfs, Opportunity World, Money 'n' Profits, Dig-IT Now, and Home Business Journal.
Before beginning his business career, Rudl was a motocross driver, winning a 2002 Vancouver Molson Indy sports car event.
On June 2nd 2005, Rudl was riding in a Porsche Carrera GT driven by Benjamin Miles Keaton, on a track that was also being used by a local Ferrari sports club. Keaton, trying to avoid a queued car, hit a concrete barrier on the passenger side, killing Rudl.
8. Joe Robson, owner of "The Newbie Club" is a Brit and lives in the beautiful County of Yorkshire, England.
He is responsible for the overall Promotion and Marketing of The Newbie Club, and is deeply involved with his team of Techies, Writers, and Designers on several unique and ground breaking Newbie Club Products and Services
Until he went online in 1998, he owned his own Direct Marketing company, and is a professional Advertising Copywriter with 30 years Sales and Marketing experience under his belt. He is widely acknowledged by many Internet Marketers as one of the Internet's top Sales Copywriters, and his Copywriting Solutions Website is one of the most respected Web Copywriting Tutorial Websites on the Net.
One of his strengths is his ability to reduce highly technical marketing copy, into easily understood Plain English. And he is a avid campaigner against the use of Jargon in writing materials. Hence the birth of The Newbie Club.
His Copywriting and Internet marketing articles and Tutorials have been widely published across the Web, and he is the author of several books, including the Internet Copywriting blockbuster "Make Your Words SELL!" - MYWS - co-authored with Ken Evoy of MYSS fame.
Joe is a Founding Member of iCop - The International Council of Online Professionals, the highly respected organization dedicated to protecting Internet consumers from the dishonest practices of unscrupulous Internet marketers. He is also a Member of the iCop International Advisory Council.
9. Dr. Evoy is also the author of a series of widely-acclaimed "best on the Net" e-commerce books and courses for SOHOs (Small Office Home Office) and small businesses (1-10 employees) who sell (or plan to sell) products or services online. The SiteSell product line has empowered hundreds-of-thousands of people and small businesses around the world to succeed on the Web.
A successful entrepreneur, Dr. Evoy has designed over 23 products that have sold internationally, generating 100's of millions of dollars in revenues for various companies. He also developed several software products including one for the stock market sector.
Dr. Ken Evoy is also a Canadian physician who formerly taught and practiced emergency medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He was born in Montreal, Canada and holds degrees in science and medicine from McGill University.
Dr. Evoy's business philosophy is to offer the absolute best tools and information available on the market in the most accessible format and at the most affordable price. He feels strongly that every small business can be empowered to use the Internet to leverage their income-building potential -- whether it is to build an e-business, grow an existing offline business, or create a secondary income stream.
It is with this in mind that SiteSell has developed its breakthrough Web site-building, hosting, e-marketing solution that delivers real traffic and guaranteed results to novices and savvy pros alike. Some call Site Build It! "The Next Generation of Web Hosting."
Through Dr. Evoy's spearheading efforts and fanaticism for quality and customer "OVERdelivery," the SiteSell brand is highly-respected by top influential Internet business personalities around the world.
10. Mel Strocen is CEO of the Jayde Online Network of websites. The Jayde Network currently consists of 12 websites, including ExactSeek.com and SiteProNews.com, two of the most popular sites on the Internet.
"SiteProNews" an ezine for business owners and site developers containing articles and advice on how to get the most from your website. SiteProNews (SPN) has a subscriber base of over 500,000!"
Another of Mel's sites - GoArticles - is an immensely popular article directory where you can search for free content for your website.
In addition to providing a great resource for webmasters looking to find free content the GoArticles site also provides authors with an excellent platform for promoting their articles. You can submit articles for free that will then be read and used by other websites owners.
For example: copywriting and SEO. I wanted to sing the praises of those individuals whom are known as great marketers - first and foremost. And while this list is subjective, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to argue against any of the selections included on the list, as they are all proven excellent and have stood the proverbial test of time.
1. Jay Abraham's uncanny ability to increase business income, wealth and success by uncovering hidden assets, overlooked opportunities and undervalued possibilities has captured the attention and respect of CEOs, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs and marketing experts. Jay's clients range from business royalty to small business owners. But they all have one thing in common - virtually all have profited greatly from Jay's expertise. A number of clients each acknowledge that Jay's efforts and ideas have lead to a profit increase of millions of dollars. [See our Testimonial pages]
Jay has identified the patterns that limit and restrict business growth. He' s one of only a very few people who realize that most industries only know and use one particular marketing approach - even though there may be dozens of more effective and profitable strategies and options available to them.
Jay shows his clients how to take different success concepts from different industries and adopt them to their specific business. This gives Jay's clients a powerful advantage over their competition.
Jay has been acknowledged as a unique and distinctive authority in the field of business performance enhancement - and the maximizing and multiplying of business assets. He's been featured twice in Investors Business Daily both on the front page and in the Leaders & Success Section - saying Jay, "Knows how to maximize results with minimum effort". The March 6, 2000 issue of Forbes Magazine listed Jay as one of the top 5 executive coaches in the country saying jay's specialty is, "Turning corporate underperformers into marketing and sales whizzes."
In addition, Jay has been written up in USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, OTC Stock Journal, National Underwriter, Entrepreneur, Success, and Inc. magazine, and many others. [See our Press articles]
He has over 10,000 individual business success stories from around the world. Many of the world's preeminent trainers and consultants have sought out Jay's advice and counsel in growing their organizations.
As a proven business leader with energy and vision, Jay has demonstrated the critical ability to stimulate true breakthrough thinking and execution throughout organizations, in all 4 vital areas of performance enhancement: strategy, innovation, marketing, and management. He understands how to focus on the upside leverage in an organization, while effectively controlling and minimizing the downside risk. He understands the implications, correlations, applications, opportunities and vulnerabilities in a given situation from a "catscan" perspective that is exceedingly rare.
He sees overlooked opportunities, hidden assets (both tangible and intangible), and underperforming areas of a business no one else recognizes. His depth and breadth of empirical experience has facilitated exceptional judgment, communication, and collaboration skills, the vitally essential traits necessary to establish, lead and effectively contribute to any organization. These are the prime abilities required to add new life and strategic vision to a company that is struggling, or one that needs to redefine or better distinguish itself in the marketplace.
His forte, which is the ability to think "way outside the box" and prepare for multiple potential scenarios, has enabled him to find and successfully implement creative, preemptive solutions to very complex problems in order to generate high-performance results. He has successfully established beneficial relationships with key strategic partners and developed strategic business plans for companies that have consistently been met or exceeded. He has been instrumental in raising performance even while working with adverse business environments.
As the founder and CEO of Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, Jay has spent the last 25 years solving problems and significantly increasing the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide. Jay has seen and dealt with every type of business you can imagine. And he's studied and solved every kind of business question, problem, challenge and opportunity
Jay has been extremely successful at what he does for others. He's produced many thousands of success stories and made Billions for others as well as millions himself. He's spawned an entire generation of marketing consultants and experts who credit him as their primary mentor as a result of his past Protégé and Consultant Training programs. Nearly 2,000 websites reference his impressive work on the Internet alone.
2. Mark Joyner is a #1 best-selling author of over a dozen books translated in almost as many languages. He is widely recognized as one of the early pioneers of e-commerce, responsible for inventing, pioneering, and popularizing many of the technologies we take for granted today (including remotely-hosted ad tracking, electronic books, Integration Marketing, and more ...)
- One of his books (MindControlMarketing.com) shot to #1 within 36 hours of its release.
- One of his websites became the 37th most visited website on the planet within 6 weeks of its release.
- His pioneering ebook (Search Engine Tactics) was downloaded over 1,000,000 times years before e-books were common.
- He turned a fledgling one-man operation into a multi-million-dollar International corporation with customers in every internet-connected country on the planet in two years time.
Other Interesting Facts About Mark Joyner
Earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology through independent study while simultaneously serving in the U.S. Army in the Military Intelligence Corp (he speaks Korean fluently graduating at the top of his class at the Defense Language Institute).
Is a cold-war veteran of military intelligence and a former U.S. Army Officer. He held a Top Secret SCI clearance (the highest clearance level in the US) for several years.
Was awarded for his military service by the U.S. Army, the Republic of Korea Army, the Korean Consulate General, and the President of the United States.
3. Dan Kennedy, a Phoenix-based entrepreneur-extraordinaire has won international recognition as a "millionaire-maker," helping people in dozens of different businesses turn their ideas into fortunes
Entrepreneur Magazine says that Dan Kennedy has "at least 101 moneymaking ideas for any business owner."
Dan Kennedy moves with remarkable ease from one very different field to another, working with clients in 62 different businesses, industries and professions, earning as much as $250,000.00 in a single month providing unusual direct-response advertising and direct marketing advice, strategy, copywriting and marketing materials, video production and infomercials, and profit improvement systems.
Kennedy's clients include everything from sole entrepreneurs to huge corporations. Here are just a few examples - there's the husband-and-wife couple who came to Dan with an idea, a mountain of debt, and failing advertising. Less than two years later, they have zero debt and a home-based mail-order business generating over $200,000.00 a month at about a 40% profit margin. Or, there's the now-giant Guthy-Renker Corporation, famous for its celebrity infomercials with Victoria Principal and Vanna White, and its Tony Robbins infomercials. Guthy-Renker is a 200-million dollar+ a year business now, and Dan's been a key member of their brain trust since their very first infomercial (Think And Grow Rich). Or there's U.S. Gold, a company that has twice increased its sales by millions with Dan Kennedy provided marketing breakthroughs. And the list goes on and on and on.
Kennedy is the "hidden genius" behind full-page magazine advertisements you've undoubtedly seen, direct-mail campaigns you've received and TV infomercials you've seen. In addition to all the advertising and direct-mail Dan prepares for his own products, services and businesses, there are hundreds of clients using marketing materials Dan has prepared for them. His full-page ads have appeared and do appear in magazines like Inc., Success, Entrepreneur, Moneymaking Opportunities, Nations Business, the airline magazines, the tabloids, USA TODAY, The Wall Street Journal, and countless trade magazines. One of his client's full-page ads is now in its 10th consecutive month, appearing in over a dozen national magazines. In any given month, clients spend over 1/2-million dollars running ads, much more mailing sales letters, and still more airing infomercials that Dan has developed.
And, Dan is one of the most popular, in-demand speakers on marketing-related topics. Ironically for a marketing guru, Kennedy gets almost all of his clients with no marketing! Some come to him after hearing him speak - in 1995, he addressed over 200,000 people, including audiences of thousands in many cities, in his 5th year on tour with famous motivationalist ZIG ZIGLAR. Others come after getting and reading one of his books available in bookstores, receiving his newsletter or listening to his cassettes. But most are referred to him.
4. Joe Vitale is Founder & President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. He has written books for the American Marketing Association and the American Management Association. He wrote the only business book on P.T. Barnum, in There's A Customer Born Every Minute. He also wrote The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising for the American Marketing Association. His most recent book, co-authored with Jo Han Mok, is The E-Code: 47 Secrets for Making Money Online Almost Instantly. Be on the lookout for his next book: Meet and Grow Rich!
He recently created a software program to help anyone write better sales letters, articles, news releases, speeches and even entire books. It's called Hypnotic Writing Wizard. He also has a brand-new membership program for those who are serious about learning marketing at HypnoticGold.com.
Besides being one of the five top marketing specialists in the world today, and the world's first hypnotic writer, Joe is also a certified hypnotherapist, a certified metaphysical practitioner, a certified Chi Kung healer, and an ordained minister. He also holds a doctorate degree in Metaphysical Science and another doctorate degree in Marketing.
5. Dr. Jeffrey Lant has been a top achiever for a VERY long time. He published his first article at age 5. An afternoon newsboy, he started his own newspaper at age 10, sold stock and, yes, paid dividends! Even then media and communications intrigued him. This has never stopped!
Editor of his high school newspaper, editor of his class book, editor of the literary magazine, he also wrote a weekly column. That continued in college -- and so did the awards accumulated along the way.
Graduated with highest honors from University High School, Los Angeles, he graduated summa cum laude (one of only 11) from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Along the way, he spent his junior year at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, where he won the University Prize in Philosophy and became the first American ever elected to the Students Representative Council.
At UCSB he became the University's first-ever Woodrow Wilson Fellow and was actively recruited by over 60 graduate schools, each offering him full doctoral fellowships. He chose Harvard, where he also became a Harvard Traveling Fellow, Harvard Teaching Fellow, and winner of a Master's Award for special achievement, en route to graduating with both a Master's and Ph.D.
Upon graduation he took a third post-graduate degree, the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Higher Education Administration at Northeastern University, where he became the first student to cite his own published work (by now very extensive) in footnotes to his class papers.
After a stint as Assistant to the President of Radcliffe College, Dr. Lant decided to set off on his own. He set up a consulting practice for non-profit organizations in 1976 and published his third book, Development Today: A Fund Raising Guide For Nonprofit Organizations. (Previous books had dealt with English Court ceremonial in the age of Queen Victoria. Entitled, Insubstantial Pageant: Ceremony and Confusion at Queen Victoria's Court, Dr. Lant became the first American ever granted access to the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle. Another book, Our Harvard, dealt with the memories of eminent Harvard grads, including Dr. Lant himself.)
Development Today launched a busy consultancy, international travel, workshops and direct assistance to hundreds of nonprofit organizations nationwide. It also spawned a series of how-to books that turned Dr. Lant into a millionaire and brought his detailed, hard-hitting, practical advice to people worldwide. (Click here for information about all of Dr. Lant's books.)
Along the way, Dr. Lant developed an internationally syndicated column carried by several hundred publications, a syndicated radio show on the Business Radio Network, and a string of special reports on specialized business- building subjects.
So it might have continued but for the creation of the Internet and a series of eye-opening phone calls from George Kosch and Sandi Hunter, two Edmonton-Alberta- based entrepreneurs who were way ahead of their time. They persuaded Dr. Lant to come to Edmonton and see the future -- the Internet -- for himself.
He did. And the rest, as they say, is history.
What he saw in Edmonton, back in 1993, was that anyone, anywhere in the world with a computer and access to the Internet could transmit unlimited amounts of information to people worldwide. In a moment, the glimmer of an idea took form that is still being developed right now.
This new technology opened the possibility of staying at home and helping people worldwide at little or no expense! As a result of that trip, Worldprofit Inc., a company which has opened the Internet to business people worldwide, people who want to enter and profit from new markets across the universe for their products and services, was born!
These days Dr. Lant, still publishing articles just like he's been doing for over 50 years, helps business people worldwide understand how the Internet can benefit them.
6. Marlon Sanders, CEO of Higher Response Marketing, Inc. is a prolific internet marketer, with a dozen internet marketing products and services to his name. He uses his Master's degree in psychology to great effect by writing great ad copy.
Marlon's products and services include The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy, Push Button Sales Letters, Associate Program Marketing Handbook, Gimme My Money Now, Amazing Ad Copy Secrets Revealed, Create Your Own Products In A Flash, How to Automate Your Web Business, The Web Site Power System, Web Business Operations Manual, Secrets of Speed Publicity, The Cash Like Clockwork System, Daily Stats Software, and The Ultimate Beginner's Guide.
Marlon has spoken at over 120, $3,000 one-day marketing seminars and commands $1000 an hour for consulting. His reseller program for The Amazing Formula is one of the top-ranked systems on the Internet.
7. Corey Rudl (1970-2005) was an American marketing strategist, and founder and President of the Internet Marketing Center. He was also an author, speaker, and software producer.
Rudl started his first online business in 1994, turning it into a multi-million-dollar business based on Internet marketing. In response to the demand for his advice, Corey founded the Internet Marketing Center, where he taught techniques and strategies that stemmed from his own experience. His Internet marketing guide is sometimes described as the "Internet Marketing Bible".
Rudl's articles appeared in publications such as http://Entrepreneur.com, the U.S. Small Business Administration's -SCORE.org, the Direct Marketing Association, MarketingProfs, Opportunity World, Money 'n' Profits, Dig-IT Now, and Home Business Journal.
Before beginning his business career, Rudl was a motocross driver, winning a 2002 Vancouver Molson Indy sports car event.
On June 2nd 2005, Rudl was riding in a Porsche Carrera GT driven by Benjamin Miles Keaton, on a track that was also being used by a local Ferrari sports club. Keaton, trying to avoid a queued car, hit a concrete barrier on the passenger side, killing Rudl.
8. Joe Robson, owner of "The Newbie Club" is a Brit and lives in the beautiful County of Yorkshire, England.
He is responsible for the overall Promotion and Marketing of The Newbie Club, and is deeply involved with his team of Techies, Writers, and Designers on several unique and ground breaking Newbie Club Products and Services
Until he went online in 1998, he owned his own Direct Marketing company, and is a professional Advertising Copywriter with 30 years Sales and Marketing experience under his belt. He is widely acknowledged by many Internet Marketers as one of the Internet's top Sales Copywriters, and his Copywriting Solutions Website is one of the most respected Web Copywriting Tutorial Websites on the Net.
One of his strengths is his ability to reduce highly technical marketing copy, into easily understood Plain English. And he is a avid campaigner against the use of Jargon in writing materials. Hence the birth of The Newbie Club.
His Copywriting and Internet marketing articles and Tutorials have been widely published across the Web, and he is the author of several books, including the Internet Copywriting blockbuster "Make Your Words SELL!" - MYWS - co-authored with Ken Evoy of MYSS fame.
Joe is a Founding Member of iCop - The International Council of Online Professionals, the highly respected organization dedicated to protecting Internet consumers from the dishonest practices of unscrupulous Internet marketers. He is also a Member of the iCop International Advisory Council.
9. Dr. Evoy is also the author of a series of widely-acclaimed "best on the Net" e-commerce books and courses for SOHOs (Small Office Home Office) and small businesses (1-10 employees) who sell (or plan to sell) products or services online. The SiteSell product line has empowered hundreds-of-thousands of people and small businesses around the world to succeed on the Web.
A successful entrepreneur, Dr. Evoy has designed over 23 products that have sold internationally, generating 100's of millions of dollars in revenues for various companies. He also developed several software products including one for the stock market sector.
Dr. Ken Evoy is also a Canadian physician who formerly taught and practiced emergency medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He was born in Montreal, Canada and holds degrees in science and medicine from McGill University.
Dr. Evoy's business philosophy is to offer the absolute best tools and information available on the market in the most accessible format and at the most affordable price. He feels strongly that every small business can be empowered to use the Internet to leverage their income-building potential -- whether it is to build an e-business, grow an existing offline business, or create a secondary income stream.
It is with this in mind that SiteSell has developed its breakthrough Web site-building, hosting, e-marketing solution that delivers real traffic and guaranteed results to novices and savvy pros alike. Some call Site Build It! "The Next Generation of Web Hosting."
Through Dr. Evoy's spearheading efforts and fanaticism for quality and customer "OVERdelivery," the SiteSell brand is highly-respected by top influential Internet business personalities around the world.
10. Mel Strocen is CEO of the Jayde Online Network of websites. The Jayde Network currently consists of 12 websites, including ExactSeek.com and SiteProNews.com, two of the most popular sites on the Internet.
"SiteProNews" an ezine for business owners and site developers containing articles and advice on how to get the most from your website. SiteProNews (SPN) has a subscriber base of over 500,000!"
Another of Mel's sites - GoArticles - is an immensely popular article directory where you can search for free content for your website.
In addition to providing a great resource for webmasters looking to find free content the GoArticles site also provides authors with an excellent platform for promoting their articles. You can submit articles for free that will then be read and used by other websites owners.
Queen Elizabeth Cancels Christmas Party. Royal Scrooge Reigns. What she should have done instead and what every business owner can learn from this
Betty Windsor cancels staff Christmas party. Royal scrooge reigns. What she should have done instead.
by Dr. Jeffrey LantYikes!
What can she be thinking of?
It has been announced from Buckingham Palace
(by the Lord Chamberlain Earl Peel) that Her Majesty
the Queen (known to favored intimates as “Betty
Windsor”) has cancelled this year’s staff Christmas
party. Thus are the 600 people who serve her in
myriad capacities deprived of the joy of making
merrie from her privy purse (meaning she pays
for the dainties herself).
Why did she do it?
Lord Peel in his email notification says it’s
because of England’s punk economic condition.
Cynical royal watchers opine that it’s because
the Queen wants to make a point about the
hardships of royal living in advance of
Parliament’s consideration of her civil list,
namely what she gets from the nation for
doing her job. In other words, she’s negotiating
with the government and figures that taking
bon bons from the staff will help achieve her goal
of more money faster.
The reason doesn’t much matter, however. The
plain fact (whatever the reason) is that Her
Royal Majesty is (dare we say it)…. just plain
This Christmas season we need MORE parties…
not fewer for the very reason that so many are
suffering and need a good day out. The Queen
should be doing her bit, not showing the Sugar
Plum fairy the door.
Let’s contrast the Queen’s behavior with that
of Mame Dennis in the smash Broadway musical (and
film), “Mame.” In the depth of the depression,
Mame, her family and staff are glum, decidedly
in the dumps. Instead of canceling Christmas
(like you-know-who) Mame sings “We need a
little Christmas now”… and belts out a festive
song while (at least momentarily) lightening
that load for the people she loves, the people
who know and serve her. In short, challenged
though she is, she does what she can.
It’s a far better thing she does than the tight-lipped
and tighter-fisted Betty Windsor, for the royal decision
(calculated though it may be) brings no joy to
anyone… but her, the very antithesis of the purpose
of Christmas.
We can help in at least two ways
First, contact Buckingham Palace at once,
protesting this silly decision. We KNOW she has
the money…. and if she wants to negotiate with
Prime Minister Cameron for more funds for palace upkeep
and maintenance, fair enough. But let’s not take it out
on the staff… who have to feel hurt and disappointed
at this niggardly decision, stiffer upper lip or not.
Indeed, let’s go farther. Let’s all chip in and turn
a bad decision into a terrific pot-luck. Let’s all
offer to supply a favorite Christmas goodie to her larder,
tagged exclusively for the benefit of her staff. My grandmother’s
Christmas sugar cookies were always a hit back
in Illinois and were shipped to grateful (and expectant)
friends and relatives worldwide; even the crumbs
were treasured. I offer a dozen of these… not least
because my grandmother (born in 1901) was named
after…. you guessed it: Queen Victoria! It seems right
and proper that her cookies go towards helping
Betty out with her difficulties!
Make sure YOU have your own Christmas party…
or invite a few more people to the one you’ve already
Her Majesty’s cancelled Christmas party was budgeted
at 50,000 pounds sterling, about $80,000 USD. That’s
grand indeed. But, remember this about Christmas: it’s
the thought that counts. Rather than cancel the party and
the joy therefrom, Her Majesty should have held it, doing
the best she could with less… just the way the rest of the
world is doing. Just because you can’t have a party with the
grand and imperial flourishes you’d prefer is no reason to (petulantly)
cancel the whole shebang. A party is about the people…
not about whether the champagne is vintage.
Make this Christmas season the one where you discover
the real meaning of the season. It is about sharing… the
good times and the bad… together. It is about offering the
best you can (and can afford) while reaching out to old
friends and new, grateful to see and welcome them, not
to impress, but to re-connect and make it clear that you
Here is where Her Gilded Majesty went right off the rails…
and shows me she needs to have a Tiny Tim remind her
of wherein the true joy and meaning of the season resides:
it is about the sincerity and affection of the gift, not its
lavishness or cost. We need gifts that show what is in
our heart… not our bank account.
Let’s say that the Queen really couldn’t afford the
cost of her party (she’s worth a billion or more, but
let’s not be petty). Who can doubt that if she had done
anything… but done it with real affection and gratitude..
that the event would still have been the highlight
of the year: a gesture of profound sincerity and
consideration. Yes, it would have been touching and
forever remembered. Even with day old doughnuts.
Thus, our first suggestion (given with the utmost
humility) is this: :Queen of England and dominions
over the seas, reinstate your devoted staff’s Christmas
party and resolve that you will do more with less;
above all that you will use the event to radiate
more joy and more happy memories, rather than
do away with them altogether. Use your royal
powers for good, to live the true sentiments of
the season.
And as for the rest of us: let us learn from this
imperial error and use it to enhance our own
Christmas, to make this, because of the misery
around us and an economy doing no better than
mediocre, the best Christmas ever… with the
one and only focus being on how to bring joy
to the most, even if that joy is simply the warmest
and most heartfelt of embraces and the sharing
of yourself. For if you do these things, the true
embodiment of Christmas, you will do more than
a queen…. be she ever so rich and empowered.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online through automation. Attend Dr. Lant’s
live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 17 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com He is also the author of
“Insubstantial Pageant: Ceremony and Confusion at
Queen Victoria’s Court.”
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Smart Tips For Your Personal And Business SuccessToday......Why your company must have a designated nudge to acheive
..Why your company must have a designated nudgeto achieve maximum results.by Dr. Jeffrey Lan tDid you know your company has a open position which needs to be filled at once? The absence of this person is costing you money every single day. That's why you cannot wait another minute to fill this vital post.To help understand what this position is all aboutlet's start at the dictionary:Nudge (nuj) v. nudged, nudging. v. t. To touch orpush gently as with the elbow, in order to attractattention, convey a meaning, etc. v.i. To give anudge. n. The act of nudging; a gentle push as with the elbow. Norw. nugga, push.Frankly, I think the original Norwegian ("nugga") has itright: push. The nudge is your company's designated representative to push employees for more and fasterresults. Why you need a nudgeLet's face it, you're human. You try to set goals. Youtry to reach them in the time provided. You try to do moreand better, right?But somehow you fall behind, miss deadlines, bobble opportunities, fall behind when you should be sprinting ahead. Isn't that about the size of it? Which is why you need a nudge.In a nutshell the job of the nudge is to * check progress on existing projects and objectives* ask how you are getting on with what needs to be done* remind you what needs to be done and whenit must be done* offer incentive for achievement* make it clear what happens when achievement isnot forthcomingAnd, in general, to spur, motivate, challenge, chide -- and push.The nudge must be organized, efficient, focused,indefatigable, with a thick skin Only a person of the utmost efficiency, clarity andorganization can be a nudge. After all, a nudge who falters and fails is hardly going to make a success of the position. Beyond such skills, the nudge must be a personwho, above all, has a thick skin .Nudges are often regarded as people butting in wherethey are not wanted... perfectionists in an imperfect world... annoying, interfering, pesks; in short not the most welcome of creatures.That's why two things are absolutely necessary forthe successful nudge: a thick skin and immunity forwhatever they say.A nudge by definition pushes other employees...and must therefore be protected from the commentsand reactions of other employees Consider this typical situation: Nudge: Mary, as you know your monthly sales figures are a little off. What are you planning to do to get back on track.I guarantee you that Mary is not likely to be very happy when the nudge drops by with this message. However,that is the nudge's job: to get Mary back on track ASAP,to enable both Mary and the company to achieve theirclearly understood goals.Mary may well be inclined to respond with a "getout of here I am fully capable of handling this matter myself" comment.But she cannot and must now.The nudge's job is to remind Mary of what needs to bedone, when it needs to be done, what Mary is doing toachieve the objective, and to give Mary all appropriatehelp and responses, right up to and including warningsand admonitions.SuccessToday..........Why your company must have a designated nudgeto achieve maximum results.by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Did you know, your company has a open position which needs to be filled at once? The absence of this person iscosting you money every single day. That's whyyou cannot wait another minute to fill this vital post.To help understand what this position is all aboutlet's start at the dictionary:Nudge (nuj) v. nudged, nudging. v. t. To touch orpush gently as with the elbow, in order to attract attention, convey a meaning, etc. v.i. To give anudge. n. The act of nudging; a gentle push as with the elbow. Norw. nugga, push.Frankly, I think the original Norwegian ("nugga") has itright: push. The nudge is your company's designated representative to push employees for more and fasterresults. Why you need a nudgeLet's face it, you're human. You try to set goals. Youtry to reach them in the time provided. You try to do moreand better, right?But somehow you fall behind, miss deadlines, bobble opportunities, fall behind when you should be sprinting ahead. Isn't that about the size of it?Which is why you need a nudge.In a nutshell the job of the nudge is to * check progress on existing projects and objectives* ask how you are getting on with what needs to be done* remind you what needs to be done and when it must be done* spur, motivate, challenge, chide -- and push.
More information available at www.homeprofitcoach.com
More information available at www.homeprofitcoach.com
Marketing Slowdown in 2010? Howard Martell Has the Answer for All Companies
Marketing Slowdown in 2010? Howard Martell Has the Answer for All Companies
The economic change that has created a marketing headache for companies has an instant relief pill on the marketplace via the innovative business model of a Virginia based entrepreneur. "I have a complete marketing package that is providing immediate solutions for companies searching for revenue challenges,"said Howard Martell.
Martell is a resident of Virginia Beach and is marketing a complete internet marketing program offering advanced tools, training and resources needed to create a successful presence in the competitive world of internet marketing. "I have a very advanced background in the field of Information Systems Technology via my career of nearly two decades in the US Navy," said Martell, "and I near the retirement chapter of my service to this country I have an option (http://www.homeprofitcoach.com) for long term individual financial security offering companies advanced marketing techniques that features the following:
* TRAFFIC CENTER ... "I can show companies how to deliver massive amounts of traffic via advanced marketing techniques featuring:
- Instant Video / Audio Recording Studio
- Free World Banner Exchange
- Auto Responder Systems
- Classified Advertisement Plug-ins
- Advanced Email Marketing Techniques
* WORLD GRAM REPORTING ... "An advanced online reporting service for clients that specializes in generating 50,000 unique visItors to a URL for free .."
* SafeList Xtreme Advertising System .. "Simply THE BEST system on the marketplace," said Martell, "as one can join for free and receive 50,000 free advertising credits and have the advantage of the following mailing systems:
1) SIMPLE MAILER: Advertisements offered to an entire list once every 5 days for free members with a feature allowing clients with no credits available
2) CREDIT (Point) BASED MAILER: Clients can earn 50,000 credits on a simple enlistment technique while earning credits for reading mail and referring others that runs 5 levels deep
Martell offers 3 different levels of membership services to clients with no long term committments. "I specialize in offering immediate and long term solutions," said Martell, "and have a business commitment to finding a solution that fits inside the budget of interested parties. I offer a FREE, SILVER & PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP with services that include domain sites, online tutorials, advertisement tracking tools, SEO promotional tool kits and an option for 50,000 visitors to an individual companies website. Every company has a unique marketing goal and my wide variety of solutions can bring immediate answers and guidance ranging from one man home based operations to Fortune 100 companies."
All company inquiries should be directed to Mr. Martell's Virginia based office @
* 757-962-2482
* http://www.homeprofitcoach.com
The economic change that has created a marketing headache for companies has an instant relief pill on the marketplace via the innovative business model of a Virginia based entrepreneur. "I have a complete marketing package that is providing immediate solutions for companies searching for revenue challenges,"said Howard Martell.
Martell is a resident of Virginia Beach and is marketing a complete internet marketing program offering advanced tools, training and resources needed to create a successful presence in the competitive world of internet marketing. "I have a very advanced background in the field of Information Systems Technology via my career of nearly two decades in the US Navy," said Martell, "and I near the retirement chapter of my service to this country I have an option (http://www.homeprofitcoach.com) for long term individual financial security offering companies advanced marketing techniques that features the following:
* TRAFFIC CENTER ... "I can show companies how to deliver massive amounts of traffic via advanced marketing techniques featuring:
- Instant Video / Audio Recording Studio
- Free World Banner Exchange
- Auto Responder Systems
- Classified Advertisement Plug-ins
- Advanced Email Marketing Techniques
* WORLD GRAM REPORTING ... "An advanced online reporting service for clients that specializes in generating 50,000 unique visItors to a URL for free .."
* SafeList Xtreme Advertising System .. "Simply THE BEST system on the marketplace," said Martell, "as one can join for free and receive 50,000 free advertising credits and have the advantage of the following mailing systems:
1) SIMPLE MAILER: Advertisements offered to an entire list once every 5 days for free members with a feature allowing clients with no credits available
2) CREDIT (Point) BASED MAILER: Clients can earn 50,000 credits on a simple enlistment technique while earning credits for reading mail and referring others that runs 5 levels deep
Martell offers 3 different levels of membership services to clients with no long term committments. "I specialize in offering immediate and long term solutions," said Martell, "and have a business commitment to finding a solution that fits inside the budget of interested parties. I offer a FREE, SILVER & PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP with services that include domain sites, online tutorials, advertisement tracking tools, SEO promotional tool kits and an option for 50,000 visitors to an individual companies website. Every company has a unique marketing goal and my wide variety of solutions can bring immediate answers and guidance ranging from one man home based operations to Fortune 100 companies."
All company inquiries should be directed to Mr. Martell's Virginia based office @
* 757-962-2482
* http://www.homeprofitcoach.com
Howard Martell: Creating a "Global Force" of Successful for Entrepreneurs via his Business Model
Howard Martell: Creating a "Global Force" of Successful for Entrepreneurs via his Business Model
Carrying on the Navy recruiting slogan of "America's Navy: A Global Force for Good" is an ongoing success story for a Virginia beach entrepreneur in the home based employment employment industry. "I have served this country with honor for nearly two decades," said Howard Martell, "and that same pride is what I am bringing to companies and fellow entrepreneurs daily with my innovative internet marketing business model."
Martell has been an active part of the US Navy for the past 18 years and has reached the rank of an E-6 Information Systems Technician. "The Navy used to have a saying that "This is Not a job but an Adventure," said Martell, "and I will tell anyone that this period of my life has been the finest adventure anyone could have hoped for. I loved my time in the Navy but I am ready for a change and with my long hours of market research and the thumbs up approval of my wife Bonnie I have a business model (http://www.homeprofitcoach.com) that is geared around providing advanced marketing techniques to all companies with two core packages that includes:
* A WORLD CLASS TRAFFIC CENTER .. "If any company needs massive amounts of traffic I can provide the answers," said Martell, "with a package that offers features that include:
1) A Newsletter Creation package
2) Content Management Solutions
3) Video & Audio Recording Solutions
4) Free World Wide Banner Exchange
5) An advanced Auto Response System
6) Classified Advertisement Plug In Technology
7) Banner Exchange Plug-in Implementation
8) An Affiliate and Live Business Center
* 3 LEVELS OF TRAFFIC / ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS .... "Every company has unique goals and different size marketing budgets to work with," said Martell," and that is one of the great things I bring to plate as I can offer different hosting options, leads, landing pages and training options via http://support.worldprofit.com/," said Martell.
Martell is anxious to interface with any entrepreneur that is searching for a new avenue that offers long term security. "Regardless of an individual's background," said Martell, "I have a very simple and powerful career rebuilding option in place that offers very lucrative commission payouts with a business plan geared creating the security that employees are no longer offered. Internet marketing is the key survival mechanism for companies and I have the technology program that will help any company stay one step ahead of their competition while allowing my associates to create their own individual Corporate success stories from their home based offices."
Interested parties should direct all inquiries to:
* HOWARD MARTELL @ 757-962-2482 / http://www.homeprofitcoach.com
Carrying on the Navy recruiting slogan of "America's Navy: A Global Force for Good" is an ongoing success story for a Virginia beach entrepreneur in the home based employment employment industry. "I have served this country with honor for nearly two decades," said Howard Martell, "and that same pride is what I am bringing to companies and fellow entrepreneurs daily with my innovative internet marketing business model."
Martell has been an active part of the US Navy for the past 18 years and has reached the rank of an E-6 Information Systems Technician. "The Navy used to have a saying that "This is Not a job but an Adventure," said Martell, "and I will tell anyone that this period of my life has been the finest adventure anyone could have hoped for. I loved my time in the Navy but I am ready for a change and with my long hours of market research and the thumbs up approval of my wife Bonnie I have a business model (http://www.homeprofitcoach.com) that is geared around providing advanced marketing techniques to all companies with two core packages that includes:
* A WORLD CLASS TRAFFIC CENTER .. "If any company needs massive amounts of traffic I can provide the answers," said Martell, "with a package that offers features that include:
1) A Newsletter Creation package
2) Content Management Solutions
3) Video & Audio Recording Solutions
4) Free World Wide Banner Exchange
5) An advanced Auto Response System
6) Classified Advertisement Plug In Technology
7) Banner Exchange Plug-in Implementation
8) An Affiliate and Live Business Center
* 3 LEVELS OF TRAFFIC / ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS .... "Every company has unique goals and different size marketing budgets to work with," said Martell," and that is one of the great things I bring to plate as I can offer different hosting options, leads, landing pages and training options via http://support.worldprofit.com/," said Martell.
Martell is anxious to interface with any entrepreneur that is searching for a new avenue that offers long term security. "Regardless of an individual's background," said Martell, "I have a very simple and powerful career rebuilding option in place that offers very lucrative commission payouts with a business plan geared creating the security that employees are no longer offered. Internet marketing is the key survival mechanism for companies and I have the technology program that will help any company stay one step ahead of their competition while allowing my associates to create their own individual Corporate success stories from their home based offices."
Interested parties should direct all inquiries to:
* HOWARD MARTELL @ 757-962-2482 / http://www.homeprofitcoach.com
Friday, September 24, 2010
Putting the most powerful word in marketing to work for you!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
There’s a word — a single word — which can fill
your coffers day after day. Smart marketers
triumph with it… while the also-rans scratch
their heads looking for the formula which
invariably yields those golden results.
You’ve simply got to know the word…and how
to use it ….] to make sale after sale and expand your
profits, even in dismal economic times.
Tah-dah! The all-powerful word is "free"!
Smart marketers know that the power of free
NEVER diminishes. People have always wanted…
and they will always want … free stuff.
Your task is to use the power of free to make
sales and increase profits… while not fatally turning
into merely a dispenser of free stuff and nothing more.
Brain storm all the things you give away already
The truth is, right now you’re probably already doing
and/or giving away one thing after another… while not
getting any credit for them whatsoever. Whoa! This is
because you have not brain stormed what you do in
your business. In other words, you are now doing things
that could be leveraged into more sales… but you
either don’t know what they are…or haven’t even begun
to consider how to use them.
Here are some examples:
* free shipping.
* free product use instructions
* free customer service
* toll-free number
* free web site with all kinds of product use
instructions and examples
* free recipe booklet
* free articles
* free newsletter
* free catalog
* free ebook
* free blog
To create this list, you must be thorough and
take pains. This list will alter the way you do
business. You will no longer just do something…
you will do something and leverage it to make
more and faster sales. In short, you’ll market
the most intelligent way!
Sleuthing for List #2
In business to make money? Of course you are! That’s
why you need to start researching how other businesses
use the word "free."
The great thing about business is that you can learn
from what others are doing, starting with but not
limited to people in your particular field. Of course
you want to know what your competitors are giving
away… but don’t think of limiting your researches to
them. Your task is to discover the best uses of "free"
by any company or organization whatsoever.
Keeping everything you find
Question! If you knew that doing something in your
business would produce constant profits, would
you treat that thing with the utmost care? You’re nodding
your head, aren’t you? "I’m no dummy. Of course I would."
But the truth is… despite the fact that you KNOW
"free" works… your "free file" with all the pertinent
examples is still in your head and no where else,
right? Mistake!
Your free file is one of, if not the most important,
file in your business. No wonder! It contains exactly
what you need to profit… whenever you want to
profit. In short, your file and what’s in it are pure,
unadulterated magic.
Use "free" liberally
My dentist has a memorable poster on his wall.
Under a photo of a mouthful of decaying teeth it
says: "floss only the ones you want to keep." Let’s use
the sense of this message to improve your marketing
"Use ‘free" only on days you want to profit"; in other
words, on every single day you’re in business.
Where should you put these offers?
* top of all marketing/sales letters
* email subject lines
* post script on all correspondence
* on business cards
* in brochures
* in your shop windows
* on bags and packing containers.
Get the picture? Use them EVERYWHERE and ALL
the time. You see marketing never stops, and that means
your use of "free" never stops either.
Keep tabs on what works…. and what doesn’t.
It’s important that you know what works… and what
doesn’t… in your marketing. This means always
coding offers and/or (where you cannot tell yourself)
asking folks what they’re responding to. Always ask them!
Have your staff ask! Ask with a smile and get a million-dollar
response, the response that helps you determine what
to do and where to spend your time in future.
And, friend, start now. Don’t wait a single day to increase your
"free" repertoire and your use of this essential and
always special word. Remember, every day you use "free"
is golden!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
There’s a word — a single word — which can fill
your coffers day after day. Smart marketers
triumph with it… while the also-rans scratch
their heads looking for the formula which
invariably yields those golden results.
You’ve simply got to know the word…and how
to use it ….] to make sale after sale and expand your
profits, even in dismal economic times.
Tah-dah! The all-powerful word is "free"!
Smart marketers know that the power of free
NEVER diminishes. People have always wanted…
and they will always want … free stuff.
Your task is to use the power of free to make
sales and increase profits… while not fatally turning
into merely a dispenser of free stuff and nothing more.
Brain storm all the things you give away already
The truth is, right now you’re probably already doing
and/or giving away one thing after another… while not
getting any credit for them whatsoever. Whoa! This is
because you have not brain stormed what you do in
your business. In other words, you are now doing things
that could be leveraged into more sales… but you
either don’t know what they are…or haven’t even begun
to consider how to use them.
Here are some examples:
* free shipping.
* free product use instructions
* free customer service
* toll-free number
* free web site with all kinds of product use
instructions and examples
* free recipe booklet
* free articles
* free newsletter
* free catalog
* free ebook
* free blog
To create this list, you must be thorough and
take pains. This list will alter the way you do
business. You will no longer just do something…
you will do something and leverage it to make
more and faster sales. In short, you’ll market
the most intelligent way!
Sleuthing for List #2
In business to make money? Of course you are! That’s
why you need to start researching how other businesses
use the word "free."
The great thing about business is that you can learn
from what others are doing, starting with but not
limited to people in your particular field. Of course
you want to know what your competitors are giving
away… but don’t think of limiting your researches to
them. Your task is to discover the best uses of "free"
by any company or organization whatsoever.
Keeping everything you find
Question! If you knew that doing something in your
business would produce constant profits, would
you treat that thing with the utmost care? You’re nodding
your head, aren’t you? "I’m no dummy. Of course I would."
But the truth is… despite the fact that you KNOW
"free" works… your "free file" with all the pertinent
examples is still in your head and no where else,
right? Mistake!
Your free file is one of, if not the most important,
file in your business. No wonder! It contains exactly
what you need to profit… whenever you want to
profit. In short, your file and what’s in it are pure,
unadulterated magic.
Use "free" liberally
My dentist has a memorable poster on his wall.
Under a photo of a mouthful of decaying teeth it
says: "floss only the ones you want to keep." Let’s use
the sense of this message to improve your marketing
"Use ‘free" only on days you want to profit"; in other
words, on every single day you’re in business.
Where should you put these offers?
* top of all marketing/sales letters
* email subject lines
* post script on all correspondence
* on business cards
* in brochures
* in your shop windows
* on bags and packing containers.
Get the picture? Use them EVERYWHERE and ALL
the time. You see marketing never stops, and that means
your use of "free" never stops either.
Keep tabs on what works…. and what doesn’t.
It’s important that you know what works… and what
doesn’t… in your marketing. This means always
coding offers and/or (where you cannot tell yourself)
asking folks what they’re responding to. Always ask them!
Have your staff ask! Ask with a smile and get a million-dollar
response, the response that helps you determine what
to do and where to spend your time in future.
And, friend, start now. Don’t wait a single day to increase your
"free" repertoire and your use of this essential and
always special word. Remember, every day you use "free"
is golden!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Recognizing and celebrating your company's unsung heroes by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Right now in your company there are "unsung heroes"
whose quiet dedication and, yes, devotion are keeping
you in business. These are the people who
* don't complain
* are present for work on time
* gladly help out as necessary
* are selfless and always focused on the good of the
business and its employees.
Every business has such people.
Every business relies on them.
Unfortunately, these fortunate businesses often
take such jewels for granted. That will never do.
1) Identify the "unsung heroes" of your company.
The better you know your employees, the easier
selecting your "unsung heroes" will be. When you
come to think about it, you'll know right away who
has done much for you and is deserving of special
2) Have a classy recognition event.
Bringing in a couple of pizzas and saying some
nice words about the employee/s in question may
be ok for ordinary "thanks", but when an "unsung hero" is
being celebrated that is most assuredly not good enough.
3) Say it with silver
For hundreds of years, important occasions have been
celebrated by the presentation of silver objects. Why?
Because silver represents value, permanence, and
something splendid to show family and friends.
Such objects must ALWAYS be sterling (not plate) and
must ALWAYS feature a celebratory inscription:
"For (name) for exemplary service since (date).
From your friends and colleagues at (name of company.)
(date of presentation.)
4) Include a check
Whenever possible, you should also present your "unsung hero"
with a check for at least $1000. Remember, you are recognizing
one of the keys to your success. Reward this valuable person
5) Hold a recognition event
Remember, for the person you are honoring, whatever you
do will quite probably be unique in her life. Thus, if you do
the thing, do the thing right. This means holding some kind of
recognition event. In our busy times, luncheons are recommended.
Have it at a local restaurant with a function room. Make sure to
get your hero's name on the facility's calendar of events .
6) Invite your hero's family and friends
Again, remember that this event will quite probably be
unique in your hero's life. Thus, make it a point to invite
family and friends to attend. Let them see in what regard
you hold the honoree.
7) Get the day declared in her honor
Every public official from the President of the United
States down has the ability to help you recognize your
"unsung hero." How?
At least 30 days before the event send a letter to
* the governor of your state, or
* the mayor of your town, or
* your state representative or state senator.
All of them have resplendent certificates readily available
into which they can insert wording provided by you.
If you ask them to attend your event to present the
certificate themselves, they may well do so! This
provides an extra level of importance.
Note: if the service of your "unsung hero" has been
particularly noteworthy, do not hesitate to write the
president. You may well get a telegram or letter or, even,
(it happens) a phone call from the president himself...
and that would surely make your event notable!
8) Take lots of pictures. Post them on your website.
This is the moment for all shutterbugs. The more
pictures you take, the better. Post them prominently on
your website.
9) Deliver heartfelt, gracious, sincere remarks.
Don't stint on the compliments.
Talk from the heart about this person and what she
has done. Remember, she has been one of the reasons
for your success. Now is the moment to say so with
grace, felicity and warmth. Be sure to record your
words and give these, too, to your star.)
Last Words
We all mean to take the time and trouble to publicly
thank and honor the good folks who keep our company
going. But life has a way of getting away from us. That's
why you need to make honoring your heroes a matter
of priority and importance. They have served you well.
Now do what is called for to recognize them for all their
services. It is right and proper.
Worldprofit, Inc., www.homeprofitcoach.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant's 18 best-selling business books,
go to
whose quiet dedication and, yes, devotion are keeping
you in business. These are the people who
* don't complain
* are present for work on time
* gladly help out as necessary
* are selfless and always focused on the good of the
business and its employees.
Every business has such people.
Every business relies on them.
Unfortunately, these fortunate businesses often
take such jewels for granted. That will never do.
1) Identify the "unsung heroes" of your company.
The better you know your employees, the easier
selecting your "unsung heroes" will be. When you
come to think about it, you'll know right away who
has done much for you and is deserving of special
2) Have a classy recognition event.
Bringing in a couple of pizzas and saying some
nice words about the employee/s in question may
be ok for ordinary "thanks", but when an "unsung hero" is
being celebrated that is most assuredly not good enough.
3) Say it with silver
For hundreds of years, important occasions have been
celebrated by the presentation of silver objects. Why?
Because silver represents value, permanence, and
something splendid to show family and friends.
Such objects must ALWAYS be sterling (not plate) and
must ALWAYS feature a celebratory inscription:
"For (name) for exemplary service since (date).
From your friends and colleagues at (name of company.)
(date of presentation.)
4) Include a check
Whenever possible, you should also present your "unsung hero"
with a check for at least $1000. Remember, you are recognizing
one of the keys to your success. Reward this valuable person
5) Hold a recognition event
Remember, for the person you are honoring, whatever you
do will quite probably be unique in her life. Thus, if you do
the thing, do the thing right. This means holding some kind of
recognition event. In our busy times, luncheons are recommended.
Have it at a local restaurant with a function room. Make sure to
get your hero's name on the facility's calendar of events .
6) Invite your hero's family and friends
Again, remember that this event will quite probably be
unique in your hero's life. Thus, make it a point to invite
family and friends to attend. Let them see in what regard
you hold the honoree.
7) Get the day declared in her honor
Every public official from the President of the United
States down has the ability to help you recognize your
"unsung hero." How?
At least 30 days before the event send a letter to
* the governor of your state, or
* the mayor of your town, or
* your state representative or state senator.
All of them have resplendent certificates readily available
into which they can insert wording provided by you.
If you ask them to attend your event to present the
certificate themselves, they may well do so! This
provides an extra level of importance.
Note: if the service of your "unsung hero" has been
particularly noteworthy, do not hesitate to write the
president. You may well get a telegram or letter or, even,
(it happens) a phone call from the president himself...
and that would surely make your event notable!
8) Take lots of pictures. Post them on your website.
This is the moment for all shutterbugs. The more
pictures you take, the better. Post them prominently on
your website.
9) Deliver heartfelt, gracious, sincere remarks.
Don't stint on the compliments.
Talk from the heart about this person and what she
has done. Remember, she has been one of the reasons
for your success. Now is the moment to say so with
grace, felicity and warmth. Be sure to record your
words and give these, too, to your star.)
Last Words
We all mean to take the time and trouble to publicly
thank and honor the good folks who keep our company
going. But life has a way of getting away from us. That's
why you need to make honoring your heroes a matter
of priority and importance. They have served you well.
Now do what is called for to recognize them for all their
services. It is right and proper.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO ofWorldprofit, Inc., www.homeprofitcoach.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant's 18 best-selling business books,
go to
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Flag this message What if you started using Ezinearticles.com in a similar way to other writing styles?
Dear Fellow Online Marketer,
I ...hate ...writing articles!... to me, it's the least leveragable system to drive traffic online. I barely spend any time on it, and instead focus on other traffic methods (like PPC)...
But then one morning a few months ago it hit me like a ton of bricks...
What if I started using Ezinearticles.com in a similar way to my other writing styles?...
"In fact," I thought "If I could do this, it would shave hours off of my writing time...and with the right experimentation, I could dominate article writing...because no one is doing it this way...
So I got to work...and after a few days of testing, I was shocked at the results..
"In fact," I thought "If I could do this, it would shave hours off of my writing time...and with the right experimentation, I could dominate article writing...because no one is doing it this way...
So I got to work...and after a few days of testing, I was shocked at the results..
"My Articles Were Producing
30% to 70% Clickthru Rates!
But that wasn't enough for me...I had to figure out how to dominate the SEARCH ENGINES by using Ezinearticles very own interlinking structure...
And finally I have done it...
Watch this video to find out more... in it, I reveal The 7 Secrets And How 1 Of Them Actually Works!
And finally I have done it...
Watch this video to find out more... in it, I reveal The 7 Secrets And How 1 Of Them Actually Works!
opy The Exact Same System That Produced 2,000 Visitors, 600+ Leads and $314.00 In One Day...
Dear Fellow Online Marketer,
I ...hate ...Google.
Think about what you have to do to build up a nice income online with Google.
You either have to...
A. Work for months SEO'ing your site, building backlinks, adding new content
B. Pay out the wazoo to get good traffic from the almighty Google.
That's not all folks!
For only another 20 hours of your day, you get to...
Spend several hours doing keyword research...managing your visitors, learn new techniques to stay on top AND for some of you, still work a full time J.O.B.!
And if that wasn't enough, you also run the risk of all your hard work thrown down the Toilet because Google decides to up and change EVERYTHING about how they operate...
Spend several hours doing keyword research...managing your visitors, learn new techniques to stay on top AND for some of you, still work a full time J.O.B.!
And if that wasn't enough, you also run the risk of all your hard work thrown down the Toilet because Google decides to up and change EVERYTHING about how they operate...
"Google Is A Pain In The A$$!"
But what if I told you there was an easier way...
Flag this message Internet Marketing *SLACKER* Shows You Exactly How To Rake It In Like The Heavy Hitters And Earn 'Big Player' Status!
I want to level with you right here, right now.....I'm really super lazy! No, seriously! I don't like putting out more effort than I absolutely have to! I've been just "getting by" for most of my life and in all honesty, it hasn't got me anywhere until recently. Very, very recently.
You see, I discovered some very powerful secrets that all the gurus use to make money online. In fact, once I figured them out, I started making money like it was magic! Well, not exactly magic, but easy enough to where I'm not scratching my head anymore, wondering how in the hell I'm ever going to make any money with my stupid computer.
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about don't you? So what's this have to do with you? Well, simply put...."I'M PAYING IT FORWARD!" That's right...I'm now giving you the opportunity to sit in the driver's seat and see what's it's like to wrap your hands around the wheel of a brand new Ferarri and FEEL THE POWER!
I mean c'mon..that's what we all want isn't it? POWER, FREEDOM, AND STATUS? Don't sweat it...it's ok to admit you want all the best things in life. There's nothing wrong with wanting a new car, a better home or that desperately needed vacation. I mean, who doesn't want to live the "good life" and have everything they need right at their fingertips?
There's Only One Thing That Separates YOU From The "Heavy Hitters"
It's true...all the gurus understand one small principle that allows them to rise above the rest. What is it? DUPLICATION! Simply find something that makes you money and multiply your efforts over and over again. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I DID!
I finally found something I was good at, so I just did it again and again. You know what happened next? The money started flowing! Now it's your turn! It's time for your 15 minutes of fame. Time to start living the life you've always wanted to live! New cars, extravagant homes, private memberships, exotic vacations...It can all be yours right now if you really want it bad enough. Seriously, if a no good, lazy slacker like me can do it, anyone can! So let me ask you....DO YOU WANT IT?
==> You get all the juicy details in this no holds barred system! Flag this message Finally, Combine the Power of Viral Marketing and List Building to Explode Your Email List Growth Virally...
Announcing The Brand New, 6 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You How To...
"Finally, Combine the Power of Viral Marketing and List Building to Explode Your Email List Growth Virally...
Let Others Happily Build Your List For You...Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!"
Dear Friend,
You’ve heard it and yes it’s true. The money is in the list.
If you don't have an email list, then you are missing out on thousands of dollars in profits each and every week. Many business owners make a lot of their money off of their lists, and now you can too. It takes time to build a list if you do it all yourself.
Now I realize that for many of you, time can be an issue. Maybe you can relate to some of these:
Those are all common questions and whatever situation you fit into, you will be on your way to building a faster list while retaining its quality.
...and Yes, you can let others build your list for you, and still have that relationship built with your prospects if it is done right.
==> Viral List Blueprint Details Click Here
You’ve heard it and yes it’s true. The money is in the list.
If you don't have an email list, then you are missing out on thousands of dollars in profits each and every week. Many business owners make a lot of their money off of their lists, and now you can too. It takes time to build a list if you do it all yourself.
Now I realize that for many of you, time can be an issue. Maybe you can relate to some of these:
"I’ve been trying to build my list, but I can’t seem to do it! I've spent countless among countless of hours...What next?"
"I wish I could build my list faster, yet retain the quality of the list"
"I wish I could build my list faster, yet retain the quality of the list"
Those are all common questions and whatever situation you fit into, you will be on your way to building a faster list while retaining its quality.
...and Yes, you can let others build your list for you, and still have that relationship built with your prospects if it is done right.
==> Viral List Blueprint Details Click Here
Sunday, August 29, 2010
5 Unexcelled Ways To Kill Your Business!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
The key to increasing your business profits is to
get your existing customers to buy more faster. The
key to this is simple: Make SURE what you do is
fostering this vital relationship… not killing it.
Once Upon A Time…
The other day, I called what its owners think of
as Boston’s "premier" silver business. You know the
kind: in business since "my grandfather served your
grandfather," all simpering, condescending, and
(fatal) above the doing of "business". Their motto:
"Business is inherited, never earned", a tried and
true prescription for dwindling profits… and
ultimately a "business to let" sign in the window.
Lucky for you this owner’s self-defeating behavior
inspired this article. As a result, even though the
folks who inspired this article may not be saved…
you will be!
1) Be personable and enthusiastic when you
speak with your customers
Is this "elementary, my dear Watson," as Sherlock
Holmes would have said? Absolutely not. Instead of
presenting a bright, chipper persona, too many
business owners and their representatives appear
above your mere business, which they approach
with disinterest, disdain, even dismissal. What’s worse,
the higher you go in the hierarchy, the more of this you
may see — and hear.
Your job, however exalted, is to give the customer
a comfortable and serene experience. Your business
is never merely about what you do; it’s always about
how you do it, including the tone and temperament
with which you approach each customer… the
necessity to be pleasant even if you don’t feel like it.
2) Return Phone Calls
There is nothing that so infuriates customers
(and rightly so) as failure to return calls in a
prompt, professional manner.
In this scenario, the customer calls and
leaves a detailed message which is then..,
ignored. Result? With every passing moment, the
customer gets more and more indignant… while
your chances of repeat business melt.
Cure: return EVERY pending call before the
end of business EACH DAY. If necessary, put a
note on your computer: "I cannot leave until every
customer call has been returned." There would be
a lot less (justifiable) indignation all round if this
was the rule. Make it yours!
3) Keep The Customer Updated
Rome wasn’t built in a day… but I bet Caesar
Augustus was regularly updated on progress. If
it was good enough for the Caesars, it ought
to be good enough for you.
Thus, instead of making your customers chase
you down for (usually rushed and inadequate)
progress reports, be pro-active. Before you leave
your office EVERY DAY, call or e-mail reports.
These should include commentary on the most
important pending items, especially those which
may be most troubling and of greatest interest to
the customer. Doing things this way, providing
reports when least expected, make you the kind of
business person people most like to work with.
4) Live Within The Budget — Or Promptly
Explain Why You Can’t
Want a sure-fire, unbeatable way to kill even
the longest standing customer relationship?
Then over spend a budget… and don’t bother
to tell your customer beforehand, much less
explain matters clearly.
Everyone is touchy about money. No one
ever has enough. Thus, keeping your customer
scrupulously up-to-date on financial issues,
especially where increased expenditure is
necessary is vital. As soon as you have the
facts, inform the customer. Where the sum in
question is significant, call; otherwise, a prompt
email will do.
The point is: it is the customer’s right to have
this information in a timely fashion. And it is
your responsibility to provide it… or else!
5) Thank Early, Sincerely, Tangibly
Have you ever watched the way some business
people "thank" their customers for their life-(and profit) —
making business? No eye contact, perfunctory words,
a palpable wish to get it over — and you out — ASAP.
Maybe this customer was difficult; maybe you’re
just having one of those days when the milk of
human kindness turns sour. Even so, you owe it both
to customer and your prosperity to thank her
properly. If you can do it with true sincerity so much
the better; if not, simulate until you can.
More, whenever possible give your all-important
customer a "little something" extra, the more so if
you have not followed the crucial steps above.
People like bonuses. Add one whenever you can.
Last Words
We all want repeat business. It’s the life blood of
business success. Many people wrongly think that
all you have to do to get it is be good at what you
do. WRONG! You must attend to the "little things",
the things I’ve discussed in this article. After all,
as the song says "little things mean a lot." Your
customer must always be treated with the greatest
possible care and consideration. Empathy is
… which is why I decided to pass on taking my
business to the silver smith mentioned above. He
didn’t earn it.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
The key to increasing your business profits is to
get your existing customers to buy more faster. The
key to this is simple: Make SURE what you do is
fostering this vital relationship… not killing it.
Once Upon A Time…
The other day, I called what its owners think of
as Boston’s "premier" silver business. You know the
kind: in business since "my grandfather served your
grandfather," all simpering, condescending, and
(fatal) above the doing of "business". Their motto:
"Business is inherited, never earned", a tried and
true prescription for dwindling profits… and
ultimately a "business to let" sign in the window.
Lucky for you this owner’s self-defeating behavior
inspired this article. As a result, even though the
folks who inspired this article may not be saved…
you will be!
1) Be personable and enthusiastic when you
speak with your customers
Is this "elementary, my dear Watson," as Sherlock
Holmes would have said? Absolutely not. Instead of
presenting a bright, chipper persona, too many
business owners and their representatives appear
above your mere business, which they approach
with disinterest, disdain, even dismissal. What’s worse,
the higher you go in the hierarchy, the more of this you
may see — and hear.
Your job, however exalted, is to give the customer
a comfortable and serene experience. Your business
is never merely about what you do; it’s always about
how you do it, including the tone and temperament
with which you approach each customer… the
necessity to be pleasant even if you don’t feel like it.
2) Return Phone Calls
There is nothing that so infuriates customers
(and rightly so) as failure to return calls in a
prompt, professional manner.
In this scenario, the customer calls and
leaves a detailed message which is then..,
ignored. Result? With every passing moment, the
customer gets more and more indignant… while
your chances of repeat business melt.
Cure: return EVERY pending call before the
end of business EACH DAY. If necessary, put a
note on your computer: "I cannot leave until every
customer call has been returned." There would be
a lot less (justifiable) indignation all round if this
was the rule. Make it yours!
3) Keep The Customer Updated
Rome wasn’t built in a day… but I bet Caesar
Augustus was regularly updated on progress. If
it was good enough for the Caesars, it ought
to be good enough for you.
Thus, instead of making your customers chase
you down for (usually rushed and inadequate)
progress reports, be pro-active. Before you leave
your office EVERY DAY, call or e-mail reports.
These should include commentary on the most
important pending items, especially those which
may be most troubling and of greatest interest to
the customer. Doing things this way, providing
reports when least expected, make you the kind of
business person people most like to work with.
4) Live Within The Budget — Or Promptly
Explain Why You Can’t
Want a sure-fire, unbeatable way to kill even
the longest standing customer relationship?
Then over spend a budget… and don’t bother
to tell your customer beforehand, much less
explain matters clearly.
Everyone is touchy about money. No one
ever has enough. Thus, keeping your customer
scrupulously up-to-date on financial issues,
especially where increased expenditure is
necessary is vital. As soon as you have the
facts, inform the customer. Where the sum in
question is significant, call; otherwise, a prompt
email will do.
The point is: it is the customer’s right to have
this information in a timely fashion. And it is
your responsibility to provide it… or else!
5) Thank Early, Sincerely, Tangibly
Have you ever watched the way some business
people "thank" their customers for their life-(and profit) —
making business? No eye contact, perfunctory words,
a palpable wish to get it over — and you out — ASAP.
Maybe this customer was difficult; maybe you’re
just having one of those days when the milk of
human kindness turns sour. Even so, you owe it both
to customer and your prosperity to thank her
properly. If you can do it with true sincerity so much
the better; if not, simulate until you can.
More, whenever possible give your all-important
customer a "little something" extra, the more so if
you have not followed the crucial steps above.
People like bonuses. Add one whenever you can.
Last Words
We all want repeat business. It’s the life blood of
business success. Many people wrongly think that
all you have to do to get it is be good at what you
do. WRONG! You must attend to the "little things",
the things I’ve discussed in this article. After all,
as the song says "little things mean a lot." Your
customer must always be treated with the greatest
possible care and consideration. Empathy is
… which is why I decided to pass on taking my
business to the silver smith mentioned above. He
didn’t earn it.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
Millionaire Bootcamp Video Reveals How To Get Really Rich
- Sunday, August 01, 2010
PLUS.. Daily Tips, Internet Articles, and Much More!
Visit http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com
Publisher: Howard Martell
Unabashed Capitalist? Millionaire Bootcamp Video
Reveals How To Get Really Rich.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
I'm a self-made multi-millionaire. I'm sharing
this fact with you not to brag, but to let you
know that when it comes to making money I know
what I'm talking about.
A good part of my fortune came from learning
how to profit online. Unfortunately, I didn't
have a mentor. I had to learn the ropes by
myself through trial and error.
Fortunately, you don't have to do it the same,
inefficient way. You can get into the Millionaire
Bootcamp, the world's only professional course
designed for people who want to stay home and
get rich using the Internet.
Meet Worldprofit.com and Self-Made Multi-
Millionaire George Kosch
The Millionaire Bootcamp is offered by Worldprofit.com.
You probably already know about Worldprofit.com.
Since 1994 they've assisted thousands of business
people and entrepreneurs learn to use the Internet
to profit. To these folks they've offered domain
hosting, custom website design, and a line of low-
cost, easy-to-use, no-software-to-download video
Having developed these video services, they decided
to check out who online was offering real people
like you and me the detailed information they
needed to get rich. George Kosch, inventor of some
of the most useful applications for business
online, did a detailed search online for money-
making training programs. The results were dismal.
No one was offering the kind of step-by-step help
aspiring millionaires need to get rich. Result:
Worldprofit.com under George Kosch created the
Millionaire Bootcamp.
100% Of Millionaire Bootcamp Graduates Make
Money. You Will Make Money, Too -- GUARANTEED
By Worldprofit.com.
The Millionaire Bootcamp is just that. It's a
place you go learn the fundamental information
you need to get rich using the Internet. Twice
weekly Instructor George Kosch (remember he's
a self-made Internet multi-millionaire) delivers
live fact-filled presentations on making money
and building wealth.
Don't worry if you miss the live presentation.
It's recorded for instant 24/7 access worldwide.
All you need is an Internet connection.
I can vouch for these presentations. Despite
the fact that I'm a multi-millionaire myself, I
never miss one. Attending these programs gives
me ideas and keeps me in peak money-making
condition. They pay constant rewards.
However, what's really great about the Millionaire
Bootcamp is not just the superior quality of
the presentations. It's the fact that you get
constant support and professional oversight as
you work towards your goal. You learn what to
do, then get help as you get out there and do it.
As a result, you're making money even before you
finish the course. What's more, your continuing
success as a graduate is guaranteed. This is a
100% hands-on, results-oriented program in making
money, pure and simple.
Ask For Your Free Millionaire Bootcamp Video Today
If you are tired of being one of the 3.5 billion+
people worldwide who are not millionaires, who
aren't rich, and aren't living accordingly, request
your free Millionaire Bootcamp video now. Watch
it, then get into the Millionaire Bootcamp.
To claim your free video, just register here.
If you think the world owes you a living and
you're not willing to work, don't ask for the video.
You're not millionaire material. But if you are,
contact me now for your free video and to get into the
Millionaire Bootcamp today. I'm standing by to help you now.
Howard Martell, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant
==> Call me at 7579622482
==> Email me at hmartell29@yahoo.com
==> Visit my online office at www.HomeProfitCoach.com
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room
(C) HomeProfitCoach.com 2010 All Rights Reserved.
- Sunday, August 01, 2010
PLUS.. Daily Tips, Internet Articles, and Much More!
Visit http://www.HomeProfitCoach.com
Publisher: Howard Martell
Unabashed Capitalist? Millionaire Bootcamp Video
Reveals How To Get Really Rich.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
I'm a self-made multi-millionaire. I'm sharing
this fact with you not to brag, but to let you
know that when it comes to making money I know
what I'm talking about.
A good part of my fortune came from learning
how to profit online. Unfortunately, I didn't
have a mentor. I had to learn the ropes by
myself through trial and error.
Fortunately, you don't have to do it the same,
inefficient way. You can get into the Millionaire
Bootcamp, the world's only professional course
designed for people who want to stay home and
get rich using the Internet.
Meet Worldprofit.com and Self-Made Multi-
Millionaire George Kosch
The Millionaire Bootcamp is offered by Worldprofit.com.
You probably already know about Worldprofit.com.
Since 1994 they've assisted thousands of business
people and entrepreneurs learn to use the Internet
to profit. To these folks they've offered domain
hosting, custom website design, and a line of low-
cost, easy-to-use, no-software-to-download video
Having developed these video services, they decided
to check out who online was offering real people
like you and me the detailed information they
needed to get rich. George Kosch, inventor of some
of the most useful applications for business
online, did a detailed search online for money-
making training programs. The results were dismal.
No one was offering the kind of step-by-step help
aspiring millionaires need to get rich. Result:
Worldprofit.com under George Kosch created the
Millionaire Bootcamp.
100% Of Millionaire Bootcamp Graduates Make
Money. You Will Make Money, Too -- GUARANTEED
By Worldprofit.com.
The Millionaire Bootcamp is just that. It's a
place you go learn the fundamental information
you need to get rich using the Internet. Twice
weekly Instructor George Kosch (remember he's
a self-made Internet multi-millionaire) delivers
live fact-filled presentations on making money
and building wealth.
Don't worry if you miss the live presentation.
It's recorded for instant 24/7 access worldwide.
All you need is an Internet connection.
I can vouch for these presentations. Despite
the fact that I'm a multi-millionaire myself, I
never miss one. Attending these programs gives
me ideas and keeps me in peak money-making
condition. They pay constant rewards.
However, what's really great about the Millionaire
Bootcamp is not just the superior quality of
the presentations. It's the fact that you get
constant support and professional oversight as
you work towards your goal. You learn what to
do, then get help as you get out there and do it.
As a result, you're making money even before you
finish the course. What's more, your continuing
success as a graduate is guaranteed. This is a
100% hands-on, results-oriented program in making
money, pure and simple.
Ask For Your Free Millionaire Bootcamp Video Today
If you are tired of being one of the 3.5 billion+
people worldwide who are not millionaires, who
aren't rich, and aren't living accordingly, request
your free Millionaire Bootcamp video now. Watch
it, then get into the Millionaire Bootcamp.
To claim your free video, just register here.
If you think the world owes you a living and
you're not willing to work, don't ask for the video.
You're not millionaire material. But if you are,
contact me now for your free video and to get into the
Millionaire Bootcamp today. I'm standing by to help you now.
Howard Martell, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant
==> Call me at 7579622482
==> Email me at hmartell29@yahoo.com
==> Visit my online office at www.HomeProfitCoach.com
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room
(C) HomeProfitCoach.com 2010 All Rights Reserved.
How to turn your child into a GUARANTEED Millionaire
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Do you love your children?
Would you do anything to ensure their life-long
Of course, you say!
Then, why aren’t you instructing them in how to
get RICH?
The plain fact is, the overwhelming majority of
parents have a "que sera sera" approach to
the crucial business of training their children
in GUARANTEED wealth building. This is a HUGE
error. Instructing your children in how to get rich
has at least as much or an even greater pay-off than
any immunization, sports mastery, or school
degree. Yet you’re currently not doing anything
about it!
That needs to change at once.
1) Start as early as age 5.
Becoming a GUARANTEED millionaire is as
much a function of time as anything else. Thus,
the earlier you get started instilling good wealth-
building habits, the better. Five is an excellent
place to start! Kids already older than five? Don’t
give up on that account! Just because you can’t
start at the ideal time doesn’t mean you
shouldn’t start at all.
2) Make wealth-building a game.
Growing a fortune means developing good
habits. But just because they’re good doesn’t
mean they have to be dull or onerous. Set
aside time each week for the "Let’s make
Bobby rich" game. Make getting rich light,
fun, and a great opportunity to get to know
your child better.
3) Explain the mission
Even 5 year olds understand that living well
has lots of advantages. More of this, more of
that. Your job is to show them how good
financial habits deliver the goodies — for life.
4) Open the pot with a couple of bucks
To start your child’s financial education and
the good wealth-building habits of a lifetime,
start off by putting just $5 in the pot. Make
it clear that this number will be steadily
augmented as the child helps around the
house: 10 cents for making the bed… an
extra quarter for walking the dog. It’s
essential that the child’s desire for "more"
be whetted as soon as possible and that
you incentivize as much as possible.
Never just give an allowance. Earning is
necessary in the real world… and the sooner
your children understand this, the better!
5) Put the money in the bank
As soon as possible, open a bank account in
your child’s name. Call the bank to ascertain
the minimum for this all-important first account.
Then go to the bank.
Make this trip an event. Dress up. Explain you’re
talking your darling to a VERY important place.
Make sure to say these people are helpful and
want to be your friend and help you achieve a
better life.
Note: call ahead to see who will be available
to see you. Explain what you’re doing. Bankers
are human, too (really!) and can get into the
spirit of this enterprise. After all, you’re bringing
future customers!
More: if you have several children, make sure
to bring the others with you. These visits are good
for refining manners and getting live account
6) Switch from bank savings accounts to
no-load mutual funds as soon as you have
the minimum in your account.
No load mutual funds (with automatic dividend
and income reinvestment) are a better way to
grow capital than mere savings accounts. Before
switching, talk to your banker about what he may
have available. ALWAYS take your children
with you when these discussions occur. The
more familiar they are with what’s happening with
their money, the better.
7) Don’t stop your meetings and don’t touch
the capital!
We have a useful expression here in frugal New
England: "Start as you mean to go on." What
that means is, make time for this all-important
financial education. Don’t stop because you miss
a week, or even a month. That’s what they say
in diet classes… and the same is true here.
Remember, what you’re doing is essential for
your child’s well-being.
One More Thing
In so far as humanly possible, DON’T touch your
child’s capital, even for college. A college education
is NOT the objective. Being rich is. That means
regarding your capital as sacred.
Follow these steps, and you’ll have the satisfaction
of seeing your child rich, a bona fide millionaire.
Guaranteed! Uncork the champagne. You’ve earned
it. Your children are lucky to have such excellent
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Get a FREE COPY of my new 18th book
The Ten (Woefully Common) Mistakes Killing
Your Internet Business & What You Can Do
About Them! $29.95 retail value.
Go to www.worldprofitassociates.com and log in.
To talk live, go to www.jeffreylant.com or phone
617 547 6372 (Eastern time). While there, click
on Photo Gallery for the tour.
Would you do anything to ensure their life-long
Of course, you say!
Then, why aren’t you instructing them in how to
get RICH?
The plain fact is, the overwhelming majority of
parents have a "que sera sera" approach to
the crucial business of training their children
in GUARANTEED wealth building. This is a HUGE
error. Instructing your children in how to get rich
has at least as much or an even greater pay-off than
any immunization, sports mastery, or school
degree. Yet you’re currently not doing anything
about it!
That needs to change at once.
1) Start as early as age 5.
Becoming a GUARANTEED millionaire is as
much a function of time as anything else. Thus,
the earlier you get started instilling good wealth-
building habits, the better. Five is an excellent
place to start! Kids already older than five? Don’t
give up on that account! Just because you can’t
start at the ideal time doesn’t mean you
shouldn’t start at all.
2) Make wealth-building a game.
Growing a fortune means developing good
habits. But just because they’re good doesn’t
mean they have to be dull or onerous. Set
aside time each week for the "Let’s make
Bobby rich" game. Make getting rich light,
fun, and a great opportunity to get to know
your child better.
3) Explain the mission
Even 5 year olds understand that living well
has lots of advantages. More of this, more of
that. Your job is to show them how good
financial habits deliver the goodies — for life.
4) Open the pot with a couple of bucks
To start your child’s financial education and
the good wealth-building habits of a lifetime,
start off by putting just $5 in the pot. Make
it clear that this number will be steadily
augmented as the child helps around the
house: 10 cents for making the bed… an
extra quarter for walking the dog. It’s
essential that the child’s desire for "more"
be whetted as soon as possible and that
you incentivize as much as possible.
Never just give an allowance. Earning is
necessary in the real world… and the sooner
your children understand this, the better!
5) Put the money in the bank
As soon as possible, open a bank account in
your child’s name. Call the bank to ascertain
the minimum for this all-important first account.
Then go to the bank.
Make this trip an event. Dress up. Explain you’re
talking your darling to a VERY important place.
Make sure to say these people are helpful and
want to be your friend and help you achieve a
better life.
Note: call ahead to see who will be available
to see you. Explain what you’re doing. Bankers
are human, too (really!) and can get into the
spirit of this enterprise. After all, you’re bringing
future customers!
More: if you have several children, make sure
to bring the others with you. These visits are good
for refining manners and getting live account
6) Switch from bank savings accounts to
no-load mutual funds as soon as you have
the minimum in your account.
No load mutual funds (with automatic dividend
and income reinvestment) are a better way to
grow capital than mere savings accounts. Before
switching, talk to your banker about what he may
have available. ALWAYS take your children
with you when these discussions occur. The
more familiar they are with what’s happening with
their money, the better.
7) Don’t stop your meetings and don’t touch
the capital!
We have a useful expression here in frugal New
England: "Start as you mean to go on." What
that means is, make time for this all-important
financial education. Don’t stop because you miss
a week, or even a month. That’s what they say
in diet classes… and the same is true here.
Remember, what you’re doing is essential for
your child’s well-being.
One More Thing
In so far as humanly possible, DON’T touch your
child’s capital, even for college. A college education
is NOT the objective. Being rich is. That means
regarding your capital as sacred.
Follow these steps, and you’ll have the satisfaction
of seeing your child rich, a bona fide millionaire.
Guaranteed! Uncork the champagne. You’ve earned
it. Your children are lucky to have such excellent
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to www.jeffreylant.com
Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Get a FREE COPY of my new 18th book
The Ten (Woefully Common) Mistakes Killing
Your Internet Business & What You Can Do
About Them! $29.95 retail value.
Go to www.worldprofitassociates.com and log in.
To talk live, go to www.jeffreylant.com or phone
617 547 6372 (Eastern time). While there, click
on Photo Gallery for the tour.
If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it!
Warning! This Is The Best News You've Ever Had About The Internet
Warning! This Is The Best News You've Ever
Had About The Internet
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Friend, I've got something very, very good
to tell you about the Internet and how you
can make money online -- whatever business you're
You know and I know that millions of people,
probably including you, have been having a
real hard go of it online. How long have you
been attempting to make some solid, predictable
money from the net? A few weeks? Months? Even
The plain truth is that people worldwide are
trying -- and failing -- right now to profit.
When they sit down at the computer, they don't
know what to do. Instead of making money, all
they're doing is wasting time.
That's where my stupendous good news comes in.
Meet George Kosch -- Your Best Friend Online
You may not be familiar with the name George Kosch,
but he's the guy who's been working overtime to
ensure that the Internet pays off for you. Before
I tell you what he's done for you, I'm going to
take a minute to tell you a little about him.
In a word, George is BRILLIANT! He's a trained
mathematician and physicist. He's also a former
Canadian Air Force Officer, a man whose assignment
was teaching top-gun pilots how to fly the
latest high-performance air craft. An early
convert to the Internet (back when almost no one
had heard of it), George saw the universal
potential in this exciting new medium. Using
his software skills, he invented some of the
top applications for business success.
One of the things he invented was a line of
low-cost, easy-to-use, no-software-to-download
video services. This opened a whole new area
for business growth and services, including
exemplary training.
Enter The Millionaire Bootcamp
Once the means of delivering worldwide training
by video had been perfected, George created the
world's first program exclusively designed for
people like you and me, people who want to use
the Internet for make money but just didn't know
how. George called his amazing training program
the Millionaire Bootcamp, and in short order
there were over 1000 people worldwide enrolled!
Now, twice weekly Chief Instructor Kosch delivers
live presentations delivering the factual details
you need for consistent online success. Specifically,
the Millionaire Bootcamp focuses on what you have
to do to make at least $100,000 a year online.
100% Of Millionaire Bootcamp Graduates Are Profiting
Online -- YOU Will Profit Online, Too. Guaranteed!
What makes the Millionaire Bootcamp so successful
is not just the consistently high calibre of the
presentations. Instead, it's the fact that you not
only learn what to do, but go out, under your
instructor's guidance, to implement what you've
learned. The Millionaire Bootcamp delivers success
because you learn what to do -- then do it,
with your pro-active instructor intervening as
necessary to keep you focused and GRADUATING!
It cannot be sufficient stressed that 100% of
Millionaire Bootcamp Graduates make money online --
guaranteed by George Kosch and his company,
Claim Your Place In The Millionaire Bootcamp
($599.95 Value) FREE Today!
What would you pay for a chance to be in the
Millionaire Bootcamp and learn exactly how to
profit online getting hands-on assistance all
the way? Whatever you answered, the plain fact
is that George Kosch has authorized me to GIVE
you a free place in the Millionaire Bootcamp so
long as you respond today.
To do so, just register here.
Just 5 MINUTES from now, you can be enrolled in
the Millionaire Bootcamp, on your way to making
money -- GUARANTEED. Email me now and get started.
Howard Martell, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant
==> Call me at 7579622482
==> Email me at hmartell29@yahoo.com
==> Visit my online office at www.HomeProfitCoach.com
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room
Had About The Internet
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Friend, I've got something very, very good
to tell you about the Internet and how you
can make money online -- whatever business you're
You know and I know that millions of people,
probably including you, have been having a
real hard go of it online. How long have you
been attempting to make some solid, predictable
money from the net? A few weeks? Months? Even
The plain truth is that people worldwide are
trying -- and failing -- right now to profit.
When they sit down at the computer, they don't
know what to do. Instead of making money, all
they're doing is wasting time.
That's where my stupendous good news comes in.
Meet George Kosch -- Your Best Friend Online
You may not be familiar with the name George Kosch,
but he's the guy who's been working overtime to
ensure that the Internet pays off for you. Before
I tell you what he's done for you, I'm going to
take a minute to tell you a little about him.
In a word, George is BRILLIANT! He's a trained
mathematician and physicist. He's also a former
Canadian Air Force Officer, a man whose assignment
was teaching top-gun pilots how to fly the
latest high-performance air craft. An early
convert to the Internet (back when almost no one
had heard of it), George saw the universal
potential in this exciting new medium. Using
his software skills, he invented some of the
top applications for business success.
One of the things he invented was a line of
low-cost, easy-to-use, no-software-to-download
video services. This opened a whole new area
for business growth and services, including
exemplary training.
Enter The Millionaire Bootcamp
Once the means of delivering worldwide training
by video had been perfected, George created the
world's first program exclusively designed for
people like you and me, people who want to use
the Internet for make money but just didn't know
how. George called his amazing training program
the Millionaire Bootcamp, and in short order
there were over 1000 people worldwide enrolled!
Now, twice weekly Chief Instructor Kosch delivers
live presentations delivering the factual details
you need for consistent online success. Specifically,
the Millionaire Bootcamp focuses on what you have
to do to make at least $100,000 a year online.
100% Of Millionaire Bootcamp Graduates Are Profiting
Online -- YOU Will Profit Online, Too. Guaranteed!
What makes the Millionaire Bootcamp so successful
is not just the consistently high calibre of the
presentations. Instead, it's the fact that you not
only learn what to do, but go out, under your
instructor's guidance, to implement what you've
learned. The Millionaire Bootcamp delivers success
because you learn what to do -- then do it,
with your pro-active instructor intervening as
necessary to keep you focused and GRADUATING!
It cannot be sufficient stressed that 100% of
Millionaire Bootcamp Graduates make money online --
guaranteed by George Kosch and his company,
Claim Your Place In The Millionaire Bootcamp
($599.95 Value) FREE Today!
What would you pay for a chance to be in the
Millionaire Bootcamp and learn exactly how to
profit online getting hands-on assistance all
the way? Whatever you answered, the plain fact
is that George Kosch has authorized me to GIVE
you a free place in the Millionaire Bootcamp so
long as you respond today.
To do so, just register here.
Just 5 MINUTES from now, you can be enrolled in
the Millionaire Bootcamp, on your way to making
money -- GUARANTEED. Email me now and get started.
Howard Martell, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant
==> Call me at 7579622482
==> Email me at hmartell29@yahoo.com
==> Visit my online office at www.HomeProfitCoach.com
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room
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